[Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.

  • @monkeyshishan said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @Cokney-Charmer it doesn't look good when you avoid questions. Makes you look like a crooked politician.

    Like @Troubled-Cells said, if you guys are fighting over disparity then why aren't you guys falling on your swords? All 3 consoles have disparity. If its negligible then why cant PC players play with controllers. Not everyone has a high end PC first off. No one i know has one. Console community tells PC not to generalize but you guys always generalize PC players as having $20000000 rigs or god level skill. That's just weak sauce

    No, all 3 Consoles don't have hardly any disparity at all. The only difference is the texture. Having owned all 3 Consoles, and still do, and played SOT on all 3, (rarely on the S) there is no difference whatsoever in gameplay..
    In fact I was super annoyed that when upgrading to the X I found my loading times to be just as bad as before.. but playing in 4K is lovely.. and that is the only difference the Xbox one X offers players..
    Do stop trying to pretend we are being petty about crossplay.
    If you'd have been the one to suffer its side effects for over a year you would understand. But you haven't, and just think we are bad players.. Time will tell of we are, or you were..

    Either way, it's happening finally and this could save this game on console.
    Couldn't really care less about what it does to PC sales or numbers as I choose to play on Xbox.

  • @monkeyshishan said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @Cokney-Charmer it doesn't look good when you avoid questions. Makes you look like a crooked politician.

    Like @Troubled-Cells said, if you guys are fighting over disparity then why aren't you guys falling on your swords? All 3 consoles have disparity. If its negligible then why cant PC players play with controllers. Not everyone has a high end PC first off. No one i know has one. Console community tells PC not to generalize but you guys always generalize PC players as having $20000000 rigs or god level skill. That's just weak sauce

    crooked politician hahaha oh you are cute in your silliness.

    Genuinely just chuckling now. Xbox vs Xbox is exactly what we paid for when we bought out consoles, paid for Xbox LIVE and bought SoT/Game Pass sub....you think the argument for Xbox vs PC somehow also translates into Xbox One OG/S Vs Xbox One X?

    Weak...and funny.

  • @needsmokes
    Pc sales matter just as much as console sales. It helps Rare just as much. Also, I've noticed faster loading times on the x compared to me crewmate on og Xbox 1. Maybe we start at different times, but I always get in first.

  • @cokney-charmer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @monkeyshishan said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @Cokney-Charmer it doesn't look good when you avoid questions. Makes you look like a crooked politician.

    Like @Troubled-Cells said, if you guys are fighting over disparity then why aren't you guys falling on your swords? All 3 consoles have disparity. If its negligible then why cant PC players play with controllers. Not everyone has a high end PC first off. No one i know has one. Console community tells PC not to generalize but you guys always generalize PC players as having $20000000 rigs or god level skill. That's just weak sauce

    crooked politician hahaha oh you are cute in your silliness.

    Genuinely just chuckling now. Xbox vs Xbox is exactly what we paid for when we bought out consoles, paid for Xbox LIVE and bought SoT/Game Pass sub....you think the argument for Xbox vs PC somehow also translates into Xbox One OG/S Vs Xbox One X?

    Weak...and funny.

    Lol I love your little condescending tone, makes you sound real intellekchual 🧐

    Truth is you paid for access to the game bud, anything else is none of Rare's concern, nor does it entails anything more that what is on their store page.

    What you need to do or pay to get to the game doesn't matter, plain and simple, and your myriad of subscriptions aren't of anyone's concern.

    Wanna add your internet bill and rent to that list while we are at it? 🤑

  • "Xbox vs Xbox is exactly what we paid for"

    Im sorry my man, but this is incorrect.

    You paid to play online multiplayer regardless of the platform you are playing against, not exclusively for xbox vs xbox play and 4 games a month. it's even advertised as access to online multiplayer, not anything else.

  • @blazedrake100

    Could just be down to your internet speeds.. If you played both consoles in the same house you wouldn't really notice a difference at all, if any.
    Had the Xbox X for about 9 months now and apart from the 4K enhanced support. I have to say it's a bit of a let down of a console.
    Games still take as long to install as previous versions.. It doesn't do anything else better than a 1 or S.

