SDCC - Face paint, earthquakes, geysers, lava, ship customisation, cooking and everything that will come in Sea of Thieves

  • @amancebacabras as far as I remember, no. They were just answering the questions the community asked them. There was one question about if they would allow us to dye our clothes but they didn't answer to that one unfortunately.

    Anyway, they said multiple times their goal is to allow us to express ourself as we want in the game and they want everyone to have a unique character.

  • and one of the question was refering to a facepait that one of the pictures show and they said that is something that they are working on, so that players have more options to coustomize.

    and im pretty sure that ther will be more stuff in the future like earrings or necklaces etc.

  • @skulliah a dit dans SDCC - Face paint, earthquakes, geysers, lava, ship customisation, cooking and everything that will come in Sea of Thieves :


    Can someone detail what they said? I actually saw the mixer vid but I'm not english and actually cant understand well what he said after the hair bug problem.

    They said hair customisation is definitely coming into the game and they are actively working on it. They want people to show up as they want in the game. You'll keep your original hair but they are adding a way to dye them and you'll be able to choose between different tones that fit best for you.

    I've forgot to mention that one, I'm adding it to my original post :)


    Do you know if they will finally add new pirate creation tool instead of the IPG and a way to change our character?

  • @nic727 no i think the IPG will not change but the ways you can customize the char ingame.
    maybe when the Real Money stuff comes in there will be a char regenerate token or so

  • @nic727

    Do you know if they will finally add new pirate creation tool instead of the IPG and a way to change our character?

    They didn't speak about changing their characters creation. With the IPG everyone has a different character from the others, in a same way that each human being is unique. I don't think they will change this creation tool but they will probably introduce more ways to customise our characters :)

  • @saskeks dijo en SDCC - Face paint, earthquakes, geysers, lava, ship customisation, cooking and everything that will come in Sea of Thieves:

    maybe when the Real Money stuff comes in there will be a char regenerate token or so

    This, cause I dont want a proper creator, but I want more trys at the ipg...

  • @skulliah

    This is brilliant and thanks so much for putting it together, having a thread here on the forums we can refer to is awesome :)

  • @katttruewalker thanks :D I know it's not really easy for everyone to stay up to date with everything announced during events or on social networks :)

    I'll have more threads like that to share soon to help everyone 😊

  • @skulliah sagte in SDCC - Face paint, earthquakes, geysers, lava, ship customisation, cooking and everything that will come in Sea of Thieves:

    @katttruewalker thanks :D I know it's not really easy for everyone to stay up to date with everything announced during events or on social networks :)

    I'll have more threads like that to share soon to help everyone 😊

    yeah thats right, i read 2 days ago that a player shared the discovery he did that snakes can be calmed down with music xD

  • @saskeks

    i read 2 days ago that a player shared the discovery he did that snakes can be calmed down with music xD

    Many peoples don't know this lifesaver but I'm always happy to teach them the ropes in-game, that's what I really like in Sea of Thieves :D

  • @captain-surgee
    That's a bit less accurate though (including load times and times left on the main menu while you have lunch etc)... and does it track each individual profile? Or is it time played for everyone on the console? (I'm the only one who plays in my household so I don't know).

  • @skulliah Fine work matey, thank you!

  • @quixoticrocket It's per profile. You can compare stats with your friends.

  • @skulliah said in SDCC - Face paint, earthquakes, geysers, lava, ship customisation, cooking and everything that will come in Sea of Thieves:

    @sshteeve Devil's Roar looks soooo amazing, I'm really excited for this update!

    Have you seen it mate?

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in SDCC - Face paint, earthquakes, geysers, lava, ship customisation, cooking and everything that will come in Sea of Thieves:

    @skulliah said in SDCC - Face paint, earthquakes, geysers, lava, ship customisation, cooking and everything that will come in Sea of Thieves:

    @sshteeve Devil's Roar looks soooo amazing, I'm really excited for this update!

    Have you seen it mate?

    From what the devs have said, Devil's Roar looks promising!

  • So, no one asked about "Fall Snails"?

  • @el-dunco hahaha no unfortunately, they just said a team was working on a december update :D

  • @skulliah said in SDCC - Face paint, earthquakes, geysers, lava, ship customisation, cooking and everything that will come in Sea of Thieves:

    @sgt-palooggoo said in SDCC - Face paint, earthquakes, geysers, lava, ship customisation, cooking and everything that will come in Sea of Thieves:

    @skulliah said in SDCC - Face paint, earthquakes, geysers, lava, ship customisation, cooking and everything that will come in Sea of Thieves:

    @sshteeve Devil's Roar looks soooo amazing, I'm really excited for this update!

