
  • Newbie to the forum but PL in game. Just wanted to submerge myself more into this game/environment as I can't get enough of it! It's funny because at 1st I watched the trailer before I purchased and was really unsure about buying it lol! But I'm glad I did, untold amount of hours sunk into this game, meeting some awesome pirates along the way. I'm totally Addicted!!!!!

  • 9
  • @muddy-viking

    Ahoy matey! Welcome to the forum!
    Congrats on PL... I still have that road to finish myself.
    Really glad you're having such fun... it's great isn't it?

  • @piratecraggy Thank you, its such an amazing feeling when you tick over to PL. I've been it for a while now, I've been helping other players to reach it and I do drop loads of athena voyages to they can experience the chase. Such a great community. Hopefully see you on the bearing seas!!

  • @muddy-viking

    Aye... a PL helping out others... that in itself puts the "Legend" into Legendary.
    Kudos to you... I doff me hat to ya!!
    Living the game... and making it for others.

  • @muddy-viking Welcome

  • @muddy-viking Welcome to hell The Forums! Glad to have you aboard! Congrats on PL by the way, I also am yet to finish that path, more so because I enjoy sailing pointlessly too much and just enjoying the world instead of the grind.

    I'm glad we have a helpful PL on board, there are lots of pirates around these seas who would love to bump into you for the help!

  • @piratecraggy Thank you me'hearty! Yes in the space of 2 hours I dished out a fair few athenas, and stuck around to the end on some of them to make sure they get there safe and sound. There isn't many PL's that do that I know, that's what makes me want to do it more.. Keeps people engaged with the game. And stops them from getting disheartened.

  • @octopus-lime thank you me'hearty!

  • @dumy2008 thank you! It is such a epic game, just pointless sailing the seas is even enjoyable! Well if you ever see me out on the bearing seas, add me up or shout me and I can help out by any means. I enjoy helping

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