Rare stuck between a rock and a hard place

  • I normal wss harsh critizing Rare with the development with this game. I feel like they are stuck in a loop the constantly have to update the game to keep it fresh and interesting. At the same time bug after bug is also driving people nuts and so Rare has to fix the bugs but they cant get to them all before they have to update the game with new stuff to keep things interesting.

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  • I realise that there is a trend in online gaming to "evolve" the "experience" along with the player base. I'm not saying either way if this is a good or bad approach.

    But it's obvious, in this case, that Rare released the game too early and have been playing catch up ever since. They should have launched with a bug free Anniversary Version (so yes, one year later) and started the "evolution" from there.

    The rock and hard place are of their own making (and probably Microsoft's as well).

  • They're constantly in a loop having to update the game because this game is something called "GAME AS A SERVICE".

    This type of games are constantly updating the game, adding content, fixing bugs and creating new ones but that's part of videogames development. There will be never a game without bugs, NEVER. It's impossible. BUT, they can remove the bugs that cause major issues and more likely are going to be encountered a lot by the players.

    The goal is not to make a game free of bugs because it's impossible, but the goal is to make a game without visible bugs. But that's difficult.

    What I suggest you to do is, if you don't want to Rare publish a version with bugs to the major public, you could enter to the Insider programme

    EDIT: And BTW, they've a LOT of systems internally to prevent bugs, such as regular automated testing, regular internal playtests, regular updates to the insider programme... If some bug gets to the final build means that it's not a that important bug, or, it's a Rare bug that no one (or almost) no one encountered and reported.

  • @blatantwalk4260 a dit dans Rare stuck between a rock and a hard place :

    I normal wss harsh critizing Rare with the development with this game. I feel like they are stuck in a loop the constantly have to update the game to keep it fresh and interesting. At the same time bug after bug is also driving people nuts and so Rare has to fix the bugs but they cant get to them all before they have to update the game with new stuff to keep things interesting.

    That's something I wonder about. I believe it could be a great thing to give the community tools to create contents (clothes design, quests, tales, tools to make movies, etc).
    I've no ideas how to implement it and it might also not be possible but I think everyone would gain from that kind of tools.

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