    Can't wait to upgrade late next year.
    Then we will see a difference in consoles, and that is what Devs of all games will have to work on to keep Xbox live fair, if that would even be possible. But that is far far away.

  • @bloodybil no rent as I own my own home, my internet bill is taken care of via my work contract. Real grown up life is cool sometimes isn't it :-)

    But it is genuinely funny seeing so many still battling away even though thanks to this weeks Developer Update and clarification from Joe that this "preference" is exactly what was promised back in January, Xbox and Controller only vs Xbox and Controller".....

    No "swords to fall onto"....no "politics" to play....the opting out is happening with testing about to go underway for Arena before coming to Adventure hopefully soon after.

    We who have asked for this since launch are finally getting it....so continue to be angry, continue to throw up hypothetical situations for the future all you like if it helps you vent the anger at not getting your way.

    Most intellectuals can see arguing against something that is now in the process of happening is kinda redundant....as it trying to explain why this was desperately needed for the game right now.

    Happy gaming my friends...but do please continue the comedy show.

  • @troubled-cells said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    "Xbox vs Xbox is exactly what we paid for"

    Im sorry my man, but this is incorrect.

    You paid to play online multiplayer regardless of the platform you are playing against, not exclusively for xbox vs xbox play and 4 games a month. it's even advertised as access to online multiplayer, not anything else.

    oh indeed....and crossplay should 'always be optional' IMO when it comes to including a different platform, and why with the experiment failing (yes it failed otherwise this "preference" would not be happening) we will now have the option to decide whether to play with/against PC platform from an Xbox console.

    I win, you win, everybody wins.....just took way too long to make everyone happy.

  • @cokney-charmer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil no rent as I own my own home, my internet bill is taken care of via my work contract. Real grown up life is cool sometimes isn't it :-)

    Preaching to the choir my man, my home's mortgage is cleared and I don't need anyone to pay for my internet!

    But it is genuinely funny seeing so many still battling away even though thanks to this weeks Developer Update and clarification from Joe that this "preference" is exactly what was promised back in January, Xbox and Controller only vs Xbox and Controller".....

    No "swords to fall onto"....no "politics" to play....the opting out is happening with testing about to go underway for Arena before coming to Adventure hopefully soon after.

    We who have asked for this since launch are finally getting it....so continue to be angry, continue to throw up hypothetical situations for the future all you like if it helps you vent the anger at not getting your way.

    Most intellectuals can see arguing against something that is now in the process of happening is kinda redundant....as it trying to explain why this was desperately needed for the game right now.

    Happy gaming my friends...but do please continue the comedy show.

    There is no arguing or anger here bud, I said many times I accepted whatever Rare decides to go with even if I don't agree with it.

    I do however love to point you lot's entitled behavior though, that is quite funny in itself to witness, patting yourselves in the back and treating each other like martyrs who went trough hell and back for playing in the same space as people from another console, otherwise known as geting exactly the experience you paid for. I'm sure they will sing songs and erect monuments in honor of your struggle!

    I tip my fedora to you too my grownup intellectual friend!

    Happy gaming indeed!

  • @cokney-charmer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @troubled-cells said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    "Xbox vs Xbox is exactly what we paid for"

    Im sorry my man, but this is incorrect.

    You paid to play online multiplayer regardless of the platform you are playing against, not exclusively for xbox vs xbox play and 4 games a month. it's even advertised as access to online multiplayer, not anything else.

    oh indeed....and crossplay should 'always be optional' IMO when it comes to including a different platform, and why with the experiment failing (yes it failed otherwise this "preference" would not be happening) we will now have the option to decide whether to play with/against PC platform from an Xbox console.

    I win, you win, everybody wins.....just took way too long to make everyone happy.

    Nope sorry i disagree, not everybody wins, instead only a single subset of players.

    This has been proven multiple times now.

