Make this a pirate game again

  • Enough of the stupid cartoony cosmetics. We want darker more realistic pirate stuff. A cut throat emote would be sick. Option and different styles of tattered sails. Add a few more ships per server with a 2 minimum galleon population per server to keep a threat in the seas. Make skull forts spawn every three hours again but add more loot and better chances of rare loot to give players an incentive to battle for 4 hours once again over the fort. In storms a rouge wave that sweeps the deck and washes players overboard. Visuals. A wake from ships. Waves crash on shores of islands. It would be cool to see different shark species. Dolphins swimming with the ship. Random flocks of seaguls flying for no reason. This game is dying because its loosing its element of piracy which would be the player galleon population. It would also be nice for the hardcore players to have an option for a galleon only server bc thats what we thrive for and sail for searching till we find it even if it takes weeks that 2 hour battle with another skilled gally is always worth it.

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  • @covertzebra5418

    I’m all for being a thieving Pirate, but I’m not in favor of this post...

    I much prefer the cartoonish Disney-esque Pirate look. And galleons-only servers would go against the philosophy of keeping an unpredictable unified player base where you encounter any type of crew at any time...

    Pirates are free to behave as peaceful allies or thieving killers in this game’s one shared world. The fact that you never know which one you will encounter is what makes this game unique!

  • @chronodusk agree but what thwy r doing to the game is driving all the good galleon crews away. I have to hop servers for weeks before i find that 3 hour battle with that good gally

  • Join a random Arena crew and you will quickly realize a huge amount of the player base is like 8 years old.

  • @covertzebra5418 I want more sinister sets within the look of the game. Definitely some cool ferry of the damned inspired stuff or gothic looking clothing in dark colors. New curses that do a lot more than what we currently have for sure.

  • @covertzebra5418 says:

    This game is dying...

    Well, in recent 24 hour periods, we have had:

    • 2,869 forts raided (about 1 every 30 seconds)
    • 6,441 megalodons defeated (incl. 11 Shrouded Ghosts)
    • 86,906 treasure chests unearthed
    • 2,075,174 cannon balls fired
    • nearly 1.5 billion gold pieces earned!!!

    That does not sound like a game that is dying to me!

    What does @CovertZebra5418 propose if too many people want to use sloops or brigantines, and there are not enough players teaming up in Galleons to provide a "2 minimum galleon population per server"? Are the sloopers locked out of the game until there are enough galleons? Or are they automatically "upgraded" to a galleon to make up the numbers?

  • @CovertZebra5418 Don't speak for everyone when you're only speaking for yourself.

  • @covertzebra5418 said in Make this a pirate game again:

    @chronodusk agree but what thwy r doing to the game is driving all the good galleon crews away. I have to hop servers for weeks before i find that 3 hour battle with that good gally

    Perhaps server-hopping is your problem? Maybe there's some behind-the-scenes algorithm that punishes you for doing exactly that? I never server hop, and I've never had a problem finding a good encounter, especially if I'm looking for it.

  • @covertzebra5418
    When was this a pirate game?

    When did we sail against a nation, loot merchant ships, or raid coastal cities?

    Sail the seas? Check
    Sea Lore? Check
    Pick up voyages to complete for someone else? Check
    Seems like we are sailors to me and always have been. Still love the game, but I am not a pirate even when trying to sink the other ships.

  • Plenty of sailors to join on open crew galleons, but it is not the lack of galleons that is the issue. A year ago the sea was red and sloops were the most lethal especially as they ambushed galleons in the Wild. We wanted more to do, and we got it. We are no longer driven to the same locations and the need to fight for loot.

    It is a big map and players are active completing their voyages. Perhaps you should play the foe for the server you are on to alliance against. Let them know as you take their loot that they should find other ships to alliance with and hunt you down. Let them know where to find your ship and if no one comes that you will hunt them again.
    You don't need to be mean in sinking each time,but send them to the ferry and send the warning when they return. The forum is begging for a foe that we have to team up against. What if we just decide to play that foe for ourselves?

    Happy hunting!

  • @d-jaguar

    The Sea of Thieves is a haven for pirates, where they don't have to worry about governments trying to hunt them all down. Many pirates weren't against cities but merely not aligned with one, but the cities and fleets decided they were just as much a 'pirate' as those on board the ships which terrorized the settlements and raided every undefended ship they found.
    As for gameplay of 'sailing against a nation', the skeleton force provides just that - a unified enemy to battle against as pirates alongside among yourselves. The skeletons have: Island fortresses to raid, with considerable hauls inside and a final boss required to open it; roaming neutral ships loaded with treasure, which will do their best to defend themselves, but can easily be snuck up on; stationary fleets which sit in open seas and await the alliances or single crews who dare challenge them, with, again, considerable reward should you pillage their ships to the fullest; ambushing ships which appear out of seemingly nowhere to battle to one crew's death, or until a sizable obstacle happens into their path. Seems to me like all of the requirements have already been ticked for any 'unified nation' content.

