• You guys and your confirmation biases. If you want pvp to be pvp just give us the curses. SMH

    It has come full circle you stand there with your hands out. I went and got the gold curse loooong grind. Never asked for a checkpoint on LFG. I don’t think they should change how the GC is obtained. I didn’t enjoy doing it but I did it because I wanted the curse. See how that works you do what is in front of you. If you want to loss farm Rare hasn’t stopped it yet…. So go do it, but STOP ASKING FOR THE WORKAROUND TO BE EASIER. Why should it be easier for someone not participating? That’s the whole point of this. If you want it WORK FOR IT. Is it that hard?!

  • @jj-h816

    I have never asked for anything in this game to be free, I have always approached it from the perspective of how can players in a game participate to earn what they want in a way they enjoy. PVE'ers want the curses too, and they wouldn't mind earning them another way. Right now the other way is to loss farm, which has many PVP'ers up in arms about "cheating," and "exploiting," and "ruining the game." I humbly offer a solution and all of a sudden I'm asking for something to be easier? I said no such thing.

    I already proposed a solution earlier in this thread: increase rewards of faction treasury to be more aligned with winning. Turn in grade 1 treasury, you get the allegiance of one win. Grade 2 gets two wins, grade 3 gets three wins of allegiance, so on and so forth.

    • The allegiance from treasury does not include streak bonuses. Those have to be earned.
    • The hourglass still needs to be raised to turn in faction treasury, so the risk of being invaded is being rewarded.
    • It takes significantly more time to gain faction treasury grade 1 than winning a match, so PVP is still more efficient than turning in faction treasury.
    • It takes significantly less time to gain faction treasury grade 1 than loss farming, so it takes those players out of the pool.

    But please, continue to put words in my mouth. I'm sure I'm saying all manner of things in this post that I clearly do not intend.

  • @lordqulex said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    But if PVP'ers really wanted on demand PVP more than they wanted to gate-keep the curses, they'd 1000% support a way to get allegiance through PVE because it is truly win/win.

    Or... encourage people to play the PvP mode in the PvPvE game that has broken, but satisfying combat that offers a learning curve that can only be overcome by dedicated play.

    The only reason the gatekeeping is even happening is because these PvP players know damn well that as good as a PvP-centric update S8 turned out to be, way too many of the players in this game have such a vitriolic hatred of PvP because they're not dedicated to the game, not willing to learn the same hard, unforgiving way the gatekeepers had no better choice but to learn how to play, and then complain about it because Rare has very consistently advertised a nature of the game that is rather rare/uncommon.

    These PvP players hold their skills and their struggles to their hearts. They overcame those challenges and became slightly notorious because of it. They are in community-run competitive tournaments because of this, and all out of love for the game they're playing. It's ego, it's pride, it's years of dedication to PvP finally being given the light of day in a single content update that's relevant for 4 months. If you take that perspective, you'll understand why people are saying what they're saying, and you don't have to like it.

    There are several disparities with what players in this game want to do and how they would like to be rewarded alongside everyone else, and the result is an endless conflict that Rare will not confirm or deny.

  • @nex-stargaze said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    Or... encourage people to play the PvP mode in the PvPvE game that has broken, but satisfying combat that offers a learning curve that can only be overcome by dedicated play.
    The only reason the gatekeeping is even happening is because these PvP players know damn well that as good as a PvP-centric update S8 turned out to be, way too many of the players in this game have such a vitriolic hatred of PvP because they're not dedicated to the game, not willing to learn the same hard, unforgiving way the gatekeepers had no better choice but to learn how to play, and then complain about it because Rare has very consistently advertised a nature of the game that is rather rare/uncommon.

    Without hearing your tone and which words you emphasize I don't know whether I agree with you or not. Said another way, I agree that most of Rare's advertisements do center around a play style that does not occur naturally all too terribly often, that they have placed highly desirable cosmetics behind a game mode that players were bound to have diametrically opposed strong feelings about, then finally pretend to have no idea why a large contingent of their player base is upset at the whole situation.

    I've said it before, this is a self-inflicted wound by Rare. They should have known that placing these curses behind PVP was going to draw ire from a large contingent of their player base and generate the debate we're having right now. I have absolutely no problem with there being PVP exclusive cosmetics; I feel they should be mostly ship sets so people can look at you through the spyglass then thank the ancients their pants are brown. I feel strongly that the reward being these curses was the biggest mistake of season 8, though the rest of it was very successful, as you pointed out.

