New to game

  • Hi all
    I’m new to the game in fact I’m new to Xbox (ps4 player but wanted to try some xbox exclusives as I’m bored). I’m 36 playing most days in the uk.

    I have been playing the game for around 2 hours and so far it seems like a good game that I could put a lot of hours into, sadly so far I really have no idea what’s going on in the game.

    I turned it on and chose a pirate, I then did the “go to key guy” and the “buy a new clothing item” and then it said go to your ship and that’s where it all got weird!
    I was on my ship and there were no more totorial tips so I didn’t know what to do, I put one of the contracts i got into the table but it didn’t show me where to go or explain what the contract was, I then found the map which didn’t show any waypoint until I clicked on one so had no idea where to go or what to do.
    Before I had a chance to try and figure things out 3 more people joined and started shouting orders so I just did what was being voiced out - like raise sails, head north etc.
    After visiting a few islands (these people seemed to know where to go) and seeing them running around with chests while I was constantly running around trying to keep up with them and dying or getting lost lol - these 3 people all had “pirate legend” as a title so I thought I was in good hands.
    After a little while and still none the wiser of how to find chests or where to go or even why it’s being done except to buy new clothes I killed 2 red named skeletons (all the enemies are skeletons or snakes so far) oh and a big shark and then got a message from one of the guys saying “if you don’t start doing something we will brig you”, a bit confused seeing how for the last 2 hours I had been running around killing things loading the canons while under a shark attack, bailing water, raising sails, changing the angle, lowering the anchor etc etc (my pirate must be the fittest pirate ever to exist!) like I said I was confused so messaged the sod back and quit the game - if all of the seasoned players are like this then I don’t know if I can be bothered to even try to figure the game out.

    Anyway any tips would be most appreciated or even just someone to hold my hand 😂😂

    I can sail the ship no problems, I’ve worked out that every island seems to have a chest or 2 hidden somewhere and some bounties (red named skeletons) that drop skulls when killed and that’s about it. I still have no idea if your character levels up?, do you actually have your own ship or is it just a randomly generated one each time you log in?, are the weapons more powerful the more they cost?, are the islands level based?

    So many questions......... I’m sorry if all this is answered elsewhere on the forums but I just thought instead of spending hours searching for answers to each question I could just post a general “my story so far” and beg for help

    Thanks all

  • 13
  • @medievil-eagle
    Hey mate, I posted on here earlier today too. Looking for new players to join up with and start fresh (I’m a complete noob, haven’t even loaded the game up yet) but I’m eager to give it a try... much like you I’m a PS4 guy but wanted to give this Xbox game pass a shot!
    I’m 32 from the UK and will be starting SoT on this coming Saturday evening... do you think you’ll be about then for a few hours of gameplay?
    Let me know your thoughts, cheers mate!

  • Sounds like a plan buddy.
    I watched a few YouTube videos last night to try and see where I was going wrong, they helped a little.

    I’ll go and grab a headset today as it seems talking to each other is key.

  • @medievil-eagle

    Ahoy there and welcome to the seas!

    You may find that this thread has some guides and tips useful for new pirates which also outlines details about what the game is intended to be, alongside that we also have a dedicated Guides and Tips section!

    There are also a number of Fleets and groups who are happy to welcome new pirates and pass on their wealth of knowledge and experience, these can be found mostly in the Find a Crew section

  • @medievil-eagle
    Good stuff! I also need a headset that works on Xbox, so il grab one myself too and send you across an invite on Saturday mate! Looking forward to it. See you then.

  • @katttruewalker thanks I will check the page out

  • Dude sorry you had that experience.were not all like that my friend,you'd be more than welcome on my ship anytime,I just dig it when people have fun with it.i feel people should be more understanding of new players,I'm no legend yet and there's still a bunch I'm learning,but I would gladly pass on all I know thus x box as well mate,shoot me an addie

  • Oh my god! He doesn't know yet! HE DOESN'T KNOW!!!!! giggle

    Do NOT ruin this.. nobody tell him ANYTHING!

    Welcome to the Royal Nonesuch Eagle!

    (T-minus 2 gaming days till it cues the Jodie Foster & a pinball machine flashbacks)

  • @damaged-mind hey, add me Apoc37. Im a PL 10 and will help with anything. There is so much to do and see. Its an amazing game. Oh and Im older then you.....a lot.

  • run solo sloop until you figure some stuff out if you don't have anybody willing to show you the ropes. youtube is your friend.

    I'm always nice to new players and like giving them guidance as long as they are willing to listen. i'm definitely the minority- most people will be frustrated that you aren't "gud"

  • @medievil-eagle
    You are always welcome to join us , i have a very Great Captain who has set up a Pirate training academy in wich new people can learn without any kind of stress on how this game works and how totally different this game is compared to other games...Unfortunately i don't have the link in wich you can read more but that's no problem, i use the Magical @, and that little thing will get you what you possibly may need...Mr J4dio , Mr J4diooooo!!! @J4dio ...Can you help this person further , please? Oh , and before you would think that i'm enlisting you in a clan or Fleet , then i can say that you are wrong...We try to get Pirates to get aqcainted with ship and the world that surrounds them and from there we set you free on a world in wich you at least know what to do and what to expect ,so no enlisting...Your Freedom stays untouched...

  • @medievil-eagle I believe Clumsy may have summoned me here lol.... Yes feel free to check out The Olds Salts Academy, relaxed, laid back, friendly bunch we are..... Always eager to help new pirates become the stuff of Legends:

  • Welcome to the Sea Of Thieves!

3 out of 13