[Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.

  • @bloodybil said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    16:20 Joe: "The more people ask for stuff, the further we push it back ;) "

    How about you guys let the devs do their thing and wait patiently for your special feature to be done?

    hmm lets see, the second time Joe has mocked fans of the game for asking about "things" some of which RARE have actually announced as coming, full crossplay opt out for Xbox, pets etc and yet you use it like it should be taken in a positive way instead of the insulting arrogant dismissal that Joe, who seems to enjoy being a "streamer" personality for RARE instead of anyone remotely describable as a developer....interesting postition.

  • @cokney-charmer Joe doesn't seem like a developer?

    Maybe, just maybe, that's because he's the EP.
    And pushing back the release of animals was smart, there were reasons for that and people would not have been happy with what RARE had up their sleeves.

    Same probably goes for opt out. Chill dude, it's coming. They are working on it. I bet you'd be the first one to suffer a mental breakdown if opt out was released with game breaking issues.

    Edit: Also... Joe made a joke. It's sarcasm. If you can't handle that then the Internet may not be the right place for you. No reason to be offended by it.

  • @l4chsfps it is a joke at the expense of those rightfully chasing on features promised months ago.....second time his "sarcasm" came across as more unprofessional than a joke.

    Executive Producer is part of the development team...worse its someone in a leader role in the team so yeah, I expect more professionalism than cheap and snide 'jokes' especially when your team is soooo far behind on delivering promised features for your game.

    Believe me, there is no anger anymore, just expected disappointment each and every week and instances like this (fully aware it was based on a jokey comment about getting a banjo which simply allowed for the sarcastic joke to be made) only lowers the minimal respect and faith I have for RARE and this game.

    Seen this from the alpha, beta, launch, year one, Pioneers, Insiders and post Anniversary Update and now we are firmly into year 2...kinda hoping to see the philosophy change for the game that I would love to pick up and play as I did in year one but simply have to reason to at the moment.

    In the spirit of this thread.....I shall disappear and wait till some news on the Opt Out feature actually arrives....let's see how long that actually takes shall we?

    Toodles and happy gaming all.

  • geeks arent renowned for their smooth charisma, so you shouldnt expect a social dynamo. personally, i find the lack of 'corporate sheen' and PR doublespeak to be quite refreshing! we know where the man actually stands. would you prefer some EAesque spin that sounds 'professional' but actually tells you nothing?

  • That's no way to talk about Battle for LA Champion Joe Neate.

  • @cokney-charmer If such an innocent joke is enough to drive you up the crows's nest, you might want to pull out the mast out of yer stern mate, must be getting hard to walk the plank!

    All I'm saying is that when even the team starts to point out the behavior (in a cheeky way) of certain people of the community, maybe it's time for some introspection no?

    The point was rather clear, your demands have been received loud and clear (maybe too loud and too clear?), it's coming when it's coming, and stomping your feet won't make it come any faster.

    Happy gaming, see you on the seas!

  • @cokney-charmer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    when it is a first party Xbox studio and after 6 months they have been unable to allocate separate servers for Xbox only and have a menu option that will route players to those servers, when you have three development teams now working on SoT for Adventure and Arena and now its 2 months since Anniversary went live....yeah, I think we have the right to ask "why is it so difficult for them to implement" this when originally the plan was to have it in place, at least for Arena, before the update launched.

    Just a guess, but working on scenarios, graphics &tc is a completely other set of skills than making sure servers with opt-out only players work as expected and experience for others is still the same. It's not a case of anniversary is done lets now give you this task. This xbox opt-out has probably been worked on since they announced it.

    They probably are figuring out how xbox console players that don't opt-out and PC players won't be able to invite you on an inclusive server & the other way around. Or if they could, how to handle the leaving of an opt-out player and so on. It's not just a checkbox and everything is working

    Communication is lacking with this after it was made a highlight of the LIVE Inside Xbox in January, now its barely mentioned and when it is its a "still working on it, no new information about it, oh look here is a con we are going to" reply.

    They could up their communication, sure. But don't expect them to drop everything so you can have your opt-out server.
    How many times a day do you want them to tell us that it's been worked on but -- complications ?

  • Must be nice to be entitled. I proclaim my title to be King Hershey, keeper of all things chocolate. Please send all your kisses to me.

  • @zuwashi I have already, but I pledge to come back if they keep to their word. I been keeping my eyes open for it.

  • @fractal-pitch you won't see me on the sea till they fix crossplay lol.

  • So I will be seing you on the sea. Great !

    EDIT: Wait, no since you'll opt out.

