Buying resources

  • @cotu42

    I am a pirate Legend and yes even for us it's still a risk it is collecting gold is the only thing we have left.

    The people who don't care about losing a lot of gold and resources are usually the most down-to-earth people that don't get upset because they lose every two seconds.

    the same pirate Legends of which you're talking about the ones that you were referring to which wouldn't care about losing that amount of gold also the same ones that are continuously regardless of the situation so having this option to buy resources wouldn't change a thing

  • @kin-h4chi Like what has already been mentioned by another poster: I will never not hate this idea. Specifically: the exchange of gold for any amount of supplies should always be avoided. There is no real advantage to implementing this and all it does is give some advantage to players with more gold. Resource collection and management is an important part of this game and making it so you can avoid that whole aspect just by spending gold not only just makes running a crew less intricate, and thus interesting, but it also makes PvP less intricate (people always have a healthy amount of supplies, so fight by attrition would be so much more tedious, spamming cannonballs will increase, and it removes the vulnerability periods of having to collect resources, it makes back-to-back fights less worrisome which makes them less interesting, etc)

    All of the proposes benefits are either inconsequential or come with even worse detriments:

    • Casual players won't have the gold to continually by more resources every time they're sunk by PvP ships that are constantly supplied up (just go back to an outpost after every attack)
    • People without a lot of time to play don't even need many resources because they won't be on long. When I get on solo sloop for a half hour, I don't collect resources at all because most of the time I don't need more than what the sloop comes with on spawn
      -Any ships respawning from a fight will be able to stock up faster and thus return to continue the fight sooner. The rate at which crews can return to the scene of a fight is already a hot issue with some people.

    The bottom line is that no gold sink can provide a functional advantage to players. That's what makes implementing proper gold sinks so difficult. Even more generally: 1) no functional advantages of any kind can be accessibly 'locked' to any player (e.g. levels and so forth) and 2) no functional advantages of any kind can be persistent (this is why gold can't be used for functional advantages). Once we start violating those, we start destroying the horizontal progression aspect of SoT, which is one of it's most important features. People keep bringing up this buying supplies issue over and over again but it can't happen. The harm it would do to the game is too great to justify implementing a mechanic because people are just lazy

    If people really really really wanted something like this, it could be done, but it'd have to be something like:

    • Treasure can be exchanged for supplies instead of gold. This is fundamentally different that spending gold for supplies, since it removes many of the issues I mentioned above (this is the best option)
    • Re-implement reasonable, and low, barrel limits and then have all ships spawn with full supplies only the first time they are spawned on a server (I don't like this one, but it's probably possible)
    • Simply adding low levels of supplies as rewards for quests, typically Trader Merchant ones (I don't really like this either, but again, it's possible)
  • @kin-h4chi said in Buying resources:


    I am a pirate Legend and yes even for us it's still a risk it is collecting gold is the only thing we have left.

    The people who don't care about losing a lot of gold and resources are usually the most down-to-earth people that don't get upset because they lose every two seconds.

    the same pirate Legends of which you're talking about the ones that you were referring to which wouldn't care about losing that amount of gold also the same ones that are continuously regardless of the situation so having this option to buy resources wouldn't change a thing

    Regardless of the situation? What do you mean by that?

    I personally wouldn't care about the money loss nor supplies for that matter. I am always flying around getting more anyway and money keeps flowing in.

    Most legends I play with gather gold, but don't care about it. Which is why we don't sell often.

    Maybe your suggestion would add value to gold and cause me to care more about it.

    Though I think it would be in a forced manner. While taxing people you want to help way more than the others. Missing the mark in providing a solution for those without much time to play. As they will have less time to earn the money back that they invested and make a profit.

  • @nabberwar
    I agree but we have to consider the context of the PVP.

    Let's say for arguments sake you have already dispatched a galleon and it's crew while disputing the ownership of a skelly fort, it would be very bad for a freshly spawned ship to then be able to purchase supplies at current respawn distance because if you sink a ship once, the argument should be over.