  • @nex-stargaze thank you for that last post it’s spot on about the pvp community

  • @lordqulex I haven’t put words in your mouth I have quoted you multiple times with your own words. The name of this thread is make it easier. The grade faction can be used to earn rep and that’s all fine and well. To get the amount of rep you are asking for I feel is way more than it deserves. Grade 2or 3 a full win rep is reasonable g5 a 2 win maybe…. I don’t think it should be worth pvp. Fighting inherently harder and more risk. I have ZERO issue with the faction treasure grade getting rep. I do take issue with anting equal rep for simply running your ship out of bounds. As said above PVP is a skill that is learned and honed. You could acquire it if you simply put effort into it. If you don’t want to that’s fine too, but don’t devalue my time and effort in the game because of that choice.

  • @jj-h816 a dit dans Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels :


    Yo do confuse everything. We're not asking for that. We're asking it to be easier for who participate in good faith but are still BAD and LOSE most of their game, even if they try.

    They deserve it.

    All we're saying about cheesers is that yes, they will benefit from it, they already have, but unlike you, we don't care. We care about the well-being of the good faith hourglass player who is stuck at lvl 30 after 2 months.

    That’s the whole point of this. If you want it WORK FOR IT. Is it that hard?!

    That’s the whole point of this. they ARE actively WORKING for it. They just calculated that it'd still take them years to unlock the curses and find it intolerable - which it is.

    Stop focusing your reasoning around how 1% of players will exploit the game mechanics and see how much any good faith player whose winrate isn't above 75% suffer from this terribly designed system.

  • @jj-h816 a dit dans Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels :

    @nex-stargaze thank you for that last post it’s spot on about the pvp community

    Doesn't really disapprove the idea people have that it's such a close-minded "community"

    Did we hunters all go berserk when they introduced the name of the fish as an accessibility option ? Does anyone fish without it even if they don't need to ?

    What about grappling hooks and storage crates ? I really want an exclusive cosmetic saying I managed just fine without those. And any people using them is cheesing imo.

    See where it leads ? Only elitism and exclusion.

    Some of us are trying to become PvPers, we really try. But damn such an unwelcoming "community"

  • @jolly-ol-yep said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    Stop focusing your reasoning around how 1% of players will exploit the game mechanics and see how much any good faith player whose winrate isn't above 75% suffer from this terribly designed system.

    "Exploit game mechanics" meanwhile HitboTC, a renowned sword user (and game-partnered Streamer) that doesn't "exploit game mechanics" earned the Ghost curse and went back to tucking not too long after.

    My issue with the defense of this suggestion is that any non-casual looking from the outside in would just call this kind of statement one of a skill difference. This is why I'm arguing against this, because end-game content that asks players to step up their combat skills more than normal should be respected fully, and not devalue for the lowest common denominator because they want the same prize too.

    We can all blame Rare for making this the "big" PvP reward, but at the end of the day, focusing on the curse moreso than your skills and capabilities as an end-game player is more of one's self-demise. The journey is meant to be more important than the destination, but it seems not many here see that kind of perspective, unfortunate really.

  • @jolly-ol-yep this isn’t directed at the good faith players, is it unfortunate yes, but the dude above you has openly admitted to loss farming all week and in his own words stated that a good thing about it is when he ques up on the weekends he has much easier opponents. Do you see how THIS directly has a negative result for the good faith players that keep getting rolled through? More rep for losing doesn’t fix this it exacerbates it. The people that do this throw off the SBMM for those truly trying. Also 1% I play for 2 hours today had 6 matches and 3 were loss farming. I “fight” loss farmers multiple times a day. It’s not 1%. It has gotten worse since the update and presumably so since they took away alliance rep, thank god. Yes it’s going to happen regardless but the more that we can do to stop it the better.

