Idea list

    1. Option to change your pirate (Instead of deleting your current one with your progress)

    2. Guilds. Perhaps they could cost a specific amount of coins to start the one who purchases the guild could be the captain

    3. Ship names. Being able to name your ship (Like the in game shipwrecks the magpies wing/morningstar)

    4. More passive undersea wildlife to make the environment better. (Manta rays, whales, dolphins, octopuses, sea snakes)

    5. Ashen versions of more things (Ashen version of chest of sorrows where it cries boiling water). Ashen enemies like (Ashen skeletons, Ashen megalodons, ashen krakens?)

    6. More stuff to deliver to the order of souls. You can deliver chests and trinkets to the gold hoarders and to the merchants you cna deliver animals, cargo run items and crates. But to the order of souls you can only really deliver skulls so I feel like there need to be more items that you can hand in.

    7. More curses. If they expand upon the curses they can add the skeleton curse where one of your hands or legs turns into bones. Also perhaps the curse of those mysterious strangers in the tavern could be something pirate legends get.

    8. Bounty hunts

    9. Mermaids. These could guard shipwrecks.

    10. Commendations/loot for PVP players. I'm not sure if this would make the game more toxic or not but for now I would like to earn money from sinking ships since nowadays almost no ships have loot due to the Tall tales.

    11. Different tall tale stories. So the first set of tall tales were about the shores of gold, however I think it would be interesting if RARE could make a storyline about the ancients (See captain falcore on youtube for lore videos)

    12. This may be too much to ask but an icy region would be very nice. I've seen a lot of people requesting this and I feel like it would bring a lot of old and new players back to the game. The theme could be vikings since the game is not Sea of Pirates, it's Sea of THIEVES.

    13. Health bars for skeleton lords

    Thanks for reading! Tell me in the comments what you think

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    communitystory & lore
      1. Absolutely yes! for a price (100k gold)
      1. Yes. I thought of some ideas on how it could work, with daily goals, shared treasure, hierarchy and obligations, special missions, and more. should have a high price for creation and improvements.
      1. Yes. See this post I made on shipbuilding:
      1. Yes. I could stretch a lot on this point, the truth is that SOT does not have a living world, things do not work without the presence of the player. the only animals we have are used as mission targets or enemies, this should change.
      1. Not. there is no need for variations of the game's standard creatures for these regions. perhaps new creatures or the absence of some current ones such as: the kraken does not attack in Roar Devils, animals tend to behave according to the environment, it may be very hostile to certain animals.
      1. I do not think so. Instead of new things to deliver I believe it would be better to have another type of mission, such as defending a fort from a skeleton invasion, finding magic books scattered across the map, delivering potions to another outpost, or eliminating a small fleet of skeleton ships. I think the problem is not what we're delivering but the way we get into this thing, just killing skeletons is kind of boring.
      1. YES! I think it's a matter of time, they will add. What is up to us is to give suggestions of which would be the most legal and the process to obtain them. I will post a post suggesting some as curses of the mermaid, skeletal, Devils Roar, Scales and others.
      1. Do not know. I do not understand very well what you mean but, if you refer to a new faction that focuses on cleaning the seas, I honestly thought it was very good but I do not know if it would work so well. Maybe, but it would have to be thought about the impact inside the game, with so many players asking for PVE.
      1. Not. I do not like the idea of ​​an NPC helping out in a PVP situation, although I agree that mermaids need to do more than stare at me like that.
      1. Yes and no. As you said, it is necessary to calculate the impact on the game, in this case I believe that a bounty hunter faction would be a good addition because it would focus on aggressive players and leave the quieter in peace. The fact is that a pirate game needs rewards for PVP, you just need to study how to do it.
      1. Yes. Tell Tales part 2 is a really good idea, but in my opinion we should have waited a long time for this and at that time, Rare could increase new mechanics in the game.
      1. Yes but. The game is definitely about pirates, I think the question here is neither on the theme but on the map itself. After playing for a year I can say that I hate the islands of sea of ​​thieves. Pelomenos for the most part. The reason is that I wanted large islands, such as Shores of gold, where there were large forests and wild animals and from that an exploration was born. I think they have to focus on it.
      1. Okay, I think it's good, but I do not think they're going to show that the Lord Skeletons in galleon missions are MUCH stronger than those in sloop.
  • Yeah, those would be great additions. I myself don't see the need of adding guilds or bounty. The rest sounds really smart and cool!

communitystory & lore
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