How much would you pay for a pet?

  • @britishtwin-one said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    @piratecraggy What would you consider to be worth £10? I think a parrot would be worth £10 with customizable feathers(Colours).

    I would say these guys... with their "beautiful plumage!"
    Traditional Macaws

  • Nothing. I've never cared for the addition of pets and until they start adding in more things for us to actually do, then I won't even consider giving them more money. The game was £50 at launch, it had SO little content at launch and even now, after the addition of Shrouded Spoils, it's still a push to say it's worth that much. IF the game had been cheaper, I might be more inclined to spend more but until we see progress with the quests and something added for PL's, then my money is either staying in my wallet, or going to other games.

  • I can safely say I will NOT be paying for any of the MTX. After the Dev's have shown that they won't stick to their vision of the game and instead are "pandering" to the loudest elements.

    All it would have taken was a bit more transparency, the issue is they haven't addressed anything and instead caused the "cross platform wars" to be taken to the next level.

    I can also say when the time comes where they start charging for DLC, I will not be buying.

  • @quicksilver7723 4,99€

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    @quicksilver7723 An interesting question. I think it would be nice if Rare allowed players to earn a generic version of one of the pets in game. For instance you could go to the shop and buy one generic monkey, parrot, cat, etc. Then I think it would be neat to have one special pet available locked behind a challenging commendation. At that point the rest of them could be tossed up for sale in the cash shop. I'd be willing to pay a reasonable price for a cool pet. My weakness is ship customization though, that....ohh that I'll end up spending too much on.

    Onyx ship customization gets me unmentionables wet, yarrr

  • I am fine with $2-$10 USD per pet MTX.

    However, I think they need to add obtainable pets based on level and achievement within game. For example, when you reach pirate legend you are able to purchase an exclusively colored parrot with in game currency. As your Athena level increases, other pets become available with exclusive cosmetic treatment.

  • Microtransactions are essential for the continuation of the game. Unless they start making playable content purchased (and truly dividing players), they need to have something like this that many players purchase.

    I agree with @Kat-Truewalkerr that this will be somewhat of a division, so perhaps, having the ability to unlock one pet in game would be beneficial if then they sold something to augment the pets, and have a charge for additional pets.

    $9.99 for each pet.
    $2.99 for pet outfits.
    $.99 for color variations.

    The base pet (can choose color though when obtaining) can have color variations or outfits.
    As @PirateCraggy shows, the coloring alone makes parrots magnificent. (Also on various areas, see the parrot feathers? Especially Ruby's fall near cannon, want that parrot!)


    Base? Premium?
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    Parrot Pirate Swashbuckling Turtle Bowser Turtle
    A little captains hat and eyepatch and a belt with a little scimitar A swashbuckling (not ninja) outfit similar to this Once they get an agreement with Nintendo and the game is on the switch
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    I hope they do make a statement like LOTRO did (but actually keep it)

    Items purchasable from microtransactions are for convenience, not advantage.

    Pets are a first step, and when potions are introduced into the game, having the time to brew them or collect or whatever we have to do, I can easily see this being an option for microtrans.
    LOTRO went sour with a lot of people when better versions of items, or instant in battle potion buying imbalanced gameplay, creating advantage for those who purchased.

    I don't think Rare would ever intend to do this, but it is a warning.


    Now if Rare wanted to make some serious $, based on what I have seen from users with ios apps:
    A Tamagotchi that costs time or $ to maintain.
    One day of food for your pet costs $.99 or you can turn in a crate of 100 bananas to a trader.
    You must log in daily and feed your pet, else it dies with convincing and horrible sound when you log in making you feel guilty you bought a coffee drink for $3.59 and let your pet die for a fraction of that.

  • My question to the SoT community is how much do you think pets, the first MTX in game, should be priced at? How much do you think is fair? Should they be earnable in game, maybe not all but at least 1?

    ZERO is the correct answer. Pay ZERO.

    These transactions are NOT in the spirit of the original intent of the game.

    Look for me to spend NOTHING on this.

  • @salvasian-au hahahah SURE !!

  • I’d definitely pay $10 for a cool pet, even more tbh. This is the only game I play so why not. Also, these pets are 100% not going to affect you in combat so calm down.

  • @xot3rm1n4t0rox it's true that the content for the legendary players is EXTREMELY poor ... we have this feeling when we are level 10 ATHENA to just go for a walk without a specific goal ... it's a shame ... Especially There is now a lot of legendary ...

  • The excitement about pets will wear off very quickly when every pirate has a parrot, monkey, or snake following them around. I'll be one of those rare pirates without a friendly companion.

  • @quicksilver7723 I am digusted by todays standards...
    I thought SoT was about spending time to look fancy/cool, not about buying cool stuff with money...
    Your appearance tells a lot about how much you know about the game.
    What's the point of getting pirate legend when you can buy things and look cool on day one ?
    Why did i spend hours getting to pirate legend and I don't get the coolest pet there is in the game ??
    Like please people games are about how many hours you put in to them not about how much money you spend in them !!

    Pirate legend unlocks so few skins that it's ridiculous I spent all those hours for so few items.... can we even say pirate legend items are all there ? are these the only pirate legend items we get ??
    IF you really want to spend money and can't live your existance without spending money on the game buy a copy for a friend ... you'd be buying a digital skin with real money anyway...might aswell buy someone a copy if you want to "invest"(lul) in this game.

    Some people literally have done EVERYTHING in the all there is new for them to do is to go into the shop and insert credit card info to complete the game....LULW ??