    The other instance is, if your having a quick session and you are limited as to how long you can play for, resupplying the ship can take time, especially if your a solo slooper. Perhaps solo players should get the added boon of being able to purchase supplies from an outpost, how to impose a solo only purchase presents its own set of issues I'm sure as there may be a cheese hidden in inv a 2nd crew mate in after making purchase... I don't know, maybe have a quick session server with more supplies on initial spawn? There has to be a solution in there somewhere?

  • @ambiguousmonk

    Well first off it's not meant to be an advantage meant to be a boost. If I taking the boost you actually risking your gold if you are sunk. this is completely optional are used to perform the old way of gathering resources which is to go to every barrel on the island.

    This does not benefit a PVP ship because pvp players don't go into a battle of attrition. And that seems to be the only argument people have against this idea.

    People bring up new players new players aren't given the blooms either which can buy them levels which can buy them gold they have to earn it like everyone else. It's not disadvantaging that because they can't buy resources it when they first start nor is unfair. That's like calling fallout unfair because stimpacks isn't free for new players that just started the game. new players are still capable of going to the barrels and finding the resources themselves.

    You specifically bring up Gold sink. so what if people have an option to spend gold that they work for four resources instead of taking time to go and gather them? and what about the doubloon they're not available to players that just started out now they have to go out and earn them just like gold to buy cosmetics

    casual place would have more time to go and play the games that I had people who don't have a lot of time on their hands should have more time to go and play. this wouldn't be something that the mandatory it's an option any that you can do it or not it is your choice to buy the resources or go and look for them. The limitations that I set up means that at most you'd be only spending 7500. That's to get that most of a total 150 resources. A fresh base ship still have the chance to kill a fully-stocked galleon. As well there was also those times we're having that one extra board can save your entire ship

    A limitations that i set up prevent any major exploits. you may not see any good reason to have it in the game but you can't give a bad one either.

  • I agree that gathering resources is time consuming and purchasing supplies is one idea I don't mind. Maybe a crate of 50 something's can cost 1000 Gold. That would balance the urge to just purchase things without first considering the cheaper already existing option.

  • @cotu42

    regardless of the situation means regardless of the situation no matter what situation they part of Legends are in the still going to attack you. even if there is a store for with nobody else they're still going to go after you because they want to keep PVP.

    It's a no way a Forced Manner because the amount of resources you get isn't it enough for it to actually matter for anyting. as well as the amount of votes are required for each one resource. one thing that turns a lot of people off on sandbox games this game particular is the constant tedious grinding. Bayan resources help alleviate that a small bit.

  • @cmm-solo

    the only thing I'm going to say about PVP is that resources would only matter in the Battle of attrition which that's almost never the case in the game

  • @kin-h4chi
    I vehemently disagree, its easy to say, "Just out skill them." You seem to forget your playing against someone just as good maybe better.
    @kin-h4chi said in Buying resources:


    Player doesn't rely on the amount of resources they have to win a fight they rely on their skill. nine times out of the turn a competent PVP player we've already hit you with one to two gunpowder's and on your ship preventing you from fixing any holes

    In what realm does this sound like your fighting a competent team? You have created a crew of strawman. If this is what constitutes as a competent crew, I have some question for you. Are you fighting children? Have you ever fought a team who understands how to guard ladders?

    Currently the number one way to sink another ship is to disrupt repairs. If you can't board you can't accomplish that. Now it becomes more resource intensive. What crew is gonna remain unmoving for you to keg them? You have created an imaginary foe to demonstrate your point.

  • @nabberwar

    Do you understand that you should have kenned it by here on the top deck so you can get on there? do you understand to climb the ladder with a lit gunpowder so regardless of what happens they still get holes possibly even kill them.

