Your favourite customization ship-set/clothes/weapons/items?

  • Having recently acquired some large sums of money, if of course spent it all on customization because.. well.. I'm not a hoarder. As I was looking at all the combinations I could make with my new stuff, I instantly got curious what some of your favourite customization combinations are! This has probably been posted before, but I was curious to find out with all the additions that have been made over the year.

    For me, my favourite ship-set(s) would be:

    or with Shark Sails. Been using those since Hungering deep 90% of the time I sail alone

    Or either one of these tied for 2nd.

    And my favourite clothing/vanity is:

    I'm furthest on the right, I know.. not very fancy. I even lost the eyepatch, which has been downgraded.. I've also been wearing this set, with changing headgear/eyepatch since the shovel peg-leg was added.

    I don't have a screenshot of my items, but I use the kraken concertina & hurdy gurdy, the hungering deep shouting trumpet & drum, and the sea dog stuff for the others. I predominantly use a bilge rat cutlass & wailing barnacle pistol/eye of reach/blunderbuss.

    What are some of your favourites?

  • 3
  • @erinom3 nice

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