  • Please oh Rare gods, give us the option to opt out of playing with mouse and keyboard players. I’ve been playing since week two of the game, and I’ve managed to get my sensitivity all the way up to 9.5 as an Xbox one controller user. The disadvantage I have is still unbelievable against mouse and keyboard users even when the sensitivity is .5 from being at 100%. Spawn killing, no-miss accuracy, effortless hits while jumping and spinning in mid air.... all of my efforts are moot up against that. I love this game sincerely, but the disadvantage makes it infuriating.

    I’m not saying keyboard and mouse players are the worst - I get it. If I had keyboard and mouse, I’d do the same thing! But please everyone understand that when you’re not using the same tools, the playing field is shifted, and inherently there are people set at a disadvantage. That’s why the opt out is so crucial.

  • @boinkdaddydane

    Take a peep at their latest arena tournament being held this weekend. All playing on PCs & M&K
    Great game advertising RARE, it's as if your suggesting a console and controller wouldn't be good enough to play? What a way to gain sales!

  • @boinkdaddydane
    Yep, players have been saying this since before release. Took Rare 10 months to acknowledge the problem. Rapidly approaching 6 months to fix the problem.
    Poor form, Rare.

  • @needsmokes said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    Take a peep at their latest arena tournament being held this weekend. All playing on PCs & M&K
    Great game advertising RARE, it's as if your suggesting a console and controller wouldn't be good enough to play? What a way to gain sales!

    Wasn't the last tournament mostly using controllers? Maybe they are alternating.

  • @d3adst1ck It was, but that doesn't fit a certain narrative.

  • @l4chsfps

    lets not pretend like narratives are not all over round here, like the one about servers 'being empty already" or remember the classic one about pc only being 14% of the playerbase or how Xbox players couldn't tell who was on PC?

    Real talk tho, it hardly matters which inputs these events feature, they've been played on pc, and the first one didn't even have anyone who regularly plays on Xbox playing...

  • @natiredgals

    You guys just recently got the ability to see who is on what.

    Don't act like everyone ALWAYS knew from the start, they didn't. Still to this day my crew mates are labeled as PC hackers when I'm the only one out of 3 crews that uses PC. So no even with your new found ability players are still mislabeling players.

  • @xultanis-dragon
    Nah, we always knew.
    There's been several ways to tell since day 1.
    Just because uneducated players call your crew pc hackers in the heat of the moment, doesnt mean the intelligent players didnt have ways to check.

  • Don't add this feature it will only separate the comunity.
    Those who say that it must be implemented are Xbox players that want almost a singleplayer experience with fiends in an ONLINE game. They think that the advantage of mouse and keyboard is very very large while in reality it's not only small, but they can also buy a mouse and a keyboard as well!
    I'd put an icon that shows on which platform you are playing on. That's the only change I'd do.

  • @illicitline45

    M&K doesn't work well with Xbox 30fps cap.. YOU COULD BUY A CONSOLE!

    We want a fair playing field, nothing else.

  • @illicitline45
    How does playing only with other xboxers make it a single player experience? You do realize that the servers will be populated by other xbox-only players?
    There's also alot more reasons besides kbm...

  • Yeah after playing countless arena matches now, none of my friends will play with me on it anymore. 90% of my matches have mostly pc players. Im finally boycotting it the advantage is beyond unbelievable. Ill be back in a year or so when opt out is being tested

  • Seriously this was a promised feature that was suppose to be rolled out before Arena yet nothing. Crossplay is the worse thing to happen to gaming period I bought an xbox to be part of an xbox community. Opt crossplay should be a thing for ever game not just this one or crossplay needs to vanish forever

  • @princessasuna96 actually I support this more of the community should fight back against rare and boycott till this opt out becomes priority one.

  • @blatantwalk4260 crossplay isn't the issue.

    There are some players who don't mind it and don't complain about it. There are others who complain and say its something that ruins their whole life.

    I tend to go with the people who can vs the ones who can't.

    The main problem was M&K. You have support for it now. I'd be happier if Rare would just say Opt Out isn't happening. Lord knows they never wanted to do it in the first place.

  • [mod edit]

  • @blatantwalk4260 its kind of like felons stating how a prison system should operate

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    [mod edit]

    @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @blatantwalk4260 its kind of like felons stating how a prison system should operate

    So now PC players are felons who should not have an opinion? What makes your opinion above other people's?

  • @bloodybil Im on xbox so Im not a problem to the game

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil Im on xbox so Im not a problem to the game

    You are not less of a problem, or better than anyone else for being on either consoles.

  • @bloodybil This wouldnt be a discussion on a mega thread if that statement was true

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @bloodybil This wouldnt be a discussion on a mega thread of that statement was true

    What can I say, some people can't help themselves but to derail threads and fan the flames between consoles. I was simply reminding how all players are equal and no side is better or worse than the other, but I suppose this sort of talk isn't welcome anymore in this thread. Do what you do best and carry on with the discrimination!

  • @bloodybil stop trying to twist this spreading equality when xbox players dont have equal play is damaging to the game

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