    That's a fax and no way does a competent PVP team rely on a battle of attrition. Another fact is I have never sunk due to a battle of attrition.

    you seem to be under the impression that there is only one way on the enemy ship and that is the latter.

    If you're relying on a battle of attrition to sink a ship that you're not very good at ship fights are you?

    you said it yourself the number one way to sink the ship is disrupt the repairs that's completely contrary to the Battle of attrition but you're arguing as a disadvantage for buying resources

  • @kin-h4chi said in Buying resources:


    regardless of the situation means regardless of the situation no matter what situation they part of Legends are in the still going to attack you. even if there is a store for with nobody else they're still going to go after you because they want to keep PVP.

    I base my interactions based upon the pirates I come across. There PvP only legendary pirates our there, but we are more diverse than one might think.

    It's a no way a Forced Manner because the amount of resources you get isn't it enough for it to actually matter for anyting.

    If it doesn't matter for anything it means the addition is not hitting its mark, as I believe you wanted it to have an effect for people without much time. Which I believe would hurt them more than helped by this.

    as well as the amount of votes are required for each one resource. one thing that turns a lot of people off on sandbox games this game particular is the constant tedious grinding. Bayan resources help alleviate that a small bit.

    If you don't like a grind don't play a sandbox game. It is kind of part of the genre and the supply grind is kind of low maintenance to be honest in comparison to other games.

    Also buying doesn't make it less grindy at all. As now you require to grind more gold to buy the advantage at the start of your session.

    Edit: btw it would be considered by most as a mandatory aspect, just because you have the choice doesn't make it less so. Currently you also have the choice: stock additional supplies or don't. You are addressing it as a key and mandated part of the game while based on your own logic it isn't.

  • @kin-h4chi said in Buying resources:


    Well first off it's not meant to be an advantage meant to be a boost. If I taking the boost you actually risking your gold if you are sunk. this is completely optional are used to perform the old way of gathering resources which is to go to every barrel on the island.

    Renaming it a boost doesn't stop it from being an advantage. Some players can afford it while others can't. Some can afford an exorbitant amount and never feel the affects of the "risk."

    People bring up new players new players aren't given the blooms either which can buy them levels which can buy them gold they have to earn it like everyone else. It's not disadvantaging that because they can't buy resources it when they first start nor is unfair. That's like calling fallout unfair because stimpacks isn't free for new players that just started the game. new players are still capable of going to the barrels and finding the resources themselves.

    This is a false equivalency. Games like fallout have linear progression. The need for Stimpaks at the early levels is less then it is later in the game. When you reach the later levels players now have either the funds or resources to get more or rely less on them. Sea of Thieves isn't like that, it doesn't have linear progression. You fight the same enemies at every level.

    You specifically bring up Gold sink. so what if people have an option to spend gold that they work for four resources instead of taking time to go and gather them? and what about the doubloon they're not available to players that just started out now they have to go out and earn them just like gold to buy cosmetics

    Cosmetics play no role in balancing, once again this is false equivalency.

    casual place would have more time to go and play the games that I had people who don't have a lot of time on their hands should have more time to go and play. this wouldn't be something that the mandatory it's an option any that you can do it or not it is your choice to buy the resources or go and look for them.

    In my crew everyone has full time jobs, while some even have families. If we can accomplish supply gathering in a short amount of time so can you.

  • This thread ended more than 9 months ago when none of these suggestions that have been suggested since did not see the light of day. Keep grapsing at straws, this buying supplies nonsense is through.

  • @kin-h4chi said in Buying resources:


    Do you understand that you should have kenned it by here on the top deck so you can get on there? do you understand to climb the ladder with a lit gunpowder so regardless of what happens they still get holes possibly even kill them.

    That's a fax and no way does a competent PVP team rely on a battle of attrition. Another fact is I have never sunk due to a battle of attrition.

    you seem to be under the impression that there is only one way on the enemy ship and that is the latter.

