Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3

  • Why is everybody obsessed with one shooting each other? The fights are already over in an blink of an eye.

  • @khaleesibot Is anyone else still experiencing the weapon glitch where you can't equip a second weapon??? Even after this patch I still have to go through equipping a weapon in my first slot, killing myself, then respawning for it to fix itself. It's extremely frustrating

  • @zayzayxgn said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    I think you should add dolphins whales and other sea creatures so it can be realistic and seeing dolphins playing and swimming next to the boat and I think is is going to be good to the game because say you are friends with the dolphin and some time it would bring back messages in bottles and take on sharks and help you and your crew loot ships that were sunk and I think that the dolphin could help to sink players ships and if your crew should be allowed to get there own and name I hope this is added with parts that can scope out an island from above I think you should add this because it would help players and if would find new ways to add animals and interact with animals that pirates would have interacted with.

    Please, PLEASE, think about using punctuation when writing posts.

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @brawlyvessel412 Your post has been edited as we do not allow personal attacks against other community members. We welcome healthy and constructive disagreements, and understand that not everyone will get along. Please be mindful of our Forum Rules and the Pirate Code when posting on the Forums.


  • Hey guys, i am still having a problem loggin in with only 1 weapon equiped. its 100% of the time now, where before it was sporadic. i am having this problem on an AMD 1700x paired with a RX 580 if this has any bearing. the workaround still works, but is inconvenient that i need to kill myself every time i start the game.

  • @uxg-zrocksback our team has deleted one of your posts and edited another for language. If you can please read the Sea of Thieves Official Forum Rules before making your next post.

  • @mr-bring-it said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    Hey guys, i am still having a problem loggin in with only 1 weapon equiped. its 100% of the time now, where before it was sporadic. i am having this problem on an AMD 1700x paired with a RX 580 if this has any bearing. the workaround still works, but is inconvenient that i need to kill myself every time i start the game.

    I am having a similar issue on Xbox, when I start a session I always only have my cutless equipped, the work around I've found is to chamge my cutless with another weapon and put my cutless in the 2nd weapon slot.

  • @mcfly1983 yeah I just figured that out. Before it wouldn't let me. That is for the heads up.

  • @captain-daedra said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @khaleesibot Is anyone else still experiencing the weapon glitch where you can't equip a second weapon??? Even after this patch I still have to go through equipping a weapon in my first slot, killing myself, then respawning for it to fix itself. It's extremely frustrating

    Just go to your weapons box. Equip something then the second slot will allow you to equip.

    Noticed the notes didn't say they fixed the 1 weapon glitch. They said they fixed not being able to equip a second weapon. Eventually it will be fixed completely

  • Ooh next patch soon i hope

  • Thanks Devs !
    The weapon balancing was necessary.
    In fact, everyone used to play with the shotgun, and this weapon was so frustrating (there was not really counterplay, it was like "hello, I rush you and I kill you in one second ! enjoy your death !").
    However, the skill needed to OS people was pretty low...

    So I think that's fair to increase Sniper damages as it's way more difficult to hit someone with it (low sensitivity and light indicator for enemies that are aimed), and you should be able to OS someone in the head.

    This is a pirate game !
    We want to see epic sword battle and guns shot avoided !
    This is not like thoses "batlle royal" games where the man with the shotgun always wins.

    So thanks a lot Rare for this update !

  • Not sure where the right place to comment is, but I've notice a few glitches with this patch:

    1. Sometimes it won't let me pick up bananas, unless I take a trip to the ferry.
    2. Sword skin disappears after a while
  • I have played twice since the update and have had the buggiest experiences yet.

    Still every time I log in I have to equip a bullet firing weapon to my one and only weapon slot and go kill myself. Every. Single. Time.

    Also, possibly unrelated had our first almondbeard after returning the haul from one two map voyage that had a captain’s chest and 3 villainous skulls. (most profitable per minute gameplay I’ve seem, we were jacked)

  • i consider myself to be a balanced player. not the greatest pvper but can get the job done. i really like the changes to blunderbuss and sniper. i still one-shot a player if im really close with a blunderbuss and hip-firing the sniper rifle isnt that easy unless in the same range as blunderbuss. i prefer the pistol/sniper rifle anyway since i rely on my sword for close range. i try to stay at range when firing on enemies. i dont recall if the pistol is quicker on aiming when lookin down the sights, but the scope isnt great for almost melee to melee range. i could see adding a sight post and speed while aiming to encourage ppl using the pistol in that mid range instead of tryin to hip-fire the rifle.

    p.s. i dont know if the drop rate on chests of sorrow was upped, but i came across 3-4 today; whereas before ive only seen one since i started playing two weeks or so ago. also got a keg of 1k grog. not complaining, just curious

  • @captain-daedra Equip a gun to your Slot1 then equip your sword to Slot 2


  • With every update it's like my game is running worse. Rubberbanding, fps drops, falling through ship hulls. And did they downgrade the graphics?

