Next Level Cheating on the Sea

  • Ahoy, everyone!

    Yesterday, my friends and I were utterly disgusted by what happened to us. We were robbed, big time, but not by what you could characterize as a fair part of the game. I get robbed my loot all the time...and it's's part of the game! I usually really do not mind as I also do it sometimes hehehe... but listen to this...

    We had just finished completing a fort. We were three on a Galleon (open crew) as one of our mates left earlier. When we were carrying the loot, a guy named Alex-something joins our crew.
    ''Ahoy, Alex!'' we cried. ''Good time to be joining us''.
    Alex didn't talk on voice chat but answered in the regular chat. He helped us carry the loot to our ship. On our guards, we looked around as we carried the 20k gold booty to the nearest outpost... when we of our mates cried ''GUYS THE LOOT IS GONE!'' ''What???'' we replied.
    Alex wrote down in the chat: ''Didn't you see the sloop behind us? He was my friend. Enjoy your spoils.'' Up in the crow's nest, he blows himself up with the bone barrel and we all die.

    So what happened? Here's our hypothesis. Alex spends hours joining and leaving crews until he finds one that has spoils on it. Once he finds his prey, he has another friend on a vc (twitch, skype, discord, etc) and gives the location of his ''crewmates'' to his then know the rest. His friend goes behind the ship and Alex throws overboard the loot. What is weird is that no one saw any other ship and the sloop got here very fast. Alex had only been in the crew for 3 min before we left...

    Anyways, am I the only one to think that this is abusing the game's mechanics? To think that this is utter cheating? What's for sure is that there are good pirates and bad ones...these guys are the worst of the worst. I'd like the dev team to take this into consideration, as this could become quite a problem. Overall, I'm not playing in open crew anymore that's for sure...and if a guy named Alex-something joins your him ;)

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  • I think he just saw one of your gamertags and joined that since it's really hard to get on the same server in an open crew where you're already at. But it's against the pirate code anyhow so I'd say report them on this site. If you've got it add some video proof of this and Rare will take care of this.

    Inner crew griefing isnt permitted.

  • @hynieth said in Next Level Cheating on the Sea:

    I think he just saw one of your gamertags and joined that since it's really hard to get on the same server in an open crew where you're already at. But it's against the pirate code anyhow so I'd say report them on this site. If you've got it add some video proof of this and Rare will take care of this.

    Inner crew griefing isnt permitted.

    exactly this. It takes time to do something like this. He and his other friends would have had to get another crew to invite them to their ship so they can be on the same server. Same tactic for stream sniping. It's just a form of griefing, should be reported if possible.

  • Happened to me once too, we were chasing a galleon and one of their players spotted one of our gamer tags, joined our open slot, dropped our anchor at the exact same time the other galleon does an anchor turn, he kegs us from our crows nest as they open fire, and he leaves the ship.

  • @dead-pouliche said in Next Level Cheating on the Sea:

    @hynieth nevermind I found his gamer tag! It's xxx.

    you may want to get rid of the gamertag here on the forum and just report the person. mods can flag you for nameshaming.

  • Yeah don't name shame on the forum but report him and make sure your crew is set to closed. Other than that not much else you can do.

  • @iceman-0007 Thanks I didn't know that! Can I report him directly to Rare or just by xbox live?

  • @dead-pouliche You can do both I believe

  • Thanks for the help everyone! :)

  • What's clearly happened here is Alex and friend had been on the same server as you all along, and probably saw your ship at the fort. All they need to do then is sit and wait on the ferry of the damned for you all to keep showing up, then search your names and see if they can join you in game.
    Very devious pirating! Not cheating.

  • @dead-pouliche said in Next Level Cheating on the Sea:

    Thanks for the help everyone! :)

    sometimes it feels like the submit new is buried so here is a link where you can send in a report

  • @enticed-malice Yea it is the worst reporting system I have come across (or not as the case maybe!). So hard to find it makes you wonder if they don't want you to find it!

  • @dead-pouliche

    Ahoy there, definitely send a report via Support in this instance, with evidence if you have it available.

    We'd also recommend using Closed Crew to limit additions to 'friends only' which might prevent this happening.

  • @needsmokes said in Next Level Cheating on the Sea:

    What's clearly happened here is Alex and friend had been on the same server as you all along, and probably saw your ship at the fort. All they need to do then is sit and wait on the ferry of the damned for you all to keep showing up, then search your names and see if they can join you in game.
    Very devious pirating! Not cheating.

    I call it cheating when someone fakes as a member of your crew then sabotages you. This can be done legitimately in game by infiltrating another crew via alliances. This is a really lame way to rob someone. I'm not saying the OP shouldn't have been paying more attention, but you can't truly believe this is a valid tactic.

  • @needsmokes said in Next Level Cheating on the Sea:

    What's clearly happened here is Alex and friend had been on the same server as you all along, and probably saw your ship at the fort. All they need to do then is sit and wait on the ferry of the damned for you all to keep showing up, then search your names and see if they can join you in game.
    Very devious pirating! Not cheating.

    It is actually directly against the pirate code and considered cheating. It is a ban-able offense and one of only two things in the pirate code that has a listed consequence.

  • @jonaldinho
    No, not really valid. But cunning.. The joys of open crew huh.

  • @needsmokes said in Next Level Cheating on the Sea:

    No, not really valid. But cunning.. The joys of open crew huh.

    Is it really cunning to just log into someone's game as part of their team, and blow the team up so another team can win? Its about the same effect as teleporting onto their ship with an invincibility mod except this is actually currently known to be possible.

  • @needsmokes said in Next Level Cheating on the Sea:

    No, not really valid. But cunning.. The joys of open crew huh.

    You're giving them too much credit by calling them cunning. Cunning would be using trickery to get the other crew into an alliance. You talk them into riding on their boat, THEN you do this.

    What OP described was cowardly, not cunning. They knew they couldn't beat them in a real fight, so they resorted to a technical exploit to rob the crew. Shameful.

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