    If you're relying on a battle of attrition to sink a ship that you're not very good at ship fights are you?

    you said it yourself the number one way to sink the ship is disrupt the repairs that's completely contrary to the Battle of attrition but you're arguing as a disadvantage for buying resources

    Once again you are creating these strawmen crews. In order to get a proper kegging either the crew needs to be directly behind you following you, or stationary. If a crew is behind you, its clear you are running not fighting. All that crew needs to do is not trail behind you to a point where you can't swim to ladder. This is really easy to do if you expect someone to do it. Watch for mermaids and you will see it coming early, they can just pre-detonate it or force you to kamikaze. You gain no boarder, and all they need to do is patch up and keep chasing.

    What competent crew is stationary? No crew is gonna stop moving and allow you to do this. Lets assume you get to ladder, you sure as hell ain't climbing it. You will be forced to Kamikaze, while the other team just spreads out and survives. Essentially you traded, each team lost a player, you are down a keg while they are down 4 planks.

    You clearly don't fight good crews that understand this game.

  • @kin-h4chi Joe has confirmed that buying resources is in the plans and he said it's part of the 3rd part of reforming the merchant alliance... What that means and when that will happen, I don't know.

  • @nunoazuldimeter well I sure hope he backtracks because I have frankly been quite polite these past few months, I'm hoping to get an excuse to rip Rare a new one.

  • @urihamrayne said in Buying resources:

    @nunoazuldimeter well I sure hope he backtracks because I have frankly been quite polite these past few months, I'm hoping to get an excuse to rip Rare a new one.

    Feels like creating a solution for a non-issue. Any form of challenge in this game is slowly removed. All this does is drive me to keep fighting players, at least a person can put up challenge.

  • @cmm-solo said in Buying resources:

    I agree that gathering resources is time consuming and purchasing supplies is one idea I don't mind. Maybe a crate of 50 something's can cost 1000 Gold. That would balance the urge to just purchase things without first considering the cheaper already existing option.

    Maybe for you, but for me 1000 gold means nothing and that is one of the major issues with buying supplies.

    Gold has a different value for different people. Therefore the risk/reward balance is not the same.

    You count in thousands while legends count in 100.000 increments if not more. I am considered poor amongst my buddies cause I only have half a million gold cause I keep buying cosmetics.

  • @kin-h4chi said in Buying resources:

    I know this has been brought up before. But since the recent upgrade to the barrels in the inventory layout. And the new additions with the shrouded spoils that this would be a good time to bring it in.

    The price of the resource would prevent any attempts to try to cheese with resource crates as well as being low enough that it would be worth getting too quickly supply ship. This will help more casual players too quickly stock up on resources when they don't have a lot of time to play.

    the number that you can buy is limited to a point where it's not worth just going from Outpost to Outpost just buy them.

    the process would be on the dock that would be a vendor which cells each of the three resources. And each one would be a random spawn of 25 to 50 of each resource. Just one resource would cost 50 gold each. Once bought that would automatically be supplied on to your ship.

    No. Buying resources should never be a thing. It doesn't matter "Oh well its not that much just a small ammount" That is actually a lot in banana's and planks.

    When PvP'ing you want anywhere between 40 to 50 banana's, 40 to 50 planks, and maybe around 100 cannons.
    That is not the "bare minimum" that is overly decent. Against multiple ships you would want more but honestly you don't need it. Open ship battles rarely end with a ship sinking because of cannon fire, its from boarders. So again more than enough.

    The fact that you or anyone else keeps suggesting this idea speaks volumes to your level of play. This wouldn't be a "BOOST", this is a clear cut advantage. Supplying up is part of the game. You don't have to go to a fort if you don't want to. Clear out the outpost you get to and just jump off for barrels in the water or shoot off to islands as you go. I'm usually the only one in open crews that keeps the boat stock and I usually get it around over 100 banana's, 100, planks and 200 cannonballs. Thats just me jumping into the water for supplies or shooting off to islands. Its not something you have to do once and stop, you keep doing it as you go if you want to save time.