  • @lenzchow said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    With every update it's like my game is running worse. Rubberbanding, fps drops, falling through ship hulls. And did they downgrade the graphics?

    • Lag and rubberbanding get worse with every update. Video
    • LOD scaling is either broken or set too aggressive (at least for PC with Mythical settings)
    • Audio bugs galore (skull fort music plays twice etc)
    • Skeletons with lazer accuracy that shoot through walls/rocks. Video
    • Sharks that attack me after swimming from boat to shore, yet swim around people who have been in the water for ages
    • Cannons at Skull Forts that bug out and can't be used
    • Always spawn in with a pistol/sniper even though i change this EVERY TIME I PLAY
    • Skeletons that shoot you while they are still reloading or are supposed to have been stunned by a sword lunge
    • Fort loot spawns in positions where it can't be picked up
    • Gunpowder Barrels do not always explode when shot
    • Firing yourself from a cannon shoots you in a random direction

    Lots of bugs that are not discussed or even acknowledged by Rare, i attempted to report them but with no response...

    All the patches so far have been very lacklustre, fixing only a few minor issues yet somehow introducing major ones such as Order of The Souls mobs not spawning etc.

    @khaleesibot @Rare-Employee

  • @redspooder Yup, I seem to have experienced pretty much all of those cases too. Especially since 1.03.

  • Hello!

    When are the LOD, downgraded graphics, downgraded shadows going to be fixed as discussed in It would also be nice if you either fix the Insider Programme joining process so everyone can be included in all discussions or open those parts of the forums to everyone. After the discussion was closed and moved from by @mr-fellblade everyone cannot continue to participate in the discussion. Everyone keeps asking for more of a response, and more importantly fixes, to these serious issues that are not being properly addressed or handled.

  • @redspooder great summary of all the issues currently plaguing SOT. It is sad that this game could be Mythical, but right now with all the problems you listed and the downgraded LOD, graphics, and shadows as discussed in and it is Cursed.

  • You should finally add the premium shop

  • I'm still having trouble with my secondary weapon. At start of the session I only have the sword. To have both the sword and gun I first have to swap my sword for an gun, then die with the gun it before I get both. It's annoying, but it worked for me so far.

  • @vicard

    1. goto weapon storage
    2. Equip another weapon (besides the one you have)
    3. Now you will show 2 weapons as green, but still only have one if you try changing it using the Y button.
    4. So now you need to access the equipment storage again
    5. Select a different weapon
    6. Equip it to slot #2 or whatever is vacant
    7. Now you should be able to access both weapons using the Y button. NO NEED TO DIE anymore.

    Give it a try, it works for me.

    Good Luck!

  • @l0ver0fmys0ul should be smart enough to understand without it

  • Curious - not seeing it in the patch notes, but was there a soft nerf to Goldhoarder chest voyage payouts? (i.e. Captain's Chest worth 10-20% less than prior to patch) Could just be rotten luck on my part, but have noticed depreciation.

  • @zayzayxgn You should consider using punctuation, ending sentences and generally making sense. This is a nonsensical suggestion as it is.

  • @lenzchow Gunpowder barrels fizzle sometimes. That's not a bug.

  • @amrylin1337 I know, but why are you telling me that? I haven't mentioned gunpowder barrels.

  • @mr-bring-it said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    Hey guys, i am still having a problem loggin in with only 1 weapon equiped. its 100% of the time now, where before it was sporadic. i am having this problem on an AMD 1700x paired with a RX 580 if this has any bearing. the workaround still works, but is inconvenient that i need to kill myself every time i start the game.

    I'm having this issue alongside being unable to use any ammo crates on any of the islands. Every time I need more ammo I have to go back to the ship, as the ship's ammo crate is the only ammo crate that's been working for me.

    I'm thinking the issue with the ammo crates not working is related to the one weapon bug.

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