Spawn killing trolls

  • After taking down an enemy ship if they board the ship and they manage to kill you they seem to just spawn kill till you scuttle or (if you have loot) wait for someone to bring the new spawned ship back, I find this to be very unfair as we have just beaten them but they not only spawn kill so we can't fight back but get a whole new ship to sink ours with and steal our loot.
    This can easily be fixed by,
    When your ship sinks you get relocated to your new ships spawn.
    To be clear I like boarding ships in the middle of combat and think it is a valid tactic, in the middle of battle not after the battle has been lost.

  • 4
  • This is actually quite interesting, as some could argue even tho you won the ship battle, you failed to protect your ladders leaving them to board you.

    But I agree you did somewhat win the battle to be spawn camped while they get the ship again is cheap

  • @iodinkingofgods Bad idea, you ain't won until you sink and kill everyone!

  • @iodinkingofgods I doaagrwe. You haven't defeated them until you have sunk their ship and killed their crew.

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