    I’m good with increasing loss rep, but you have to have an achievement of 75 boats sunk. This allows more rep to be gained but also ensures people actually participate in the fights. I am not gate keeping I’ve already added a dude in here and will sail with him this week to help him get some rep and show him a few things to make him better at the mode. However this guy doesn’t want help, doesn’t want advice, just wants his curse and it’s exhausting to hear the entitlement. As far as them just wanting it easier……. Read the name of the post we are in. It is exactly what they want. Boo boo I have to pvp to get a curse that I want….. ya and I have to fish/sell mermaid gems to the sea posts to get the cannons I want. Looks like imma finna bust out that pole. See how hard it is? Just participate and play. I’m not having an attitude, I know text is hard to get intention and tone from. I’m just saying there are things in the game that require us all to get out of our comfort zones to acquire it also makes us better and more well rounded players.

  • @jj-h816

    I like how you keep saying "that guy above you" like I'm Voldemort or am not watching this thread like a hawk and won't notice you mentioning me without tagging me. 🤣

    My biggest problem with hourglass is that if I play maximum effort, I'm in the group of people where matches take 40-90 minutes to wrap up. In that group a loss is punishing and we feel disrespected with the pittance of allegiance we get for putting in just as much effort as the crew that won, and just as much effort as everyone else. There are a plethora of ways I've mentioned that would respect my time commitment and convince me to change my view and cease my exploitative ways. I think our main discourse is that you treasure the journey and the challenge, and I just want my pirate to look cool when I emote. Because that's the irony of this all: most of the time the only part of the curse I'll see is the hands!

    Different people play different games for different reasons. I love this game for the total package. I have been 75/75/75/75/50 for years, and when I find crews on Discord I don't really care what they're doing. I just enjoy playing the game. Unfortunately, I really want the curses. I can't explain why. I know I won't really see them. But like, they are the end game content and I must have them! So I am getting them in the most efficient way I can that are within the bounds of the written rules. Again, there are a plethora of ways I've mentioned that would respect my time commitment and convince me to change my view and cease my exploitative ways. It's up to Rare to decide whether they want to condone my behavior or rework the reward system so that honest, good faith participation is rewarded more than cheap tactics. 🤷‍♂️

  • @jj-h816 a dit dans Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels :

    @jolly-ol-yep this isn’t directed at the good faith players, is it unfortunate yes, but the dude above you has openly admitted to loss farming all week and in his own words stated that a good thing about it is when he ques up on the weekends he has much easier opponents. Do you see how THIS directly has a negative result for the good faith players that keep getting rolled through?

    He's just gonna roll over other loss farmers (why do you care) or bad players that would have lost anyway (making it 0 difference) because there is a "meta" in this mode and if you don't know it you start at a disadvantage. As I said earlier, this is known as deranking and damn if it's bothering you so much, please never touch any multiplayer competitive game ever.

    More rep for losing doesn’t fix this it exacerbates it. The people that do this throw off the SBMM for those truly trying. Also 1% I play for 2 hours today had 6 matches and 3 were loss farming. I “fight” loss farmers multiple times a day. It’s not 1%. It has gotten worse since the update and presumably so since they took away alliance rep, thank god. Yes it’s going to happen regardless but the more that we can do to stop it the better.

    Yeah I began to do so too sometimes, while eating or watching something. Easy rep'. Stress-free

    It's my answer to Rare latest updates that I truly felt like a slap in the face, as a good faith participant who is not good. (Commendations not working for same faction battles was the last straw, after the insult that was this supposed "slight increase" of allegiance in case of a loss.

    You want to stop it ? Give those guys the curse. Solved.

    I’m good with increasing loss rep, but you have to have an achievement of 75 boats sunk.

    Making sure some bad players never see the curse. Yeah sure. Some people just can't even achieve the winrate of a loss farmer you know. Some people just can't win.

    Now the question is do they deserve the curse or not, even if they unlock it 3 years from now.

    I am not gate keeping

    Off course you are.

    I’ve already added a dude in here and will sail with him this week to help him get some rep and show him a few things to make him better at the mode. However this guy doesn’t want help, doesn’t want advice, just wants his curse and it’s exhausting to hear the entitlement. As far as them just wanting it easier…….

    Too bad. Now how does it concern any of us here ? You should just chose better crewmates. How did you turn "he" into "them" here ?

    Read the name of the post we are in. It is exactly what they want. Boo boo I have to pvp to get a curse that I want…..

    You forgot the first part of the title, before the "or". Do it the PvP way, OK, just make it easier.

    ya and I have to fish/sell mermaid gems to the sea posts to get the cannons I want.

    Irrelevant. You really can't compare fishing to PvP.