  • @bloodybil Life is good when you work hard in order to play hard...tipping my hat right back at ya.

    Monuments are for world leaders and fallen heroes, as such out of respect I never use such things as a sarcastic put down attempt.

    But yes this is a moment to celebrate for anyone who put the game down due to issues with crossplay (and the game itself in general to be fair) so it finally happening after waiting a long six months of silence since it was announced is a reason to be joyful and happy. I like SoT, it was my most played game on Xbox in 2018 along with my crew....and i look forward to us being able to enjoy the game again.

    That is all I care about right now, I do get what I want and have been battling across social media and these forums (along with questionnaires and feedback surveys since the beta) for over a year. Kinda feels like a victory however small.

    Sarcasm aside my friend, this is a time to hopefully welcome a good portion of Xbox players back or new players who will feel more confident in an experience without PC sharing the world of SoT with them for however long they use to have the preference ticked.

    Entitlement is a funny thing though, you see "us" as wanting to only play with Xbox players is an entitlement and we see "you" as being entitled to think that we should be forced to share your world just to populate your servers for you. Works both ways, this solution is the answer to both really...and it needs to happen to see what if any impact it will have going forward.

    Then this can be a real debate based on actual data and experience instead of fear mongering hypothetical disasters.

    Now Im off out for dinner....toodles.

  • @cokney-charmer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Entitlement is a funny thing though, you see "us" as wanting to only play with Xbox players is an entitlement and we see "you" as being entitled to think that we should be forced to share your world just to populate your servers for you. Works both ways, this solution is the answer to both really...and it needs to happen to see what if any impact it will have going forward.

    It's a way to see things, but it would be a more valid point if crossplay had been optional from the start and PC players would have had actively campaigned to remove the option. See what I mean? Nobody was "forced" to anything, it was simply the parameters given, and people agreed to them by buying the game.

    We don't wish to bind Xbox players to our servitude for our cruel entertainment, we simply wish the pool of potential players and encounters (all consoles included) would remain as big as advertised when we bought the game.

    The day microsoft/Rare decides to open SoT to Steam as they started to do with other games, and bring more population to the PC side and equalize the playerbase, I am pretty sure crossplay squabbles and population concerns will be long forgotten.

  • @troubled-cells I looked none of the games have unrestricted pvp like sea of thieves now do they. I dont have to play minecraft servers I can beat and play minecraft just fine not on them. FF14 I was looking after someone used that and pretty sure people cant just come up and attack you.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 The only thing dishonest is pushing crossplay down our throats like a crooked car salesman lol

  • @troubled-cells You seem to be upset about yhis decision that youre pulling any sort of nonsense just because Rare saw that facts knew forced crossplay wasnt the right way to go. Get over it you all lost your battle and now people can enjoy the game and not have to deal with this nonsense.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @pomalotacusmk3 The only thing dishonest is pushing crossplay down our throats like a crooked car salesman lol

    How is it dishonest when it's exactly what was advertised and sold? How is it dishonest when you willingly agreed to buy the product, after dutifully informing yourself of what you where getting into?

    Do you go to a car dealership, buy a car, go home then complain you wanted to buy a boat after all, and that the dealership should sell boats when that's neither what they sell or advertise?

  • @bloodybil
    So what your saying is Rare is shoving boats down our throats?

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @troubled-cells I looked none of the games have unrestricted pvp like sea of thieves now do they. I dont have to play minecraft servers I can beat and play minecraft just fine not on them. FF14 I was looking after someone used that and pretty sure people cant just come up and attack you.

    I know, but the game still has PVP with no opt out for those branches if you have to fullfill them for rewards commendations etc. With the underlying point being that it still works fine in that mode.

    Either way you are still going to encounter some of the issues you dislike again very soon in SOT, it's just next time you wont have PC to blame.

