No Really!!

  • So I spent the evening goofing off, hunting mermaid statues cause fishing is dull, but they have neat stuff. Did a couple of messages in a bottle. Anywho, I had a bunch of balls, cursed and regular and wanted to be sure someone got them. Don't ask me why, I just did.

    So I found a Galleon at Galleon's Grave. I put up my white flag and spammed, We're Friendly, Truce, Mercy.

    They hauled aft outta there! I finished pulling up my sails. Figured they'd freak out more if I tried to chase them down. Maybe they'd come around. They did. Then the genius at the wheel managed to wedge them between the Island and the dock.

    I lol'd and was about to ask if I could somehow help, when they opened fire. I took the shots and tried to textchat "want supplies?" Buuuut they kept shooting. I could have opened fire back. They weren't going anywhere. I scuttled cause I was done for a bit. I tried to textchat again, but they started shooting at me more. I swam around the corner so I could again tell them what was gonna be in the barrels. Kept shooting, one guy swam out to try to finish me off.

    I swam towards my merperson and killed a shark, grabbed the meat and noticed the swimmer was still coming after me. I took my merm back to my boat so I could go sell the shark meat. I was going to go taunt them, but I meassaged the swimmer and explained their mistake. They had gotten out of the corner or scuttled by the time I got back, looks like the did pick up the cursed balls tho. I lol'd.

    Moral of the story:
    Sometimes (not very often I understand,) people are just trying to be nice.

    Also don't sell your Merperson Jewels to the Goldhoarders.

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  • I know that experience. Why are people so skeptical? 😏

  • @goedecke-michel
    Because "we're friendly" and "truce" are pirate speak for let me get closer so i can sink you 😉

  • @pithyrumble
    This, sadly , happens more and more. Pirates seems to be riddled from top to toe with distrust and would shoot their own Mother if her shadow is closing in on them…
    There was a time that Rare , in all kind of channels , like Tavern Talks , innsights and so on ,promoted the Friendly approach...

    A lot of New Pirates , some 2 million according to the official counts , have come to the Sea , but all what they have seen , or got tempted by was an Arena Trailer in which even Seagulls need to be careful for not getting hit by a lost cannonball and a Trailer about Tall Tales…

    Very, very little amongst them know that before Arena and Tall Tales excisted , The Pirates of the Sea made their own stories . We got send on the Sea because we bought a map and 5 minutes later our original plan already got altered because we met an agressive AI or met a real Pirate ship in wich the confrontation could get every way, from war to Alliance to Betrayal and pure Loyalty and everything that ranges between this…

    i'll bet that most New Pirates don't even know there is an Alliance option nor do they know what an Alliance mean in Profit …
    And therefor you see that a confrontation almost every time leads to fighting , which is okay but becomes boring if you can't have a normal chat with the Pirates you come across.

    i have totally no bad word towards Rare and all the things they have given and do for us , but they should start to repeat that a Friendly encounter can lead to more profit than just a few treasures from a ship…
    Oh, i know it's not Sea Of Friends but when a crew that is about to stop offers you their cursed cannonballs or even full supplies then why be so stubborn to shoot them and get the stuff the hard way ? Mostly the Pirates that offer their stuff are seasoned ones and the New Pirates should think twice before shooting them...Because if they have 5 more minutes to spare , then i'm sure that many of these crews will teach you how to swim in wet clothes amongst the sharks…

    In short , i don't like the very rapid degrading of parlay , it seems forgotten nowadays...And that is sad , not only for me , but just for all those New Pirates that have totally no clue about the deeper Layers that lie underneath our Beloved Sea.

  • hehe merperson

  • @clumsy-george
    Nice post.
    Even on the days where im strictly pvping, i have been detered by pirates simply getting on the mic and talking. Depending on what they say and how they say it, can change the entire situation.
    I have had players call me names for attacking them, so i will sink them.
    I have had players beg to leave their animal crates but take the loot, i left both.
    I have had new players sail up to me while i had the reaper flag on and ask for help, after realising they didnt know im commin to sink them i stopped and let them on my boat to sail with us and show them the ropes.
    I really feel its all about how u appraoch things out there.
    I not saying i would have trusted OP. But if i was on a gally a solo guy isnt much of a threat to a seasoned crew.
    I really feel we need more events like Hungering Deep. Even tho im more of a ruthless pirate, that event was some of the best times i have ever had in any game ever.
    I spent the first couple days docked next to Merrick helping all who came.
    Then i spent the rest of that event circling the island sinking anyone who tried to attack players tryin to do the event.
    I got my pvp, and pve out of it and made new friends.
    A couple are still on my friends list to this day.

  • @pithyrumble
    I just wanna say you kinda got me sunk tonight.
    At island just lookin for random loot.
    About to log out.
    See a brig commin for me.
    Alliance flag, cannons up, spammin friendly and truce.
    Remember this post.
    Hey maybe ill be nice tonight and give them my balls before i log out for @PithyRumble .
    Let them get close.
    Reachin for my mic.
    They open fire.
    Guy shoots self out of cannon.
    Thought he missed. Was lowering sails.
    One shot blundered.
    On ferry, remember @PithyRumble again.
    Remember i had all those cursed balls.
    Scuttled just for you so they couldnt have them for being liars.
    Broke 2 of my own rules.
    Never trust a pirate. Never let someone get close.
    Feels badman 😪

  • Oops sorry 😅
    Did all 3 of their tags start with Sargent? If so they got whupped later on by the game 😏

    I never said it was a good idea 😋🧜‍♀️

  • I dont remember honestly. I was on the back of the sloop debating about what i was gonna do. Guess i should have went with my gut lol

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