    See how hard it is? Just participate and play. I’m not having an attitude, I know text is hard to get intention and tone from. I’m just saying there are things in the game that require us all to get out of our comfort zones to acquire it also makes us better and more well rounded players.

    Again, people are willing to participate.

    What the most good PvPers seems not to get, on the other hand, is that we're OK with it being PvP only. There's just a gap between what is expected from top players and what is from lower ones that is WAY too wide here.

    It's not normal that 2 months in, te best out there are already lvl 1000 while so many are stuck at lvl 50. The one level 1000 just got his rep from all thhe people that are lvl 50. They participated. They were stomped on. They waited underwater like anyone else. They endured battles that lasted hours only to lose. All they're saying is that maybe, just maybe, a balance can be found between top-tier and lower players - that INVESTED THE SAME AMOUNT OF TIME - so that the difference in their respective level is not in the hundreds.

    Ok losers should gain less than winners. We don't disagree. But maybe what can be achieved with 100 wins by top players doesn't NEED to require lower players THOUSANDS of games. Maybe just twice the time is OK, seeing how long it already is for those who can tank it (regular 50% winrate people like myself)

  • @lordqulex just to lazy to tag everyone sorry bro no disrespect

  • @jolly-ol-yep get outta here with retrying to bait the wokeness, “he from them” Jesus lol

    Also fishing is something I despise DESPISE!!!! But gotta do it to get the cosmetic I want, seems very relevant 1+1 is 2

    If I was gate keeping why would I help people? If I was the ultra sweat why am I on 79.99999 Guardian and 27 Servant? Matches don’t have to take more than 30 min. If it goes that long someone is playing way too conservative. I press hard for the win….. or loss but get me outta the fight sub 30 min

    I’m cool with arena style time limit and scoring hits and what not. Increase rep some for defending? Cool! Rewarding loss farming nope sorry I’m not gonna change my mind on that. This isn’t a participation trophy. Rare put it where it is knowingly making people do things they might not like. Farm as it is sure I guess but no more rep for losses. Score cannon hits and add towards loss rep.. I could get behind that. But not for join, sail out, get equal rep. It’s funny that NOTHING IN THIS GAME ACHIEVEMENT WISE IS THE SANE AS PVP BECAUSE YALL DONT LIKE IT. Barnacle chest grind? Nooooope that’s too different!!! I offered multiple fixes to the situation but not rewarding more loss farming. It wrecks all of the SBMM and the ELO and everything else. And yes it matters as it makes new players fight very skilled players in comparison and they get absolutely dumpstered and leave, y’all talking about preserving the community…. THIS IS NOT THE WAY

  • It wrecks all of the SBMM and the ELO and everything else.

    @jj-h816 Dude, I think it's about time we stop defending the SBMM until next patch. The fact that you're getting paired with loss farmers means one of two things: either 1) you're MMR is as low as theirs, which based on your win% and level that is obviously not the case, or 2) SBMM is in such a broken state right now that MMR just plain isn't taken into account...

    I think Ockham's razor says SBMM is broooooooooooooooke and loss farming is affecting it about zero right now.

    Edit: Or 3) that loss farming is so rampant that the moment everyone gets the curse this play mode is dead.

  • @lordqulex make you a deal I’ll stop talking about SBMM when you stop requesting the same or near same rep gain for losses. Deal?

  • Please, Rare, I kindly ask you to increase the ammount of allegiance obtained after a loss to be almost on par with a single win because I believe that it would make losing less frustrating and would keep more player motivated to engage with the hourglass again despite being defeated in battle.

  • @dragotech123 said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    Please, Rare, I kindly ask you to increase the ammount of allegiance obtained after a loss to be almost on par with a single win because I believe that it would make losing less frustrating and would keep more player motivated to engage with the hourglass again despite being defeated in battle.

    I'm pretty sure that would encourage a lot of people to just farm losses which isn't what it should be about.

  • @lordqulex ahem cough cough ^^^

  • @xshirahx said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    @dragotech123 said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    Please, Rare, I kindly ask you to increase the ammount of allegiance obtained after a loss to be almost on par with a single win because I believe that it would make losing less frustrating and would keep more player motivated to engage with the hourglass again despite being defeated in battle.

    I'm pretty sure that would encourage a lot of people to just farm losses which isn't what it should be about.

