Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!

  • I'm in absolute love with this idea! Though simple, makes engagement so much more exciting in the forums! Appreciate it Rare.

  • @Musicmee That was quick. Love you man.

  • @capt-soul-beard Always keeping an eye out for the famous names!

    Right back at you matey!

  • Nice appreciate the new system

  • This is pretty cool!

  • Yikes, I did the math and it almost works out to be that I have visited this forum almost every day since I joined.

  • I like it, though I find it odd that Master is lower then Captain and Commander. It sounds much more important to me than those two.

  • So...It counts only the account you have today ...So the two years before that, are "forgotten" ...Waw.Talking about a motivation killer...

  • @clumsy-george you my friend are already immortal in this game ;) hehe

  • @clumsy-george A person like you matey, needs no titles!

  • @musicmee
    True , i hate titles but if they force one up to you , than it's best to give the right amount of days...

  • Did you leave the forum by deleting your account @clumsy-george? That might have caused the issue.

  • Ooo nice 😎

  • Well we see these titles in game???

  • @musicmee

    Actually I think there is an issue with the number of days we have or I misunderstood how the days are numbered. Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand it should be the number of days we were logged on the forum, right? Meaning, if I joined 7 days ago and I was logged 3 days, I should have "3 days at sea"? Currently I think it would state "7 days at sea", let me explain...

    On my forum account, it says I joined the 26/11/2017 and if you count the days between this date and today you get exactly 613 days which is my amount of days at sea. The thing is, the first couple of days I can assure you I almost never was on the forum so it's just impossible I was logged every days between the moment I joined the forum and today.

    I know also some players who don't play the game anymore and log on to the forum very rarely but actually have their "days at sea" the exact amount of days between the day they joined the forum and the last day they were logged.

    So anyone who hasn't logged in for 6 months would have 180 more days added if he logs today? Doesn't that go a little against the intent of this title, knowing how many days you spent on the forum? At the moment I feel like it's just the number of days since we signed up. Thus, you could see someone who signed up 3 years ago, never logged again until today but enjoys the title of captain/commander?

    I really like the idea of knowing who is a regular on the forum or not, but in the end I'm afraid this title doesn't mean much except that someone joined the forum before/after me 🤔

  • 934 days ... not bad at all

  • @rosedawnbreaker said in Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!:

    @captnredwolf thanks for your help anyways :D

    Because maybe just maybe they put the spin on the idea everyone actually likes

  • Quite cool!

    One comment, the font used for the title feels a little out of place, not as well "themed" toward pirate-y things as other fonts.

    Thanks for this!

  • This is awesome to look at! I can't wait to see what entails in the future with this new forum ranking system. Good job everyone.

  • Very nice!

  • To be captain without beeing captain :)

  • Great feature :)

  • @drbullhammer Oh, so you can get days without coming back every day on the forum? That's strange 😕

  • @dekeita said in Introducing our new Forum Ranking system 'Days at Sea'!:

    Today is appearntly 666 "days at sea" for me


  • @saskeks You are so right i still grieve for losing this title :(

  • just checking 😃

    wow, Captain (982 days ) 😎!

  • @dekeita Spooky...

  • I wonder has anybody got "Legend"?

    Is there a race, and can we have a leader board ;P

  • @badassfro

    Sounds great !

  • Nice one!

  • @badassfro Can confirm, no one has yet! From now it will probably take another year and and a half for our top members to reach it, and that's if they were logged in every day from now. Will be interesting to see who hits it first...

  • @skulliah Ahoy matey!

    The first amount we all start with is the actual number of days we have been signed up to the forum.

  • @takuboto

    So honoured for the reply, thank you so much.

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