  • @bloodybil They lie about balance play the are trying to create the illusion thats its fair and is the future. Its already been discussed they are making it to where of my xbox cant keep up with pc now I have to get a high end rig to enjoy online gaming otherwise if I go into anygame with pvp the only people who can play competatively is pc. There is no competative value with xbox as long as any game with pvp has forced crossplay. So anyone who has xbox get ready to spend most of your paychecks keeping up on your pc. Just like when you buy a car from a dishonest car salesman you have to pay the upkeep on the car. So yes crossplay is dishonest

  • So, I'm not here to join the "debate"... I just want to know if opt out is actually happening. I can run SoT on my pc, but only at 1080 60fps (barely). I'm all for dropping a grand into my rig, but I'm not really a pc gamer, and I'd only be using it so I can compete with the pc raiders that attack my crew of fairly new people (I play with new people to help them out, but most of the time they are xboxers and can't compete when we get attacked). I can hold my own, but I can't carry a galleon by myself on an xbox controller. I'm not really keen on changing my setup to run a kb and mouse through the one x.

    My issue is that the one x has great graphics for the cost, and I really enjoy kicking back on that, but there is no way I can pvp like a pc player (who are often the only people who really donk me). The launch of SoT was actually what prompted me to select the one x. Gorgeous game, but not so much on my monitor and R9 270... So, if opt out is REALLY going to happen, I won't bother with the pc, and I'll build a new rig in a few years. If opt out isn't going to happen, I'll drop the money so I can carry these poor souls into a decent experience, so they come back and grow themselves as players.

  • @troubled-cells I have maybe lost to like 10 xbox players. So no not really that is the most desperate return on a statement. You seem to know nothing on this subject our conversation is done now

  • @nabberwar said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    So what your saying is Rare is shoving boats down our throats?

    Sails, mast and all! Gonna need a hell of a grog pint to wash it down.

    @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil They lie about balance play the are trying to create the illusion thats its fair and is the future. Its already been discussed they are making it to where of my xbox cant keep up with pc now I have to get a high end rig to enjoy online gaming otherwise if I go into anygame with pvp the only people who can play competatively is pc. There is no competative value with xbox as long as any game with pvp has forced crossplay. So anyone who has xbox get ready to spend most of your paychecks keeping up on your pc. Just like when you buy a car from a dishonest car salesman you have to pay the upkeep on the car. So yes crossplay is dishonest

    Frankly I just don't know what to reply to that I'm sorry, having a hard time making any sense of your sentences 🤷‍♂️

  • @bloodybil Basically if anything any of you pro crossplayers ever said was true then we still would have crossplay. The fact Rare is doing this shows that there is nothing fair or right about crossplay. So now just need to get microsoft to understand crossplay is bad for xbox they need to backtrack this before xbox is no longer a viable gaming system and we have to sell them and all get a PC.

    Also this reminds me since we soon will no longer be on the same community on SoT I might as well start blocking you and others.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil Basically if anything any of you pro crossplayers ever said was true then we still would have crossplay.

    Well, technically...

    @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil The fact Rare is doing this shows that there is nothing fair or right about crossplay.

    You act like no video game studio has ever made a wrong call. It was so smart of Microsoft to sell AoE exclusively on the MS store (which they regret badly). It was so smart of DICE to release BFV as a rushed product. It was so smart of Bethesda to release Fallout 76 at all and announce the upcoming TES way too early. Yes, you're right. Video game companies have never made mistakes.

    @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Also this reminds me since we soon will no longer be on the same community on SoT I might as well start blocking you and others.

    Oh no, I am heartbroken. Where will I now find completely irrelevant posts that add nothing to this conversation but terrible comparisons (Greetings, it's your dishonest car salesman who apparently makes games nowadays.) Buh-Bye!

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil Basically if anything any of you pro crossplayers ever said was true then we still would have crossplay. The fact Rare is doing this shows that there is nothing fair or right about crossplay. So now just need to get microsoft to understand crossplay is bad for xbox they need to backtrack this before xbox is no longer a viable gaming system and we have to sell them and all get a PC.

    I find you are awfully quick at calling everyone liars. I remember last week when you called the devs liars for not meeting their milestones in time. Life is not always black and white.

    Also this reminds me since we soon will no longer be on the same community on SoT I might as well start blocking you and others.

