A few "legendary" ideas

  • This is gonna be a long post.
    Becoming pirate legend over a year ago was kind of a big deal since it was much harder to get loot.
    Going into the PL hideout was really cool with the flashy lights and dramatic music revealing the hidden stairs.... but that was somewhat short lived.
    There was also rumors about having a legendary captain rank someday after getting PL10.

    Some ideas I had for PL10 with "legend captain rank" players :
    1- Being able to create our own private island outside the SOT realm, every time you would log in, an invisible portal could randomly appear on any unused square of the map. That portal would be marked only on your map inside the ship. Once the ship is there any PL10 onboard the ship could play the legend song, a cave could come out of the water with the same flashy lights + dramatic music like PL hideout and once inside the ship could be ported to a hidden island surrounded by red sea owned by whoever played the song 1st.
    Creating these islands could cost an absurd amount of gold, being able to add cosmetics and pretty much anything available to regular islands could also cost lots of gold including NPC shops but maybe not guild masters. It would make gold useful again for the insanely rich and of course the more gold you have, the bigger the island you can make.

    2- Those private islands I mention in #1 could also be used in a new arena mode where your team need to defend that island VS opponents, so building towers with canons would definitely be a MUST have.
    Better have some very rich PL10's in your friend list for that one. :P

    3- Summoning the megalodon when it 1st came out was cool, again PL10's could get new summoning quests like once a day or 2 and be able to summon various new monsters : A sea serpent, A giant Moby dykk whale big enough to swallow even a galleon (breaking all mats in the process and need to attack the inside for the beast to open its mouth and get out of there), also a crazy hard version of the Kraken where its entire body will show up and of course this time we kill it for real.
    How about a sea dragon, I mean a flying boss huh?
    A crazy big new admiral skelly ship 3 or 4 times the size of a galleon with a dozen canons on multiple decks on each side of the ship.
    Forming alliances would be much needed for these bosses and they could give unique rewards like a dragon's head figurehead for example but with a very low drop rate or from commendations after killing em many times.
    If you want it more dramatic they could only be summoned while being in the middle of the storm. :P

    4- For everyone some other new creatures like harpies flying around the highest peaks of SOT islands could be part of new quests, these creatures could grab people and drop em off from very high killing us from fall damage. They could also have nests on the rocky formations everywhere on the map so they could also attack passing ships grabing people and dropping em in the water (2 or 3 sharks could instantly spawn from this kind of attack).

    5-Evil mermaids could sing songs at night, hearing it for to long could give effects similar to being drunk (reverse controls, dizziness, automatically picking up loot if you walk on it and auto jump if close to the side of the ship) those mermaids will attack people who fall in the water and they can even steal loot that's in the water.
    Playing music could help prevent this or teammates could also attack you to break the spell.

    6- Sometimes the storm is part of the arena battle so I think on rare occasions the fog should cover the all map for the entire battle.

    7-A new curse event where upon dying we are stuck on the ferry of the damn and Davy Jones is nowhere to be found.
    This ship would not be the true ferry since only YOUR team could be on this one. There could be a new quest line similar to the shores of gold but this time on a new map in hell or whatever the realm the ferry of the damn is.
    We could actually drive that ship but without a map to help us so would need to find clues to pinpoint the location to where to go next meaning the entire run would be going nearly blind.

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  • @calissedecrisse

    I could see the island thing working now with the new lore of the Shroudbreakers, perhaps that in conjunction with the ancient's portal network already in use by the Athena's Fortune crew could make this a possibility. I feel like the siege would be more akin to one of my own older suggestions of a skeleton ship siege, more due to finding the players required to do a group siege on a player controlled stronghold island would be very difficult with the current server setup.

    Summonable sea monsters sounds more like a Hunter's Call thing, perhaps they get bigger the higher level you get, with the level 50 quests having a decent chance for rare variants (such as the shrouded ghost). The skeleton ship one would be an Order of Souls matter as well, perhaps the legend could get the mission from the respective companies that the quest would involve.

    Merfolk have long been developed in the shadows, but Rare has their own plans for what they will do.

    I like the idea of an arena match in which the whole map is one large fog bank or storm, rather than the annoying RNG system that loses crews the game by keeping them in the storm for the whole time while being farthest from the islands required.

    The Sea of Sorrow and the Ferryman and his ship are bound to be their own tall tale at some point, however developing these things takes quite a bit of time. It's a promising concept they are sure to have thought about.

  • Summoning Daily/Weekly Quests would be cool for PL10.
    Sorta like what you describe. Use a tool to summon a creature, like we did during that Meg event.

    It would give PL10's something unique to do. They'd actually have an new type of avenue of adventure after having grinded everything else.

    Daily/Weekly Quests would also motivate alot of people to log in more often.

    The Daily/Weekly Quest rewards? I have no clue.
    If there's a random variable/variation in Daily Quest summoning creatures, the rewards could be progress towards a cosmetics that visibly fits with each creature.

  • @ultmateragnarok When the game 1st came out I was saying to other players how it would be nice if we could have fog, being able to summon boss creatures (Megalodon) and have a story mission that could lead us to the red sea and "leave" the map to an unknown region (Shores of gold).

    I was asking that way before we even hear about the meg update so I keep my fingers crossed that I will be right again. :P

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