Sunmit1g and the devs stream

  • Summit announced last night that he and the dev team will be doing a live stream or are in talks of doing one.

    Summit is largely a hardcore pvp player and I don’t think I’ve seen the devs go full pvp.

    What do you think, the devs are going to go full pvp or will summit accompany them on voyages.

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  • i was hoping that the team would run into him instead of being part of the same team...i would love to see Mr John McFarlane kick the lightning out of Summit's behind...

  • What stream he said that?

  • @SomeSkinnyDudeX

    You don't by chance have a stream timestamp where he talks about it?

  • It’s going to be very interesting to see how his play style changes with the developers than how it normally is.

    Isn’t a suprise it’s happening but is a shame, shows they only care about the views rather than the community.. So many great other deserving people who could be doing it instead..

  • Agree 200% with @KnifeLife there are so many other streamers in the community that have been promoting this long before this guy that should get the attention and recognition.

  • He said it at the end of his last stream. Go on twitch go to his last stream and skip to the end when he’s stomping on a brig. He mentions it during the fight. Skip till you see the brig approaching morrows peak outpost and just watch the whole fight unfold. He’s hiding in the brigs crows nest with a barrel

  • From a devs stand point it makes sense. He has the most viewers on SOT twitch it’s a great opportunity for them

    I do agree there are streamers that should stream with them instead. I don’t think they should pass up the operatunity To be able to actively promote their game to 25k+ live viewers before summit possibly gets bored and moves on.

  • @someskinnydudex
    The dev's have done a pvp stream i believe with that one guy who only talks in a pirate voice and often pvp has been incorporated in their streams. Either way will be fun to watch, summit is pretty entertaining but probably wont be drawing too many you know whats on the map. He will tone it down for sure because it is a family stream whereas summit's stream is not like most of people they have on. Xshumbax, burger, etc... lots of swearing in those.

  • @iceman-0007
    That's silly... those streamers will be on too probably in the future. Having summitt will be entertaining and the guy has certainly put some time in sot. I know people complain about the nature of the streams but honestly I haven't found one family friendly streamer to the core. Tazed is close but still swears and talks about hangovers. Summit has 40k twitch viewers for sot at times. He should certainly play with RARE as people will be interested in seeing it and he has good insight.

  • Dare i comment on this but i got a feeling tucked behind my Cpt's desk that's whispering to me real quiet in this super high pitched voice.

    "If anything Summit will be on the Dev stream for the Arena, wouldn't expect it to happen till after it drops or the day it does"

    And now it's back to talking about "meatloaf" and "frankfurter" ... meh go figure.

  • @acebead40319154 said in Sunmit1g and the devs stream:

    The dev's have done a pvp stream i believe with that one guy who only talks in a pirate voice and often pvp has been incorporated in their streams. Either way will be fun to watch, summit is pretty entertaining but probably wont be drawing too many you know whats on the map. He will tone it down for sure because it is a family stream whereas summit's stream is not like most of people they have on. Xshumbax, burger, etc... lots of swearing in those.

    Captain Carrillo is name of that pvp streamer. XshumbaX should be on stream, he is very good at game. Solo's 4 man teams left and right with full ship of loot. Want to learn how to sloop he is the guy.

  • @ixxolos
    Actually if I recall correctly he did say a proposed date for it. I believe it was the 14th of this month. Which I doubt the arena will be out in the next four days but you never know.

  • To be fair summit has recently bin doing some chill athena voyages through an open crew to start the night before he pvps which shows he has two sides to him, one of the players was a young kid, summit got this kid plenty of gold, purposesly brought enemy ships closer to his sloop so the kid could feel involved by shooting the ship up with the cannons, heard him say the other night to pace22 as he was fighting a kid he could hear the kids parents in the background egging him on "come on son" so he purposely took a dive so the family had a little feel good moment, honestly the people trashing on summit have probably only watched the highlight clips of him in the middle of a heated pvp battle, the dudes a pretty good guy I have no doubt you'd see a different side to him than your all expecting if he plays with the devs

  • @barnacle-blake
    Ya, i think xshumbax was on. Certainly the best solo player I have seen. Unbelievable.

  • @ufc-wolverin3
    For sure. I think a lot of people commenting dont actually watch the streams.

  • @barnacle-blake Shumba was on a stream a while back

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Sunmit1g and the devs stream:

    @barnacle-blake Shumba was on a stream a while back

    Thank you! I will have to watch this one must of missed it.

  • @ufc-wolverin3
    I actually really like summit, I haven’t been huge into watching his streams till recently however.

    I have to agree I’ve seen him do some really nice things for random players and he’s very kind when he encounters a younger player

  • @someskinnydudex Just watched it and didn't hear him saying anything about it, could you give a timestamp for when? Also, Summit must be the luckiest pirate on the seas cause HIS BOAT WAS STILL THERE! I try that and someone would have sank my boat as soon as I left.

  • @iceman-0007 I agree to some extent. Nearly every stream they've they have been promoting non popular streamers for ages that love the game. They only do a popular streamer once in a while to be honest with ya. I really respect summit1g as well, as he is one of the few big steamers that plays and enjoys the game and doesn't bash on it.

  • the saltiness, jealously and hate in this thread is hilarious. don't you think they know summit1g swears on stream, they probably knew the dude way before SOT. he's one of the biggest OG streamers out there.

    like summit said, it's on their terms and simply wanting ideas and his thoughts on the game. not to talk cr@p on other people and be "toxic" to the community or to cause harm.

    he's by far created the most entertaining content out of everyone and bought so many customers and players to the game, it's probably not only good business decision, but their probably super stoked to play with you think it's even on their mind what they want to do on stream i.e PvP PvE, their going to chill out and discuss ideas, suggestions and have fun.

    I just see salty, middle aged men with Cpt in their names feeling threatened and envy everything about summit...the hate towards him is actually so funny and quite amusing. you wish u lot had achieved his success in life.

    but there is a lot of you what actually enjoy his content and respect summit. anyone in with an actual brain knows summit is down to earth guy with so much good in him, you all see a little heated moments from a competitive minded player and someone what shows some tiny bits of toxic moments on stream...if you actually had over 25/40k viewers and streamed 7 days a week to twitch and the world, I think you as a human being would show some heated moments.

    it's not about what you want and what you feel is right, it's not your game, nor is it your community to manage, it's down to the developers. if anything, along side the new content, he has blown this game up!

    nut up and stop being winy old men, it's embarrassing.

    I don't read replies, so I wouldn't waste your time replying, just enjoy the game and if he as a stream doesn't fit your genre of streamers, don't watch him...but I can bet you all still watch him! lol

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