Question, by no means want to offend anyone.

  • So I was wondering, do the developers actually look into the forums at peoples post, or is the forums just a place where we talk about stuff and the developers are not keen to notice anything of what’s going on?

    Because I myself and others have made many good ides on what to add to the game. I’ve seen some really good ones and hoping that RARE actually be like, “Oh wow, that’s a good idea. I will message you and we can talk more about it”.

    I mean I have made ideas about adding waterspouts. changing pirate appearances without deleting and starting over, A BIG INVESTMENT IN A FORT FOR THE DEVIL’S ROAR (I have a blueprint of it, along with the idea of the waterspout). I really hope they do read and see post that actually are good ideas.

    So pirates, do they read our forums or not?

  • 18
  • Forums are for old people

  • @prorapidkiller

    It does so happen that Rare monitors everything on these forums, in an attempt to make their game the best possible one they can. Reaper's Chests, for instance, are pretty much word for word one of the older posts on these forums. Skeleton ships, fishing, The Shores of Gold storyline, and much more was all user suggested here on the forums. Should you come up with an original, good idea, and post it here, Rare may take note and you could eventually see it. Keep in mind, that could take months or years depending on the suggestion.

  • Be mindful that they are probably in development of many great ideas from posts on this site. I'm sure one of your ideas will get used but it could be a long time before we see it in the game. Participating in the Q and As also gives you a chance to talk to the developers about ideas that you have in mind.

  • @prorapidkiller there was a poll a year ago and surprisingly most of what those who voted came into the game.

    Sometimes it seems they don't, but we have been pleasantly surprised.

  • I feel they read but respond very little, focusing on being a reliable source of info. No need to get anyone's hopes up until you're certain you can actually pull a good idea off, if you ask me.

  • This was a poll released just after launch on the forums and almost everything in the top places were added to the game. They not only look at the forums but are listening. If a cool idea is upvoted a ton but isn't added to the game they are either working on it, can't do it atm but will attempt in the future, or decided it shouldn't be in the game due to various reasons.

    alt text

  • @d-jaguar said in Question, by no means want to offend anyone.:

    @prorapidkiller there was a poll a year ago and surprisingly most of what those who voted came into the game.

    Sometimes it seems they don't, but we have been pleasantly surprised.

    just read this after i posted the poll picture lol

  • @prorapidkiller said in Question, by no means want to offend anyone.: the developers actually look into the forums at peoples post,...

    That you even ask... haven't you noticed how the game becomes easier by every update as a result of people's complaints about it being too hard??

  • @prorapidkiller They definitely read the forums, seen them implement ideas from here or it could be parallel thinking.. But they also have listen to the whiners which is why we have arena crossplay opt out now.

    If you really want to give feedback become an insider and post in there.

  • @prorapidkiller

    They do watch, although it may not be Joe Neate or Mike Chapman popping in here to read our posts, Rare definitely monitor our discussion here. There's even a disclaimer that says you should not expect to be credited if your idea or something like your idea ends up being implemented.

    Some of the ideas that show up here are cool in theory, but the vast majority do not fit into this game in any way shape or form so that's probably the main reason you don't see a lot of this stuff being implemented. Other than just not being good ideas for the game, a lot of the great ones probably require a lot of technical work that they may not be able to squeeze into their internal road map for the foreseeable future, or may be already on their docket for some point in the future.

    It would be nice though if every now and then Rare employees could chime in to say "we hear you" or give their perspective on some hotly debated topics.

  • @ultmateragnarok I have, like the one with adding a fort in the Devil’s Roar, I literally have the whole concept PLUS a hand-drawn layout of the island and where it will be located at. The waterspout yo I mentioned months ago and what it will do to your ship (damaging both the hull and the mast/sails). I just hope they actually find it intriguing and interesting to say the least. If you want to look, I can send you a link of it.

  • Wait what?? You're....... aware there's already a fort in the Roar.... right?

  • @prorapidkiller That's how the Reaper chest came to be. They listened and put it in as it suits them so they can work it in with the lore.

  • I assume if you have an idea that gets up voted then it may gain Rare's attention. But your opportunity may be lost if people miss your post. And you're not supposed to repost. So my detailed idea for a community player hub is lost to my archives. I come on here most days but only read the most recent posts to get an idea of what's current. Time contraints n all that. So I'm missing hundreds of ingenious posts... Probably.

  • Nah, mostly we just argue. I'm mostly just here to gain experience with debate and deeper thinking, that's why I argue points that I don't 100% agree with.

  • @scottstixx What I mean is this, before they did announced they was going to add a fort, I made one (idea of one being added in the DR, including a different color skull). When I saw that there is one, I was thinking maybe move the one I had and put I near Ashen Reaches, since Molten Sands is near Fetcher’s Rest.

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