    The resupplying is not only suppose to be a time sink for PvP but its also meant to buy other players time. When a ship needs to resupply it gives everyone else on the server some time and thats the whole point.

  • Yea I think this is a horrible idea for many reasons that have already been listed. I feel a better idea would be to fine tune the barrels that are floating in the water, as in make them stay a float longer. I have noticed with your barrels that tend to have like 25 each of that particular item, tend to start sinking as soon as one jumps in to grab them. I get it they have way more than the average barrel, but I think they should adjust the timer on them at least by a little bit. This would be a better suggestion. Also another idea is to make the barrels found floating out in the sea carry more than just 1 type of item, as in each barrel at sea has cannonballs, planks and bananas or some kind of variation, which would make it quicker to grab the supplies and than the timer increase wouldn't really matter.

  • @nabberwar

    I'm pl10 and sail with pl10s so yes I do know you wanted to refer to a select group

    The Mark I'm hitting is a quicker way to gather resources in a shorter time. Which I hit, you brought up PVP not me.

    Grinding isn't a sandbox thing.

    It gives you a good amount of supplies without having to go search for them. Yeah it actually does that lower the grinding requirement a little bit.

    Just because players decide whether it should be done doesn't make it mandatory. Mandatory makes it a requirement. It's never a requirement to do anything.

    are we going to jump into another conversation that you're not a part of the maybe you should actually read the entire conversation before commenting about it because the poster that I, too there's also agree that there is no advantage.

    How's the false equivalency I took a game and then I don't from that game. That has more necessity to have and more consequences for not having currently talking about. I applied YOUR unfair new players argument to said game. why is it fair for a game like fallout to not give stimpacks to new players but it's unfair for sea of thieves to allow people to buy resources and not give the same benefit to new players. you brought up the unfair advantage that players have been playing for a while vs. New players brought up. Since you think that's possible even say okay let's apply different item then, doubloons. Doubloons are not items that a new player can get. Kind of like gold you have to actually work for it. It's not handed to you. like resources that are currently in barrels on islands across the entire map. Which are there for a new player to just take. I mean you can apply this logic to basically anything in according to you it's all unfair two new players because it's just not handing it over to them. of course you're not losing anything by not buying resources whereas other who does by resources will lose gold and if they sing that gold just gone. just because new players wouldn't have the ability to buy the resources doesn't mean that they're at a disadvantage for it either. They're still able to collect resources for free. I don't want to buy them are taking the risk that their money would be flushed down the toilet when I get sunk. YouTube bring it up people who have a lot of goals so they'd be able to buy a lot and not care. what does the amount of gold do currently have matter when there's a limited amount of resources you can actually buy. How many completely ignoring all the limitations in my arguments that I've already set forth and think of your own argument that I've already proven wrong.

    Again not a false equivalency you brought up and for the constant PVP argument you want to continually try to press one sentence. A fresh ship can sink a fully-stocked galleon. because of that one sentence any argument regarding PVP is debunked. lake in the implication that a more stuck ship will always sink a let's start ship is the same as saying that a bigger ship will always think the smaller ship. How about you ask previously to State how this will unbalanced PVP. Give get to provide a reasonable answer for that. And no there is almost never a Battle of attrition.

    So can I? I'm actually get tired of all this cleansing of what I can and cannot do so now I want you to present proof that I cannot do these things. Until then don't make any arguments of what I can or cannot do it's about as ignorant as saying that because somebody isn't handled something when they first start in the game it's unfair.

    I'm at the end of the day you want to bring up full-time jobs and families. I'm average to actually clear up a good amount of resources which is roughly around 75 cannonballs to about 35 bananas and planks. with a crew of four on average this would take about 10 to 15 minutes. some people have full-time job looks worse about 12 to 14 hours a day canalside the family to take care of. I need sleep so they're lucky to get a good hour of gaming in if they get any at all. So somebody on time constraints 15 minutes is a big deal.