    No game can be 100% complete wihtout credit card nowadays....

  • Why would I pay for a new pet, when me and my crew sail with a parrot every time we are on the seas currently? You can see a meg trying to eat our parrot here.

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  • @drayman86 said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    My question to the SoT community is how much do you think pets, the first MTX in game, should be priced at? How much do you think is fair? Should they be earnable in game, maybe not all but at least 1?

    ZERO is the correct answer. Pay ZERO.

    These transactions are NOT in the spirit of the original intent of the game.

    Look for me to spend NOTHING on this.

    They've actually talked about this before even launch, so...

  • I remember some 7 months ago I made a Thread on how I thought they'd work.
    I said a new currency would be implemented for pets, a currency that would only be acquired through real money,💰 kinda like what most MMOs have these days.
    I wonder how accurate my predictions will be on pets?

    But we'll see how much they charge.
    I suspect the prices will differentiate depending on which pet you buy, and there will be different Skins for pets as well.

  • @quicksilver7723 Ill drink to that my friend!

  • @quicksilver7723 are you the quicksilver that got chased by 2 sloops today?

  • @quicksilver7723 as a mostly solo player with no friends lol I’d pay whatever for a pet honestly. No lie

  • Personally I think it would be best if Rare gives pets to players as free content to unlock in-game. But then gives you the option to buy the cosmetics for them. Like color, skeleton form, and even clothing. That way nobody is left out. The thought of Rare holding pets hostage as micro transactions is sour. The dedicated like myself players will buy them regardless. But it would go more smoothly as a “donation” istead of a “paywall.” Because that’s what it is to me. I just want to donate to Rare to show them they are doing things right and to help them keep creating content.

  • One of my friends is a big SoT fan and I gave him a €5 Xbox giftcard so he could buy a pet when the time comes. I hope it'll be enough!

  • I have no problem with the MTX coming to the game (Rare were VERY transparent about them being added before the game even launched), as long as they are not too exorbitant.

    $/€4.99 seems about right to me considering what they are. I have a feeling anyone who likes them will buy more than one anyway.

    If there's any gameplay advantage though, there should be at least one available to earn in game as a starter.

    Maybe you could catch a pig, chicken or snake and tame it? Perhaps pets obtained in this way could be for the session only and pets bought with MTX would be permanent.

    More exotic animals, like parrots or monkeys, could be MTX only.

  • I wouldn't buy a pet.

    MTX with pets would potentially open the door to all sorts.

    Have them purchasable with in game currency only.

    And no I don't think a MTX for in game currency is a good idea either.

  • I mentioned this before, but inregards to elder scrolls online, they do monthy 'packs' which containes skins, a mount, a pet and other stuff that adds no increase to stats in any form. They are purely cosmetic, and this kind of implementation would make Rare a ship load of money.

  • @drayman86 The original intent of the game WAS to have MTX, but they put that back in order to cater for the users. Its time for us to start paying for the future updates, or we get no future updates. The choice is yours.
    Yes we did already pay for the game, but not for updates.

  • @captain-fet said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    @drayman86 The original intent of the game WAS to have MTX, but they put that back in order to cater for the users. Its time for us to start paying for the future updates, or we get no future updates. The choice is yours.
    Yes we did already pay for the game, but not for updates.

    I was fully onboard with pets and MTX, my personal feeling is I paid €69.99 at launch and got 12 months of incredible entertainment. I was prepared to spend up to €69.99 this year on MTX, so long as I felt the game was moving in a direction that I was going to enjoy.

    That's my personal budget for this sort of stuff in games. Never spend more than the original price of the game in a 12 month period.

    Now I'm not sure if I'll be spending any money. I want to pay my share, but I also feel very strongly that certain announced changes are not something that I would be willing to support either finacially, ethically or morally.

    We'll just have to see how Rare go about selling these changes to me. So far it's no dice.

    If I do find myself in a position where I feel that I am willing to fund further development of SoT by buying a pet I don't think I'd be willing to pay more than €6.99 per pet. That would be 1/10 of the original price of the game.

    Anything more expensive than that and I'd be making comparisons to DLC expansions in other games, e.g. Blood and Wine for the Witcher 3, I think that was about €15. Is a pet going to offer a similar level of additional content and entertainment? Seems unlikely.

  • @boxcar-squidy

    Yes I agree, it is good to have optional ways to fund more content for the game.

  • I think pets should be cheap and plentiful. $1-$3. But there should be a huge-HUGE selection (Unlike the current selection we have for cosmetics). I can easily spend $20 on 10 different pets but I would be angry enough to not buy anything if there's 5 pets for $5 each.

  • @quicksilver7723 said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    With the recent news on March 20th we will finally have a date and new information on when Pets will be added.

    Did I miss something? When did they say this announcement was about pets?

  • @xcalypt0x It was on the Inside Xbox stream -recently

  • 5$|| 5€ would be fair, I’m wanting an Cat :)

  • @katttruewalker I watched that stream, but I don't remember Joe saying the announcement that is coming was pertaining to pets... I'll have to re-watch it, maybe I wasn't paying enough attention.

    EDIT: Just re-watched Joe's part. Not sure how I missed that the first time. I guess I was focused on the new stuff that he didn't talk about rather than arena and pets.

  • So let me get this straight. They announced an announcement for March 20th? Is this the reality of my life? Also, was the Arena delayed?Wasn't it originally due in early 2019?

    If the announcement is March 20th will the release be the end of April?

  • @quicksilver7723 I would not pay anything. The whole pets and fishing features don't really interest me at all.

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