  • @ultmateragnarok unless everyone steals while at sea, everyone is not a pirate 🤔

    But everyone must sail a ship. Doesn't this make them a sailor?

    I just like giving everyone a hard time about not being pirate enough.

  • @d-jaguar
    Oh, there's a difference between being a stereotypical pirate and falling under the definition of being a pirate. As for being pirate enough, well, that's for the beholder to decide. Always good to push a bit more friendly joking in the Sea of Thieves though, we all know some of the people in it need it.

  • This isn't a pirate game - it's a pirate fantasy game.

  • @covertzebra5418

    Enough of the stupid cartoony cosmetics. We want darker more realistic pirate stuff.

    There you go, darker, more realistic, non-cartoony pirate game.

    Also known as NOT Sea of Thieves.

  • @surveyorpete in that case it would leave those 2 gally spots empty or fill them. U just admited rare killed the gally population

  • @galactic-geek its pointless to sail an entire server kill and sink 5 different ships take their loot and sink them some more. Galleons good crew galleons used to be everywhere and the most popular ship. That is gone those crews r gone and theres a reason for that

  • @sweltering-nick that is a stupid game. And will never be near as good as sea of thieves when it comes to naval battles and pirate action

  • @surveyorpete those stats mean nothing with forts popping constantly they need to be every 3 hours again megs pop constantly to the point its annoying all of this takes away from pvp and suprise crazy encounters. Theres loot everywhere so what. The game is boring bc of what has happened to the player base. I havnt had anyone attack me in probably six months. Theres something wrong with that. Nobody fights back anymore. Something wring with that. Its boring being out there as good as my crew is and not having a threat to worry about. Its boring with sloops everywhere. Irs boring doing a fort knowong nobody will fight us. Bc another one will spawn ten miniutes later. Still a great game just lots of stupid mistakes being made that r ruining it. If you like pve. Joy 4 you. The pvp/ Pve balance is gone.

  • @covertzebra5418 so b4 anyone else says anything else irrelevant. I have over 25mil meters of pvp behind the helm of a gally own everything available n still have 10 mil gold and have scene every aspect this game has change day to day. Its not the same game it used to be. Cpt zebra is out

  • @glannigan used to be adults that played adults play closed crew.

  • @covertzebra5418

    @surveyorpete in that case it would leave those 2 gally spots empty or fill them. U just admited rare killed the gally population

    I admitted no such thing. It was a "what if" question. Far too often, ideas are proposed here without someone thinking through the implications of their idea. Or - if the proposer did think them through - they do not bother explain what would happen in the exceptional "edge" cases.

    I am a computer programmer. I am trained to spot the holes in a user's statement of requirements, and to ask the "what if" questions. The way you put it - "a 2 MINIMUM galleon population per server" - sounded like the game would be closed to new sloops and brigantines until enough galleons came along.

    Your response above, i.e. "leave those 2 gally spots empty or fill them.", is really no more or less than the status quo. Unless you are proposing that if most people ONLY wanted to play on sloops & brigantines, then the maximum population per server would be 4 ships, only increasing to 6 if gally crews came along. Surely that's a worse situation than we have now? And it would not change how you perceive the world on the server you happen to be on, at any given time. Assuming you are on a galleon, another galleon would only be loaded into your server, if every other server running had at least one galleon already; because, by your rule, Rare would be trying to ensure that every server had a galleon, if it could.

    Like I say: Please, think things through.

    Rare did not "kill the gally population", except by allowing other ship types. People vote with their sea legs! If galleons were the only ship available, then far fewer people would be playing.

    @surveyorpete those stats mean nothing with forts popping constantly they need to be every 3 hours again megs pop constantly to the point its annoying all of this takes away from pvp and suprise crazy encounters. Theres loot everywhere so what. The game is boring bc of what has happened to the player base.

    In your original post, you said "This game is dying". I offered those stats as tangible proof that it is far from dying. There are lots of people playing Sea of Thieves. That you find the game "boring" is not at all the same thing!

