Buying resources

  • I know this has been brought up before. But since the recent upgrade to the barrels in the inventory layout. And the new additions with the shrouded spoils that this would be a good time to bring it in.

    The price of the resource would prevent any attempts to try to cheese with resource crates as well as being low enough that it would be worth getting too quickly supply ship. This will help more casual players too quickly stock up on resources when they don't have a lot of time to play.

    the number that you can buy is limited to a point where it's not worth just going from Outpost to Outpost just buy them.

    the process would be on the dock that would be a vendor which cells each of the three resources. And each one would be a random spawn of 25 to 50 of each resource. Just one resource would cost 50 gold each. Once bought that would automatically be supplied on to your ship.


    so far the two biggest points that everything boils down to the comments below has become:

    It would unbalanced PVP

    It's unfair to new players

    First off the PvP arguments is the debunked based on the fact that a fresh ship can sink a fully stocked ship. And the only time an abundance of resources will be a deciding factor is a battle of attrition which doesn't really sink ships.

    And the new players argument is debunked as no one is taking away the free option and you have to work for cosmetics and doubloons

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  • @kin-h4chi this would be a good thing for starters, yes
    But a huge disadvantage for everyone who fight an advanced crew, they'll come back real quick with enough supplies to get you sunk

    It's not a bad idea, but it would ruin the balance of the game

  • @schwammlgott sagte in Buying resources:

    @kin-h4chi this would be a good thing for starters, yes
    But a huge disadvantage for everyone who fight an advanced crew, they'll come back real quick with enough supplies to get you sunk

    It's not a bad idea, but it would ruin the balance of the game

    But what about you can only buy ressources at a fresh start on the server.
    The money you obtained in former Sessions grant you a full stocked boat if you want to.
    No restock buy in after you sunk and respawn only on initial spawn.
    Still a little advantage in the beginning.
    But running around to restock is a little bit silly and some Goldsink mechanics is maybe needed.
    Definetly something worth to think about.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Buying resources:

    @schwammlgott sagte in Buying resources:

    @kin-h4chi this would be a good thing for starters, yes
    But a huge disadvantage for everyone who fight an advanced crew, they'll come back real quick with enough supplies to get you sunk

    It's not a bad idea, but it would ruin the balance of the game

    But what about you can only buy ressources at a fresh start on the server.
    The money you obtained in former Sessions grant you a full stocked boat if you want to.
    No restock buy in after you sunk and respawn only on initial spawn.
    Still a little advantage in the beginning.
    But running around to restock is a little bit silly and some Goldsink mechanics is maybe needed.
    Definetly something worth to think about.

    I get your concern, especially when playing with the smaller ships. Though I think buying would be overlooking some key balances regarding PvP (instantly having 100s of supplies) and the feeling you are forced to buy it. Not to mention who pays for it.

    It might be an idea with all the new sea battles that each ship size receives a tad bit more resources on the initial creation on the ship to reduce the start up time of a new ship.

  • Increasing supplies is the way forward. Buying resources is not something I'm opposed to either. PVP should be about skill vs skill and wit vs wit so I don't think supply vs supply should be a factor. The spawn distance for defeated ships and crews needs to be increased though because the old skelly fort frustration is back and that turns into a 'my supplies vs your supplies' scenario.

  • Seriously, why bother?
    You can get everything from unused forts and floating barrels. Which are quite abundant.

    I can see some poor fool leaving the outpost after spending gold on supplies only to get sunk by any number of new threats.

    Or maybe getting ganked on the pier, as he decides what to buy.

  • I agree to all of you here.

    I made also a suggestion recently in another thread to release a new boat with more supplies.
    Maybe half of the total, but more than we have now.
    It's true, about restock at an inactive fort is easy and done relatively quick.
    But it's a little bit of a chore to do when you begin your game / journey.
    If you can do it to restock after you have fought somebody or something that's a good idea, but to have to start with 15 Minutes restocking or preparing your vessel is maybe not the cooles feature.
    I mean literally everybody is going to a Fort first to get some supplies and kegs.
    Everything else is especially since the last update a little to lazy. You need more supplies to fight a Meg, Kraken or Skaleon as if you start with. The ship should not spawn to be doomed because of a lack of supplies if you set sail and have not the proper amount of bananas, planks or cannonballs to set sail.
    I mean atm it can happen you do not gather ressources start with what you have and a Skaleone will show up immediately.
    Maybe you can do it, ya i think you can, but tbh some more planks and cannonballs wouldnt be that bad to start with.

