More than 4 friends to a server, please.

  • You might know where this is going, so I’m going to simply the suggestion.

    Me...friends...trying to server hop to get all of us (5 total) into two brigs in the same server by using the Repear’s Flag (seen by Hibotc), rather than the impossible asking someone in the game for their boat.

    Like honestly, I really want all 5 of us in the game, and every time we try the RF tactic, it’s to no avail. Has anyone tried it and has it worked? If so, how long did it take for it to work?

  • 6
    xbox onequestionjust for funfeedback
  • I've done it a few times. Some people will do it out of the goodness of their hearts.

    But. The best way is to get some good treasure (preferably an Athena's Chest or a Fort Vault) and then find a Ship and promise them all the treasure if they invite one of you into their crew.

    But of course, you have to find someone that is willing to Parlay. And that doesn't happen much anymore. It's all "Shoot on Sight" now. So even this technique is getting harder to pull off. Plus it usually takes at least an hour or more.

  • I've been tinkering with that idea and made a thread to discuss a solution. You can show your support to it by leaving a comment, criticism or praise here:

  • @urihamrayne I will look into it.

  • If all of you are from the same region it shouldn't be to hard, done it with my friend a few times.

    Click set sail at the same time to raise the chances to get into the same one, would be surprised if it took you longer than 20 minutes since it took and my friend maybe like 40 minutes and we were two people.

  • I have tried the hopping route, but never once has it succeeded. We usually end up spending an hour or two trying to find someone who will talk to us and part with their ship.

    4 of us hopped for an hour last night trying to get into the same server, but to no avail. Frustrating part was that we were rotating servers a lot... I would leave a server only to have one of our crew load into that same server on the next hop, lol.

xbox onequestionjust for funfeedback
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