  • @covertzebra5418 said in Make this a pirate game again:

    @sweltering-nick that is a stupid game. And will never be near as good as sea of thieves when it comes to naval battles and pirate action

    It's by far more realistic, which is what you are asking for, and their naval battles are more realistic too. You realize cannons don't shoot cannonballs in slow motion like it does in Sea of Thieves, right? It also isn't nearly as affected by the waves as in Sea of Thieves too. :P

    You are ASKING for Atlas, you might not be aware of that, but you are. xD

  • @covertzebra5418 unfortunately rare saI'd in a recent stream they can't add more ships to servers due to some memory issue with the servers.

  • @sweltering-nick ive played atlas. Its terrible. It has terrible reviews as well. Sea of thieves is great. Its gameplay as far as cannons and everything else and the way it is set up is for strategy [mod edited].

  • @fast-bike94 that is b.s look at other games and how many players they can have.

  • @surveyorpete again. This game was nothing but gallys when it came out. Sloops and brigs r pretty much the only thing. The element of a gally being out there is gone. I remember always having to worry about good galleons. They r GONE you drove almost all those players away. Even deadly sloops r gone for the most part. Keep programing tho buddy. Once u sail 25mil meters then you may understand.

  • @surveyorpete dying as in the game it once was. This game was far better and more fun in a pve/pvp random crazy encounters balance aspect from launch till alliances. After alliances its been going downhill in balanced fun. Skull forts every 3 hours. Kracken should be rare meg should be rare. That way its exciting when it spawns. Not expected to spawn and be annoying. There needs to be an incentive to fight for a fort every 3 hours insyead of it being handed to you fort after fort after fort. Racing to a fort from across the map when it spawned to fight for it maybee chase someone down for an hour or 2 possible get krackened in the process is gone. Bc there will just be another fort right away

  • @covertzebra5418 said in Make this a pirate game again:

    @surveyorpete dying as in the game it once was. This game was far better and more fun in a pve/pvp random crazy encounters balance aspect from launch till alliances. After alliances its been going downhill in balanced fun. Skull forts every 3 hours. Kracken should be rare meg should be rare. That way its exciting when it spawns. Not expected to spawn and be annoying. There needs to be an incentive to fight for a fort every 3 hours insyead of it being handed to you fort after fort after fort. Racing to a fort from across the map when it spawned to fight for it maybee chase someone down for an hour or 2 possible get krackened in the process is gone. Bc there will just be another fort right away

    I was there in the beta build and the open beta and at launch of this game. I remember all you are speaking about and I still don't care. The game was made with a blank slate and you made it your own adventure as i and my friends do still do to this very day. My crew is one of those hated crew on any server because we are pirates.

  • I like the rogue wave in storms idea. And I've always thought it would be cool to have waves crashing on the shore. I just figured that was too hard to code. If ships were tossed about by waves it would give a good reason to anchor more often, when close to shore.
    It would be cool if they could guarantee at least four ships per server at all times, instead of that lonely feeling you get for a half hour before they merge servers.
    PVP Galleon players have gone away from adventure to Arena.

  • @captain-arcanic they have veered from arena as well

  • @covertzebra5418 said in Make this a pirate game again:

    @sweltering-nick ive played atlas. Its terrible. It has terrible reviews as well. Sea of thieves is great. Its gameplay as far as cannons and everything else and the way it is set up is for strategy [mod edited].

    But, you don't want strategy...

    You said you wanted realism, and sadly, SoT is not the game to provide that for you, because it's cartoony. If you want realism, Atlas is your only choice, i'm afraid.

  • @CovertZebra5418 Please refrain from derogatory language and name calling, as it is a violation of our forum rules. Your post has been edited accordingly.

    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

  • @covertzebra5418 probably is bs I personally think this game is just dieing and they don't want to shovel more money into developing so they just work with what they have.

  • @sweltering-nick said in Make this a pirate game again:


    Enough of the stupid cartoony cosmetics. We want darker more realistic pirate stuff.

    There you go, darker, more realistic, non-cartoony pirate game.

    Also known as NOT Sea of Thieves.

    also known as "Wildcard had a brainfart and lazily ported most of their ARK assets instead of designing new ones."

    Also, this thread has to be bait. I refuse to believe this is serious, no offense to the OP or anything. You want darker, gritter pirate stuff on a teen rated game by Rareware? Go play AC4 instead. Everyone else is perfectly happy with how the game looks, its a nice blend of cartoonish but realistic enough that I can take the game seriously and get immersed. Also, I love how any post that leans against @CovertZebra5418 is labeled irrelevant. That's one way to get your post taken seriously.
    I will give you a shred of kudos however; I'd like a cutthroat emote.

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