    I'm quite sure it may happen, but I still think there are reasons to try and fight. Some of them are noy losing the hourglass value, not losing the streaks, not losing emmisary grades, not losing any loot on board, not losing collected flags, not losing extra supplies, and use the winning multiplier to progress even faster.

    In order to avoid farming losses the game could implement something that could recognize effort and performance instead of giving a flat ammount of allegiance to any kind of loss.

  • @dragotech123 I'd be happy with a capped allegiance bonus for cannon shots hit on hull, mast, capstan and wheel, planks used and food eaten. No points for killing players to avoid encouraging spawn camping. You'd only be allowed to earn a limited amount and the function is already there because this was a points system from arena.

    I'd like some focus being put towards defensive play, mainly to make some form of the hourglass feel organic. I rarely see people playing defensively so increasing defensives organic play isn't going to negatively impact those who are diving. Defensive either needs a greater grace period to allow PvE time for allegience boosts or stay out of the matching pool until either they are ready or after 1 win via organic means.

    I'm quite happy with the pace of progress, it's long but not forcing it on yourself is what's keeping me going. I do a few battles per session, I win, I lose but I learn from the encounters. I'm sat on 30/32 levels and I've not lost motivation yet.

  • @jj-h816 said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    @lordqulex ahem cough cough ^^^

    Forum moderators aren't the development or project team, but thanks for playing!

  • @xshirahx said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    @dragotech123 said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    Please, Rare, I kindly ask you to increase the ammount of allegiance obtained after a loss to be almost on par with a single win because I believe that it would make losing less frustrating and would keep more player motivated to engage with the hourglass again despite being defeated in battle.

    I'm pretty sure that would encourage a lot of people to just farm losses which isn't what it should be about.

    But you do realize that giving a pittance of allegiance for matches that last 60-120 minutes is also encouraging a lot of people to just farm losses. People are going to farm losses no matter the system, so you need to ask yourself which is better: punish players for trying their best, or rewarding players for trying their best? There are a lot of players that would stop farming losses the moment it became less efficient that losing hard fought battles.

  • @lordqulex win fights I guess? I don’t see how you think losing should be the same rep

  • @jj-h816 a dit dans Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels :

    Also fishing is something I despise DESPISE!!!! But gotta do it to get the cosmetic I want, seems very relevant 1+1 is 2

    It sure is relevant to compare the most chill experience in the game, where you basically have to make an input in the game every 30 seconds, and it's over in a minute and a half, with the most hardcore and stressful mode this game has to offer. Re-read yourself please. You're comparing PvP to fishing here. Really. And you expect us to take you seriously ?

    You guys know damn well this isn't comparable at all. You don't go into PvP the way you go into PvE (i.e watching Netflix on your second monitor). This is hypocrisy.

    Anyway, if you use the option to show the name of the fish while you're not handicapped, you're cheesing it. Your silent Barnacle set is tainted. Booh. See the childish logic here ?

    If I was gate keeping why would I help people?

    A lot of people do the opposite off what they say. I don't know. I'd say you do it to feel good, which is great. GG. Please continue.

    If I was the ultra sweat why am I on 79.99999 Guardian and 27 Servant? Matches don’t have to take more than 30 min. If it goes that long someone is playing way too conservative. I press hard for the win….. or loss but get me outta the fight sub 30 min

    Cause you don't waste all your time in this mode I guess. Again, this is only an indicator of time spent, not skill or anything else.

    And I don't need your advice. I got both curses already the legit way. I know how to avoid long, tiring fights. In fact your advice is not needed in this conversation. We're discussing something else than battle tactics.

    I’m cool with arena style time limit and scoring hits and what not. Increase rep some for defending? Cool! Rewarding loss farming nope sorry I’m not gonna change my mind on that. This isn’t a participation trophy. Rare put it where it is knowingly making people do things they might not like. Farm as it is sure I guess but no more rep for losses.

    Gatekeeper. I know this is triggering you but it's a fact.

    You really need to understand that all losers in this mode are not loss farmers. Stop with this obsession already.

    MOST people lose on a regular basis so that those streamers can get their streaks and show of the lvl 1000 curse while they sit at lvl 50.

    Do those people deserve to get the curses at one point or ?

    Score cannon hits and add towards loss rep.. I could get behind that.

    That was suspected but now i can see it. You're here to talk, not to listen/read. This has been brought up and shut down many times as it would promote even more cheesing.

