Suggestion to anti-pvp

  • I see a lot of people are fustrated about how players can just go up and destroy your day with griefing and other activities, so I had an idea.
    Just like the Reapers Mark flag, maybe you could have a peace flag, that made it so your ship stopped taking damage and would be immobile, but you could not do harm yourself, either by cannons or guns/cutlass, then other players could still rob your ship, but atleast not make you totally start from the Bottom, and if some people don't like the idea of getting robbed, then I'm sorry to say, but it is Sea of THIEVES, you could perhaps make a secret storage that could hold maybe 2-4 pieces of loot or so.
    And on a side not, just so you can't exploit the peace flag, there would have to be a sought of cooldown on it before you could take it down again and move on.

    Let me hear some feedback on the idea so we might be able to get it right :)

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  • @axxa8765 omg...not again a post like this...THIS IS SEA OF THIEVES! It's developed as a PvEvP online game from the first day...get along with that or get a game that's not like this wonderful peace of gaming art


  • @schwammlgott It's not a passive mode, it's so that you don't have to fully restart from scratch if someone do decide to rob you, thought I made that part clear :)

  • @axxa8765 it's almost the same, you can't do damage, no one can do damage to you...that's even worse than passive somebody can board me and steal my stuff and I'm not able to stop him or get it back...

  • @axxa8765 Good luck, this place is a little swamped with the git good crowd, first reply already suggested you stop playing the game as a reply to your idea. lol.

  • @natiredgals sagte in Suggestion to anti-pvp:

    @axxa8765 Good luck, this place is a little swamped with the git good crowd, first reply already suggested you stop playing the game as a reply to your idea. lol.

    I often made suggestions how they can improve, or that's against the idea of the game and whatever...
    But people seem to just come into the forums without reading anything and just whine or let's say "suggest" things in new self made threads that have been discusted thousands of times in so many's just enough...sorry I say it that harsh, but it's true

  • @schwammlgott Well mate, it's just an idea, thats why I ask for feedback on it, I don't want to ruin the game, as you said PvP is essential, I just want to give people are chance to surrender to an enemy :)

  • @axxa8765 you can surrender to an enemy...use the speaking trumpet, put the white flag on, aim the cannons up in the air...if they accept this offer is up to them

  • @axxa8765 said in Suggestion to anti-pvp:

    @schwammlgott Well mate, it's just an idea, thats why I ask for feedback on it, I don't want to ruin the game, as you said PvP is essential, I just want to give people are chance to surrender to an enemy :)

    Their exist one, its called Scuttle.

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