I've seen this on a Video, and I wan't to know how I get that.

  • I saw this guy in a Video, and he had this Gold Tattoo over his whole body, I've even seen people with skull tattoo's on their face, how can I get those?
    Picture of the guy with the Golden tatoo

  • 6
  • Complete all the tall tales 5 times each and get all the diaries from each one.

  • @ttvrauschelya you aquire this curse by completing all the tall tale chapters 5 times AND collecting all the journals.

    Edit: darn you @EGGamer13 you beat me by a second or two haha gg though

  • @callmebackdraft I'm faster than you matey! hahaha

  • @callmebackdraft okay, thanks i'll be putting in some serious hours into the game then, do you maybe also know how to get those Skull face tattoo's since that looks quite neat aswell?

  • @ttvrauschelya

    The skull facepaint was from last years Halloween time limited event.

    No longer available.

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