    At the end of the day your entire argument against it is PVP which is been debunked by a single sentence and it being unfair to new players. Which something not being available to a new player it's quite common regardless of the game you play. People are expected to put in the work for things. you yourself said that cosmetics have no benefit whatsoever so why not give them away for free instead of having people grind for gold to get them.

    completely fair to have somebody work to get a cosmetic but it's not fed has somebody work for something that actually gives them some kind of benefit according to you anyway

  • @nabberwar

    No it's that you clearly rely on Battle of attrition to actually win a fight

  • @xultanis-dragon

    When PVP and you don't rely on a battle of attrition to win a fight. And so long as it's a fact that a fresh ship can sink a fully-stocked yelian any argument about PVP that you currently have is immediately debunked unless you can prove otherwise

  • @bababooey

    There's only been two actual arguments in this entire comment section

    It would unbalanced PVP and it wouldn't be fair to do players

    Okay first off PVP no one realized that a battle of attrition to sink a ship. And a fresh ship can sing a fully-stocked galleon.

    Secondly it being unfair to new players. So how is naked people pay for something that has no benefit Fair well the thing that you need is free. I get my suggestion isn't to not make the thing you need free but you add an option to buy nobody said anything about getting rid of the option to pick up the free thing. So how is the option to buy unfair for new players? Santa's not getting rid of the free option it's only given an option for people to do something else to make the game quicker. So why not just give all the cosmetics for free I mean it's kind of unfair that you're going right all that gold to go and buy them huh. why don't you get the doubloons for free kind of friend that you have to go completely certain objectives to get them don't you think.

  • What if it was implemented in this way...

    Any player may purchase the supply upgrade from the shipwright for 500 gold (100 cannon balls, 50 planks, 50 bananas). The in-game time for that ship is recorded and the ship may not buy another supply upgrade for 30 in game days (12 hours IRL). They could have the shipwright say something like "We are out of supplies to sell, but there are plenty around the islands in barrels to loot. A new shipment of supplies will be available on the 13th at 3am." (or whatever day and time is suitable)

    That way a ship always has to wait 12 real life hours before purchasing another 100 cannon balls, 50 planks, and 50 bananas. This prevents players from cheesing the shipwright for supplies and allows people to set sail very quickly without spending the first 15-20 minutes looting the outpost.

  • Supplies are for the entire crew, but gold is for the individual - this means that larger crews will have a distinct advantage, which creates an imbalance and it is not needed.

  • @galactic-geek

    How so

  • @jonaldinho

    You know how often barrels reset on the islands?

  • @Kin-H4chi
    You keep assuming a fully stocked ship fighting a ship with low supplies is not an imbalance just because the game still remains fair and allows for the weaker crew to take out the stronger crew. It's irrelevant, your argument here is garbage anyway, putting 2 crews with equal skill on different levels of resources to use is a much more proper example that shows how much supplies matter and adding shortcuts with no regard to the game's fair imbalance is why this suggestion should never see the light of day. You grasp nothing about game design, your level in pl doesn't matter, you learned nothing.

    You people didn't even talk about another issue with this "feature" which is how players are taught less and less how to go for resource management. Adding a new shortcut "goldsink" is just another way to create lazy crewmates. This also limits the design of the game towards finding brand new resources on the world through exploration, adding new creative ways for granting players rewards for exploring and taking their time to look for supplies. This gets limiting because lazy airheads like you would probably advocate for "lemmme buy rare supplies, I don't have all day to go out exploring, I'm too lazy to take some 10 or so minutes to just stock up".

    It doesn't even take that much time, what are you crying about even, you have 3 hours to play SoT? Well go for some supplies and OH NO!!! Now you only have 2 hours and 50 minutes to play!!! THE HORROR!