    Have you seen it mate?

    From what the devs have said, Devil's Roar looks promising!

    Alright then, I gotta say:
    Boiling water, geysers and volcanic eruptions sound pretty awesome!
    Not mention the rowboat.

  • @williamherschel said in SDCC - Face paint, earthquakes, geysers, lava, ship customisation, cooking and everything that will come in Sea of Thieves:

    @skulliah said in SDCC - Face paint, earthquakes, geysers, lava, ship customisation, cooking and everything that will come in Sea of Thieves:

    @williamherschel the thing is, ship captaincy has been postponed to bring more content with THD, Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores. The pipeline for Forsaken Shores is probably already full, so that's why they are not talking about fishing, naming our ship or other features they want to bring. They won't announced something not fully planned yet. We know they have a team working for a december update but they have just started prototyping their ideas. Now that Forsaken Shores is fully planned they are starting to reveal what's gonna be.

    For the longest time this community had the understanding that captaincy was on the near horizon, until it wasn't and the company line became "they're working on other things."

    At no point has this community ever said that they wanted Rare to delay captaincy. In fact, in the first couple months I think most people were under the impression that THD, Cursed Sails, and Forsaken Shores would arrive in addition to captaincy. At some point Rare crafted the narrative that captaincy was no longer on the horizon, and some people went along with that. Because this whole "content" discussion became the crazy thing that it did, the game is now being filled with a bunch of meaningless commendation grinding instead of giving users tools that would expand the sandbox.

    Captaincy was a promise that the vast majority of alpha players have wanted since the beginning. There's literally a 2-page section in the Art of Sea of Thieves book that shows ship titles with placeholder "Fury of The Placeholder Text."

    I think this is a little unfair. My impression of the immediate post-launch shift was that, actually, 'pets' and 'captaincy', which were the original focus for post-launch content, absolutely were delayed in favour of content-focused expansions - see the last paragraph here: What the community wants and what Rare are able to do are not necessarily the same, nor is adding more content not what the community wanted, as Rare have been quick to acknowledge/act upon.

    Meanwhile, the Bilge Rat 'commendation grinds' are not mutually exclusive with the larger content releases that absolutely do increase sandbox variety, from the already-out speaking trumpet to the additions promised in Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores.

  • @skulliah thanks for resume the thing for us. :D

    Well, but all I can see, basically they said nothing.
    Unfortunately, it's a hand full of maybes and no certain plans to.

    "Maybe we do this and that", "we thought on doing this, but we don't know when"

    Well, one step at the time right?

    Cursed sails is almost there. Yay

  • @williamherschel

    I agree with what @redsparrows and @PersonalC0ffee said.

    The community wanted more content and the captaincy update would have introduce content only for those who would have been Pirate Legend. With THD, Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores they want to introduce content for everyone.

    In fact, in the first couple months I think most people were under the impression that THD, Cursed Sails, and Forsaken Shores would arrive in addition to captaincy.

    Well they clearly said they were putting the pets and captaincy in the backburner many times, if people were still expecting something else it's not really Rare's fault. It's a game as a service and they are working with the feedbacks from the community, things can change quickly.

    the game is now being filled with a bunch of meaningless commendation grinding instead of giving users tools that would expand the sandbox.

    That's your opinion. I like the commendations, some are highlighting tools from the sandbox and showing ways to use them. You're able to do these Bilge Rat Adventures while doing the other voyages so to me it's really expanding the way I play the game. I'm almost using on each session the speaking trumpet, giving bananas to my crewmates or other nice addition they've introduced. To me they gave me new tools to play with.

    There's literally a 2-page section in the Art of Sea of Thieves book that shows ship titles with placeholder "Fury of The Placeholder Text."

    The Art of Sea of Thieves is an awesome book but it's just ideas they had, I don't think they ever said everything in it will be introduced in the game.

  • New chest type? Its a stronghold chest that cashes out less....its fint tho.

  • @personalc0ffee sagte in SDCC - Face paint, earthquakes, geysers, lava, ship customisation, cooking and everything that will come in Sea of Thieves:

    In fact, Forskaen Shore elmements that we've heard about geysesrs, earthquakes, etc are inspired by their concept design of Skull Island.

    Don’t forget the devils roar was in the art book too and now it’s coming out, there not only „Ideas“ in the books they trying to introduce the Things! I’m hoping for the Skeleton Lords and the Sea of the Five Winds

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