    Like it or not we will always be part of the same community, now matter how much you want to distance yourself. We are all microsoft players on the sea of thieves.

    If being disagreed with on a forum is too much for you to take, block away I suppose. Personally I would prefer to see opinions of all kinds even if I don't agree, rather than be in an echo chamber, but that's just me.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @troubled-cells I have maybe lost to like 10 xbox players. So no not really that is the most desperate return on a statement. You seem to know nothing on this subject our conversation is done now

    not really my friend, merely stating how it works, but i return your sentiment anyhow, il just agree to disagree.

    Cya then
    alt text

  • @bloodybil I read it just fine...

  • @x6beast6below6x said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil I read it just fine...

    What was that? If you are gonna answer weeks later to a comment, at least quote it, I ain't combing 90 pages of a post to find what you are replying to.

  • [mod edit]

  • [mod edit]

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil Basically if anything any of you pro crossplayers ever said was true then we still would have crossplay. The fact Rare is doing this shows that there is nothing fair or right about crossplay. So now just need to get microsoft to understand crossplay is bad for xbox they need to backtrack this before xbox is no longer a viable gaming system and we have to sell them and all get a PC.

    Also this reminds me since we soon will no longer be on the same community on SoT I might as well start blocking you and others.

    The reason we will have an opt out isn't because rare thinks it's a problem. It's because rare listens to what people want, and they caved in after the relentless whining for one. Also, it sounds like you're going to block us because we disagree with you, not because of community. We still play the same game, with exactly the same content, and some Crossplay, just not as much.

  • @blatantwalk4260
    Please block me first.
    You always post like this is twitter.
    And u do nothing but bash pc players.
    No loss for me.
    Ill be on those crossplay servers slayin pc players like i do now.
    You will be back here crying for pve servers shortly.

    So true mate. Rare caved. But i wont. Ill be with my pc bros always. Those kb&m dont scare me

  • @blazedrake100 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil Basically if anything any of you pro crossplayers ever said was true then we still would have crossplay. The fact Rare is doing this shows that there is nothing fair or right about crossplay. So now just need to get microsoft to understand crossplay is bad for xbox they need to backtrack this before xbox is no longer a viable gaming system and we have to sell them and all get a PC.

    Also this reminds me since we soon will no longer be on the same community on SoT I might as well start blocking you and others.

    The reason we will have an opt out isn't because rare thinks it's a problem. It's because rare listens to what people want, and they caved in after the relentless whining for one. Also, it sounds like you're going to block us because we disagree with you, not because of community. We still play the same game, with exactly the same content, and some Crossplay, just not as much.

    This. Good for the people who wanted it, you got what you campaigned for, but in the end it's an appeasement measure to that vocal group. I guess it's now official, the ones who yell the loudest gets what they want. The yelling will surely stop for good now /s.

    The way even the devs joked about it tongue in cheek kinda gives an idea of how they lowkey feel about it. Loved how in this week's video outro they involuntarily doubled down literally saying "Joe will not be making jokes on the subject this time since you guys get so triggered about it".

  • @blazedrake100 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil Basically if anything any of you pro crossplayers ever said was true then we still would have crossplay. The fact Rare is doing this shows that there is nothing fair or right about crossplay. So now just need to get microsoft to understand crossplay is bad for xbox they need to backtrack this before xbox is no longer a viable gaming system and we have to sell them and all get a PC.

    Also this reminds me since we soon will no longer be on the same community on SoT I might as well start blocking you and others.

    The reason we will have an opt out isn't because rare thinks it's a problem. It's because rare listens to what people want, and they caved in after the relentless whining for one. Also, it sounds like you're going to block us because we disagree with you, not because of community. We still play the same game, with exactly the same content, and some Crossplay, just not as much.

    Well put sir.

    We ALL still have cross play, if they disabled it entirely that would instead indicate there is major issues with the premise of the system, but they haven't have they.

    Instead it's still here, so it's clearly a move to pander to a vocal group exactly like you implied.

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