    Frankly, lazy pirate op wants to have game systems selfishly serve him for no reason, dumb down the game all you want, you get no approval from me.

  • @kin-h4chi Well, as an example, and assuming every crew member has the same amount of gold, say 100, then that's exactly what a solo sloop has to spend, but a galleon of 4 will have 400 between them to spend on even more resources. Sure, they may use more, especially in the case of bananas, but it just adds to their already versatile advantages.

  • @kin-h4chi said in Buying resources:


    You know how often barrels reset on the islands?

    I'm not entirely sure, but it seems like they refill once per day in the morning in game.

    Why is this relevant? I think the normal spawn of resources in barrels is fine. If we are talking about making resources purchasable, there needs to be a different set of parameters around that. You should not be able to spam the merchant for supplies. Maybe once per session (or every 30 in game days)

  • @kin-h4chi said in Buying resources:


    When PVP and you don't rely on a battle of attrition to win a fight. And so long as it's a fact that a fresh ship can sink a fully-stocked yelian any argument about PVP that you currently have is immediately debunked unless you can prove otherwise

    ?? Do you PvP at all? Like at all? I've pvp'ed pretty much the whole time since the game came out. Its not a "battle of attrition" its just basic statistics. A fresh ship only has 15 planks. Any good crew will hit half that on the first go round. You only have 15 banana's. Thats only enough for 3 stacks. 1 boarder will obviously need a set so that only leaves 2 more. 45 cannons where most players miss over half their shots.

    You keep saying "Oh I've seen a fresh ship kill fully stocked ones." Thats great. I've also sunk fully stocked ships with bare minimum supplies, because I was good and they were not.

    Your logic in this argument leads me to believe that your play level is probably very low. You are probably on the losing side of the PvP spectrum. There are those of us that have defended forts against wave after wave AFTER wave of respawns. All fights are battles of attrition when you are stuck having to fight back people who just scuttle and come back with a full boat of supplies. You are giving players who are actually good at this game a HUGE advantage and players who are bad at this time a HUGE disadvantage.

    If you were decent at this game you would understand how this would cause issues for the game as a whole. Also you wouldn't have problems restocking on the fly.

  • @jonaldinho once again, if your suggestion has to come with twenty asteriscs, several nerfs and limitations, it wasn't a good idea to begin with.

  • @kin-h4chi @UrihamRayne @Galactic-Geek
    I believe Galactic and Uri gave you a good response, as I can't really respond to something I have to try and decipher. I literally had no clue what you were saying especially in your last paragraph. Anyway, for those of us who have been playing since launch or at least for sometime, the idea is wrong in so many ways. The big one is your larger crews who already tend to have the advantage will have an even bigger one, if anything this idea helps make it easier for those crews. The idea I suggested, while small would help, increasing the timer on the barrels floating at sea, if its just the ones holding 25 each of a particular item, perhaps they could even increase the rate at which seagulls with barrels appear. I'm sure there are other in game improvements, that could be done to help with this, without having to make drastic changes to the game or create lazy pirates. I think by far the easiest solution to this would be just to simply increase the starting supplies for each item, like for bananas 15 to 50 or for the sloop you add in an extra barrel. The galleon being a bigger ship has three cannonball barrels and the sloop has only two, therefore your galleon starts out with more cannonballs right off the bat than your sloop and also has more crew members, meaning can gather supplies faster etc.

  • There is so much to unpack here that is clearly wrong.

    @kin-h4chi said in Buying resources:


    are we going to jump into another conversation that you're not a part of the maybe you should actually read the entire conversation before commenting about it because the poster that I, too there's also agree that there is no advantage.

    Welcome to the forums, where you will meet people who don't agree with you. They can also say whatever they want (Within Forum rules), and there is nothing you can do about it.

