The Fate of the Ferryman (Skins/Sails/Outfit/Cannon v2???)

  • Ahoy matey!

    Blimey! Everyone feeds the fish one way or another and we all go to that one place we all know as, The Ferry of the Damned. That Ferryman on the wheel has a much different outfit than we do. The outfit has more of a cape on the back and is a dress at the same time. He has a peg leg but it looks more like a bone leg and he is wearing a black boot (that is what it looks like). There is also an eye patch which we have not seen in any of the shops (correct me if I am wrong for any of these).

    Looking at the cannons on the ship, they seem to be a default skin but is twisted. Also, when we look at the flags as well, it seems to either be maroon or black but with the addition of this in the game, it can give you the chance to be the very, Ferryman, you see on the Ferry of the Damned.

    This should be limited to maybe those who are Athena Level 10 or by bringing out a set of challenges called, Fate of the Ferryman (name idea) which can revolve around the story of how the Ferryman came to be and why he is stuck on the Ferry of the Damned.

    Let me (us) know your thoughts on this and what you think.

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  • Not a huge fan of players bein' able to get exact copies of what important NPCs wear, it makes them stand out so much more.

    And for some lucky few, there's already an existing Ferryman clothing set that matches his overall theme very well.

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