Worst Community ever

  • To hell with this game the community is so toxic. All new friends I get to try it that now that is has contact just leave cause they get bullied constantly. Good thing they got to try it free for a few days cause I'd feel bad had they actually spent money on it. Bet your selling copies despite a shrinking player base though, releasing the little content every month to keep the few remaining trolls on to pick on new players.

  • 9
  • In my experience the new players are the ones always attacking and chasing. I'm pirate legend and leave everyone alone, but every single game a default boat with all white sails, sailed by a crew in the default starter outfits come after me... and all are easily destroyed.

    Anyone else notice that almost every time you see a default boat with white sails, it's hostile?

  • @tedakin BS! Have had every friend I've tried to get the game leave because we were attacked by a decked out pirate ship.

  • @zombieface87 Proof is in the Discord, the poppultaion shrinks every day because try hard trolls are bullying the community. I made the mistake of buying game day one.

  • Why all the spam? Is all your friends gonna copy-paste the same thing?


  • @zombieface77

    You mean rubbish players that have been playing since the beginning are getting sunk by noobsapians with the halo ship gear 🙂

    Sorry you and your friends are just bad bad bad.

  • Omg, people pirate others in this PIRATE game, so toxic. Get yourself a single player game if you are so afraid of PvP where skill cap is the only thing deciding your faith. Sorry this isn't the Sea of Epic Adventures or Sea of Friends but Sea of THIEVES. And as a side note I have never played a online multiplayer game with PvP in it, that doesn't have toxicity.

  • @Deckhands please close this thread!

    it's one of 4 salty posts to force unrest in the community-
    thank you

    dont feed the trolls!

  • @zombieface77 Ahoy there!

    While we understand your intention is to offer feedback, threads that contain no material for discussion, and contain personal attacks against the developers and others in the community are not permitted. They incite negative responses from others, and offer no constructive discussion. This thread will now be locked.

4 out of 9