    How's the false equivalency I took a game and then I don't from that game. That has more necessity to have and more consequences for not having currently talking about. I applied YOUR unfair new players argument to said game. why is it fair for a game like fallout to not give stimpacks to new players but it's unfair for sea of thieves to allow people to buy resources and not give the same benefit to new players.

    You are comparing two different genre of games, that is why its false equivalency. Their is a major difference in an RPG designed around lateral progression, and Sea of thieves an open world sandbox game. If you can't grasp that drastic difference their is no point debating with you. The need for Stimpaks at the early levels is less then it is later in the game. When you reach the later levels players now have either the funds or resources to get more or rely less on them. Sea of Thieves isn't like that, it doesn't have linear progression. You fight the same enemies at every level. The need for stimpack (bananas) is the same no matter at what stage you play Sea of Thieves. Their is no other way to explain this too you. Your example is bad stop using it.

    @kin-h4chi said in Buying resources:

    Since you think that's possible even say okay let's apply different item then, doubloons. Doubloons are not items that a new player can get. Kind of like gold you have to actually work for it. It's not handed to you. like resources that are currently in barrels on islands across the entire map.

    Once again this is false equivalency, we are talking how resource buying effects game balance. Doubloons player ZERO role in game balancing. COSMETICS PLAY NO ROLE ON HOW A PERSON SINKS IN THIS GAME. Their is no other way to explain this.

    Which are there for a new player to just take. I mean you can apply this logic to basically anything in according to you it's all unfair two new players because it's just not handing it over to them. of course you're not losing anything by not buying resources whereas other who does by resources will lose gold and if they sing that gold just gone. just because new players wouldn't have the ability to buy the resources doesn't mean that they're at a disadvantage for it either. They're still able to collect resources for free.

    It still remains an advantage, ONE TEAM HAS THE OPTION THE OTHER DOESN'T. For many in this game it isn't a loss because of the sheer amount of excess gold they have. A new player doesn't have this option.

    Again not a false equivalency you brought up and for the constant PVP argument you want to continually try to press one sentence. A fresh ship can sink a fully-stocked galleon. because of that one sentence any argument regarding PVP is debunked.

    This isn't remotely what I said, you are clearly misrepresenting the argument. Just because a ship can sink before it runs out of supplies doesn't mean EVERY ship will. This is why I bring up an opponent who understands the tactics you use against them. If we use your logic, I can sink a skeleton ship, kill a meg and kraken without the need for cannonballs. Mind you this is all possible to do, why do you need supplies anyways? No need to buy supplies you won't use.

    lake in the implication that a more stuck ship will always sink a let's start ship is the same as saying that a bigger ship will always think the smaller ship. How about you ask previously to State how this will unbalanced PVP. Give get to provide a reasonable answer for that. And no there is almost never a Battle of attrition.

    Once again, I ask have you ever fought an opponent who actually knows how to counter your strategies? Have you ever played a game with a competitive nature? For example League of Legends, Counter Strike, DOTA, or Starcraft. Their is one thing that all these games have in common. That is that only some strategies work on inexperienced players. When you fight people on your level, the same little tricks that would work on other players stop working. That is the equivalent of your keg example. This only works if your opponent doesn't understand how to counter it. This is why when players have more resources they have a better chance on victory.

    At the end of the day your entire argument against it is PVP which is been debunked by a single sentence and it being unfair to new players.

    It clearly hasn't.

    Which something not being available to a new player it's quite common regardless of the game you play. People are expected to put in the work for things. you yourself said that cosmetics have no benefit whatsoever so why not give them away for free instead of having people grind for gold to get them.

    I'm arguing game balance, cosmetics play no role in that. This is false equivalency, I'm sorry you can't grasp this.

    completely fair to have somebody work to get a cosmetic but it's not fed has somebody work for something that actually gives them some kind of benefit according to you anyway

    Not according to me. I've said nothing of the kind. You seem to twist arguments. At this point their is no point in arguing with you. You don't listen to reason, have a nice day.

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