    But not for join, sail out, get equal rep. It’s funny that NOTHING IN THIS GAME ACHIEVEMENT WISE IS THE SANE AS PVP BECAUSE YALL DONT LIKE IT. Barnacle chest grind? Nooooope that’s too different!!!

    Because it is DIFFERENT from the rest. That's even why it has its own acronym, "PvP".

    PvE : balanced, time-constrained, easy, predictable, carefully designed.
    PvP : the exact opposite by its very nature.

    Go ahead, compare the 2 again.

    Again, hypocrisy. You know damn well the stress you get from hourglass fights is not the same as fighting the Gold Hoarder, but still you persist into that wrong comparison.

    Oh, and in case you missed it cause you don't read : We do enjoy PvP, we do LIKE PvP. What is bothering us is this joke of a reward system, not the mode itself, which is great.

    I offered multiple fixes to the situation but not rewarding more loss farming. It wrecks all of the SBMM and the ELO and everything else.

    PvPers are all about fairness and balance when they lose. They was no problem with PvPers when portal hopping and easy preys were a thing.

    People do this because SBMM is already broken, and we are punished for it.

    Cry more if you want, this is just a symptom of a bad system, not the disease.

    And yes it matters as it makes new players fight very skilled players in comparison and they get absolutely dumpstered and leave, y’all talking about preserving the community…. THIS IS NOT THE WAY

    They would anyway bbe matched vs very silled players, because they are ALL THAT IS LEFT and matchmaking is broken. When I got my ghost curse, the next game was against someone for who it was the first fight in HG. As long as the game consider that 500W/1000L is the same as 1W/2L, this will happen. Loss farmers or not.

    And what makes you assume loss farmer would win vs new players ? They don't fight. They don't practice. For all we know they are very bad themselves, or else they'd at least try.

    You're gonna quote @LordQulex, but he isn't representative of all loss farmers is he ? (and anyway I already explained why you can't fight deranking).

  • @jj-h816 said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    @lordqulex win fights I guess? I don’t see how you think losing should be the same rep

    Some 👏 people 👏 simply 👏 can't 👏 win 👏 no matter 👏 what.

    Believe it or not, rewarding more allegiance for a loss is actually my least favorite solution out of the batch.

    • Daily/weekly/monthly deeds that reward hourglass activities like first win and multiple wins (5/10/20). This will encourage people to participate in good faith PVP inside of hourglass.
    • Daily/weekly/monthly deeds that reward hourglass participation, i.e. 5/10/15/20 matches. This will increase player participation in general, which raises the player pool which will increase the odds of people finding fair matches.
    • Rewarding PVP activities such as cannonball hits, masts dropped, holes repaired and food eaten by opposing crew, each up to 5 times per match to encourage good faith PVP activities while preventing farming off of low skill pirates
    • Buying levels in the factions just like how you could buy levels in the trading companies with letters of recommendation. People that want the curses but don't like PVP will just buy their way up to it, just like pirate legend.
    • Rewarding more allegiance for a loss, suggestions range from 1/4 of a win to equal to a wins worth of allegiance. This will respect the players' time investment so that players don't feel punished when the lose those 20-60 minute battles.
  • @jolly-ol-yep said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    @jj-h816 a dit dans Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels :

    @lordqulex what I am saying is good faith people are gonna be here regardless as well.

    No we won't.

    If I got zero allegiance for losing I’d still grind it.

    Not me.

    The curses aren't going anywhere either, and only like .3% (this was the last % I heard, may have changed slightly) have the curses..that's like..nothing at all.

    Dishonest of you to exclude some other statistics :
    - 30 % never ate a banana.
    - only 66 % of players actually sailed into open seas
    - 27 % did the maiden voyage
    - only 14 % bought the lvl 25 of any company
    - 96 % are not pirate legend

    People need to realise most people play this game casually, or just try it once then move on. Why ? I'd argue the grind fest SoT has become doesn't quite match with the communication.

    @nex-stargaze oh no I don’t spawn camp, I generally force a conversation as most I have found are not even in their ship. I just refuse to be the reason they sink. I’m vehemently against spawn camping to spawn camp but I will anchor you and fix you so that we can talk. I had one person refuse to come back so I did a sea fort on their boat that was in the circle and gave them all the loot while they stayed on the ferry. I told them they could sink themselves with a keg if they came back and talked about why they were doing what they were doing. I’m just of the point if you’ll waste my time I’ll waste yours. I never killed them once. I gave them loot 😁

    A lot of emphasis on you willing to talk to them, but what about you listening to them ?

