Honourabe Sword Duel - No Bananas

  • A sword duel goes horribly wrong.

  • 6
  • how is that when you sword lunge you can instantly move after it but when I do it its like I have been anchored to the ground?

  • @hey-bek but why are the bananas always gone? lol

  • @kraken-slap If your talking about moving while building up to the swing, you have to block first and then you can move freely. Although I think you might be talking about moving after the swing. In this case im pretty sure its all about if you have hit an enemy or not, if your hit connects you can keep moving and swinging, if not you will be stuck for a few seconds. Im pretty sure this is how it works however I haven't tested it.

  • @hey-bek that's weird then it might just be a lag issue or something, cause I have felt that even when I connect with people I am still stuck and they can hit me in the sides

  • Interesting video

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