A Few Items

  • I have a few items I have been thinking about that I think would be great additions to the game!

    I was thinking maybe add in a bag as a weapon slot item that allows the user to have double materials and are able to carry 2 pieces of treasure. This way the player is vulnerable with only one weapon but has the opportunity to result quickly and perhaps heal up enough to deal with those pesky thieves!

    Another addition would be more customization with ships and pirates.
    For ships maybe add specific captains quarters designs and below deck cosmetics. For Pirates let us customize or pirate! It would be so cool to be able to make my pirate look as close to me as possible! Or if I just wanted a cooky looking pirate!

    Some more unique chests would be pretty cool as well like maybe have an item such as a mini Athena chest that gives you rep towards all fractions but it is a very rare chance to dig up on a voyage! Different items to dig up regardless of what it is would be great!

    If there were monster specific cannon balls that would be a great help as well.
    Like a kraken ball that stuns the kraken or a meg ball that does more damage. Or a weapon that is more efficient against such monsters.

    I think this game is absolutly wonderful and you guys seriously are doing a great job. I wanted to throw out some thoughts I had and I hope you like them! Maybe it sparks something for a new change! Happy Sailing!

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  • @lmtommychong I like the bag idea and one could put trinkets in said bag

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