Skelly ships with Black Sails Elite right?

  • Just checking cause you know how old wives tales start out in the Sea.

    Any Skelly ship with black sails is Elite right? Like harder to kill?

    Or is this just a rumor? Personally I’ve almost had my arss kicked a few times or just caught off guard but they seem way tougher to me and seem to drop more treasure or is it just random and I’m making stuff up?

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  • The sails usually indicate which ship it is. With the galleons, you can actually see a small tattered flag on the rear mast that shows you which CCBs they will use against you. That said, I haven't seen it on the cursed sloops yet, and I did see a cursed sloop yesterday with black sails. It did seem tougher, but that could've been because I was sailing with a crew that was new to the seas.

  • @glannigan

    From what I can recall, sail color is mostly random on skeleton ships. As @Galactic-Geek has already mentioned, the galleons have banners displaying their variety of cursed cannonball, but if the sails change directly according to that isn't something I know. Different cursed cannonballs can, however, make the ship a lot harder. The Peacekeeper's Demise or the Black Viper would be a whole other challenge compared to the Thief's Burden or the Fool's Stride.

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