    What did they actually told you ? Did you listen ?

    Achievements have been off since the first month of the game when they had to shut them down, so are not accurate (at least in regards to early game achievements). HOWEVER they do all track lower than the actual values across the board, so if anything the numbers quoted are LOWER than the actual value thus meaning MORE players have the curse than is reflected by the percentages.

    Nothing in your percentages remotely suggest the game is primarily made up of "casual Players" like you continually like to claim with no proof to back it up (or use flawed logic and misinterpreted statistics instead).

  • @dlchief58 a dit dans Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels :

    Achievements have been off since the first month of the game when they had to shut them down, so are not accurate (at least in regards to early game achievements). HOWEVER they do all track lower than the actual values across the board, so if anything the numbers quoted are LOWER than the actual value thus meaning MORE players have the curse than is reflected by the percentages.

    Nothing in your percentages remotely suggest the game is primarily made up of "casual Players" like you continually like to claim with no proof to back it up (or use flawed logic and misinterpreted statistics instead).

    Oh ok !
    I truly didn't know all that, thanks !
    I bought the game on Steam so at first I wanted to check the achievements there but then figured out it'd be more accurate if I checked Xbox directly.
    I thought too these numbers seemed a bit off.
    Good to know. Honest mistake, my bad ;)

  • @jolly-ol-yep dude you say I’m gatekeeping and PVE is different ya da ya da ya da you’re being just as subjective. You like the watch Netflix and fish grind I personally hate it. You think pvp is stressful and not fun, I find it very fun and engaging. I guess if you think someone that starts playing today should have all the same access as someone whom started day one with little to no effort then I suppose I am gatekeeping. Time limited should be time limited. The curses aren’t going anywhere there are ways to get it with little to no pvp so go do it. Just stop asking for the same amount of rep for losing as winning. Life isn’t like that. #GateClosed

    As for listening I do read and listen and some people have made points that I could absolutely get behind and I have stated that. It’s the same people in every thread about how S8 just isn’t fair

  • @jj-h816 said in Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    @jolly-ol-yep dude you say I’m gatekeeping and PVE is different ya da ya da ya da you’re being just as subjective. You like the watch Netflix and fish grind I personally hate it. You think pvp is stressful and not fun, I find it very fun and engaging. I guess if you think someone that starts playing today should have all the same access as someone whom started day one with little to no effort then I suppose I am gatekeeping. Time limited should be time limited. The curses aren’t going anywhere there are ways to get it with little to no pvp so go do it. Just stop asking for the same amount of rep for losing as winning. Life isn’t like that. #GateClosed

    As for listening I do read and listen and some people have made points that I could absolutely get behind and I have stated that. It’s the same people in every thread about how S8 just isn’t fair

    Actually, the sad truth is, life is absolutely like that, and that was one of the hardest lessons I've ever had to learn.

    When I was in high school, my high school was rated among the top 10 in the nation. I went to college at a university that was among the first to offer my degree, and is still widely considered one of the best in the field. My first job out of college was for a company whose CEO was only good at hiring very talented people. I did not have the pleasure of learning what an "average" person was until I started at my current place of employment and let me tell you, woof, Winston Churchill was right: "the best argument against democracy is a 10 minute conversation with your average voter."

    Take a moment and consider what the "average" player's PVP skill is in this game...

    I was working on a particularly difficult project for a remarkably uncooperative client, and discussing the team with my manager's manager. I was mostly lamenting about how none of them were working up to expectations and we either need more people or better people to get the project finished. He held up his hand and asked if all of his fingers were the same length. Of course, I said no. He asked if I suspected his pinky were as strong as his index finger. Again, of course not. He then said, "my fingers are different lengths, and different strengths, but my hand still works. It's the same with teams. Not everyone is as talented or as skilled as the most talented or the most skilled, but you still need the entire team to get the project done."

    Sea of Thieves is a game, the players in it a community. Without each of us, the game is nothing. Without the PVE'er collecting treasure, the PVP'ers have nothing to steal. Without the PVP'ers, the PVE has no real challenge to overcome turning in treasure. This is a sandbox game and what happens to the sandbox when no one is left playing in it? It's gets replaced.

