Suggestion: Limited Time Environmental Events

  • I loved the double gold event a while ago and i feel more events are needed to add variety.

    Double gold weekends would be good at the end of every month to try and get a few players back and create a buzz around the seas but my main point is environmental changes.

    There are so many options you could go with that would last a weekend or so:

    • 'High Winds' - The strengths of winds are increased meaning higher sailing speeds however much wilder waves, this could also be inverted to 'low winds' where winds are weaker however the seas are much calmer.

    • 'Volcano Drought' - Volcanoes stop erupting or alternatively are much less frequent.

    • 'Chummed waters' - the spawn frequency of sharks and megs are increased (could help people get the shrouded ghost)

    • 'woeful weather' - the size of the storm is much larger and travels much faster, same applies to the fog. This could be inverted to a 'fruitful forecast' where there are no storms or fog.

    Those are just a few ideas but there are so many possibilities and i feel they would add so much more variety to the game and help pull players back in. Thoughts?

  • 3
  • I hope there will be some more impressive weather variation in the future

  • My friend is afraid of sharks. He wouldn't like Shark Week (in SoT).

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