Ship customization is somewhat lackluster

  • This was never apparent to me because until I got to Pirate Legend I didn't buy many Ship items, instead I was saving up for those Legendary sets. And after buying the Legendary Hull+Sails I must say that I am very disappointed.
    Sure I mistook them for the first year Pirate Legend reward but they cost 600.000 together and there is no glow, really? Thats more of a personal problem though. Whats really bugging me in general is that so many skins don't change the Ship that much. Like if you change your sails the Mast never changes only on a few exceptions. Same for the hull you buy an awesome color and expect it to look cool but once you are on the ship the deck looks boring as usual.

    I mean its kinda sad that I prefer a cheap Kraken set over my hard grinded Legendary set simply because it changes the ship completely.

    Would be nice if you guys could give if us more coloring options.

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  • @endeavorcg when the initial pl ship cosmetics got brought out there where no glowing ship cosmetics (had something to do with the devs not having the tech to do glowing stuff on sails/flags yet) initially the athena ship cosmetics which cost 300k a piece mind you also didnt have a glow to them, that was added later after the reapers mark got added.

  • @callmebackdraft so they could easily add glowing effects? I will use the Athena items anyway once I get them but it still felt like a rip off.

  • @endeavorcg well yes and no, for the peeps (like me) that got them a LONG time ago they where cool and all, and the glowing year one gifted ones where cooler, not everything has to glow in my mind

  • @endeavorcg it's the hills that change the masts not the sails. also its only newly made skins that do that. they also change the ladders and stairs and some stuff on the cannons and harpoons. I made a post asking for a retexture of old skins but it's been buried since

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