    Life is absolutely nothing but making compromises so the average feel "included." That's because the average make up a bulk of the population. Get used to it. And in this case, if you don't reward the average for their time and their effort, they go find a different sandbox to play in. And if too many players go find a different sandbox to play in, then we lose this sandbox.

    The world is filled with whiners that want as much as they can get for as little effort as possible. Deal with it. You think the average person is a dedicated, hard-worker willing to go the extra mile to get what they want? HA! Rare needs to make a compromise, the average player feels alienated by hourglass. If Rare doesn't compromise, average players will go find a game that rewards them adequately to get that dose of dopamine they long for. If they don't, people will leave. And your attitude may be "great, we don't need them around anyhow," but that's the fastest way to get the game shut down.

    There's going to be a compromise, we're just offering suggestions of what that may be.

  • Season 8 was advertised as a PVP update and rare has stated it multiple times that it is meant to be a PVP update. I’m sorry if some of you don’t personally like PVP and I’m sorry some of you aren’t great at it. In no way should Rare have to cater to your play style if you just enjoy the PVE aspects. All the curses are obtainable in a PVE style fashion it’ll just take you longer. If you choose to loss farm then do it, just don’t ask to be rewarded for doing so. Also stop making PVP players out to be the bad guys here we are excelling at the update that came out as an update for us, this first one in years. We haven’t asked for any of the other curses or ship sets acquired through PVE to be easier to get or needed in anyway. I know you’ve stated that is different because some of you view PVP as stressful, but I personally don’t, I find it engaging and fun. We can all enjoy our own play styles. It’s a game play it as you wish.

  • @sir-sniffils Hardly disagree, the way it is now, it's alot of grinding, other ways to farm allegiance would mean devalueing the curses. So no, it needs to stay as it is. It's also a way for players to learn how to be better in pvp, i don't want the curses to become available any other way, and earning allegiance should also stay as it is, otherwise me, and people who grinded hard for it, did it for nothing while others could then get it way to easily after making 3000 posts on the forums that it's either too hard, too much of a grind, or they wanna be able to get the curses through pve.

  • @lordqulex Let me ask this, then.

    In your opinion, what's the happy medium, here? How can Rare potentially respect the time of more casual players, while still respecting the hard work that more hard-core players put in?

    Yes, the Ghost/Skeleton curses have been asked for/wanted for ages, I get that. As they are now, you DO need to work for them, but without devaluing the work people have already put in, how can there be a happy medium?

  • Użytkownik @lordqulex napisał w Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:


    I have been playing hourglass exclusively since S8 released. I am currently 53D and 26S. My W/L ratio bobs between 30-40%.

    If you played for months and your win rate is close to half... this means you play one battle a day... Or even less.

    Again, you do not have that much time in this gamemode... and you simply don't deserve to get the MOST WANTED ITEM IN GAME for basically free.

    Edit: Bro, I literally am playing pvp on demand for like a week... I am 25 at the moment (25 Guardians, 5 Servants). What you are saying simply does not check out math-wise.

  • Użytkownik @jj-h816 napisał w Make it EASIER to GET BASE CURSE or MORE WAYS to get ALLEGIANCE levels:

    Season 8 was advertised as a PVP update and rare has stated it multiple times that it is meant to be a PVP update. I’m sorry if some of you don’t personally like PVP and I’m sorry some of you aren’t great at it. In no way should Rare have to cater to your play style if you just enjoy the PVE aspects. All the curses are obtainable in a PVE style fashion it’ll just take you longer. If you choose to loss farm then do it, just don’t ask to be rewarded for doing so. Also stop making PVP players out to be the bad guys here we are excelling at the update that came out as an update for us, this first one in years. We haven’t asked for any of the other curses or ship sets acquired through PVE. I know you’ve stated that is different because some of you view PVP as stressful, but I personally don’t, I find it engaging and fun. We can all enjoy our own play styles. It’s a game play it as you wish.

    Exactly what this person said. I don't like pvp that much after the grind i did for LSD when arena was closing, but crying on forums to get the items for basically free which others are genuinely grinding is ridiculous.
    You want the cosmetic - grind it
    You don't want it or prefer pve - just use other cosmetics

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