    I would not refuse to buy them, but @CotU42 is right, it would become mandatory and favor those who have Millions of Gold.

    I dont have the perfect idea.

    Increasing the ressources we start with would be a good thing @CMM-SOLO

  • a repeated suggestion will get a repeated reply

    @urihamrayne said :

    I will never not hate this suggestion. I'll explain this once again, buying supplies is not a healthy addition to the game, its an easy gold sink feature, sure, but as a system it tips the balance of PvP dynamics to guerilla warfare, where players throw themselves at a point of interesst with full stocks or near full. Players don't have infinite gold, I hear you say, but doesn't that mean players that have more gold just gained an inherent advantage at using a certain type of strategy over newer players? Doen't that suck to have to enter a game where your first skull fort is repeatedly assaulted by multiple players with many many gold stocks to use and abuse to try to break you?

    So in conclusion, there should never ever be a way for players to buy supplies, players must always go out of their way to stock their ship, it has to be a consious DECISION to forego time to gain the edge in supplies, its part of the "balance" of the game it decreases grindy warfare.

  • Did no one read? It would be limited on what you can buy. There are on many occasions a fresh ship can sink a stocked ship. As well as everyone everyone ignored the players that don't have time for a 3 hour session

  • @schwammlgott

    Please elaborate

  • @bugaboo-bill

    Full stocked boat is too much

  • @cotu42

    The Outpost spawn 50 to 100 of each resource. And I'm suggesting 25-50 be able to be bought.

    So I can get back to where they were sink the ship just something dumb and recover all of their treasure how would this be unbalanced? Especially since the sunk ship could respawn anywhere what are them to go specifically to an outpost.

  • with a cooldown mechanic why not.another option would be let us taking 10 woodenplanks instead of 5 ,bananas still on 5 for pvp gameplay.

  • Maybe if they ever add a captaincy update like they have suggested, the captain would be able to retain the resources on his ship at the end of the session and bring it with him to his next session. There would need to be some sort of cap on the number of resources you can carry over though.

  • @barnabas-seadog

    Okay go play for an hour and tell me how well you do in fight with no resources. Not everyone has a lot of time to play everyday. As such sometimes it becomes repetitive trying to restock your ship and the 25 to 50 that you can buy to help that out of it. this will help some players get a piece of mine and some help without lowering the difficulty of all the new added content

  • @urihamrayne

    All your argument is completely removed once you add in the fact that freshly stock strips which size 15 per barrel is able to sink a well stock ship. maybe you bring up gold spending spree how are they going to spend so much gold so quickly when there's a limited amount of resources that you can buy as I listed above.

    Tips for PVP Dynamics to guerrilla warfare well first of all guerrilla warfare small group using hit and run tactics which is what sloops already do. and when it's about a little between gallys it becomes a battle of attrition.

  • @kin-h4chi I have long advocated for this, but the biggest fall out has always been when looking at the PvP side of things. I think your idea of a limit to how much you can buy, and even your idea of being able to only buy once per game session, that could solve those concerns. Quite frankly, when you start a new boat, stocking, if you want to stock properly, takes 30 or more minutes. The new barrel system, once we got past the initial problems and they added take all store all, now makes stocking slightly faster. But still takes time. I would much rather get in game, and get out on my adventure. And I have plenty of gold, with little to nothing to spend it on. So spending it to give me say 100 cannonballs, 50 planks and 50 bananas would be gold well spent. And I could chose, buy or stock. If I stock myself I gain the advantage of potentially finding CCB's. I think this is a very reasonable idea so long as we come up with limits.

    I know another concern is that new players would not have the gold to buy the resources, quite frankly, they can stock the ship the current way, kind of like an initiation period, until they build up the gold to start buying the stock. The fact is, that the longer you play this game, the more playing sessions you have, the more time goes buy, stocking your ship becomes a part of the game that takes away from the game or at minimum takes away from the fun.

  • @kin-h4chi said in Buying resources:


    The Outpost spawn 50 to 100 of each resource. And I'm suggesting 25-50 be able to be bought.

    So I can get back to where they were sink the ship just something dumb and recover all of their treasure how would this be unbalanced? Especially since the sunk ship could respawn anywhere what are them to go specifically to an outpost.

    Well, because persistent returns are a tactic already. Add additional resources which take 0 time to gather gives the tactic even more merit and benefits people which have huge cash reserves, in other words people with more experience. In my belief it is strong enough tactic as is and changing it seems like a concern to me.

    Then we still have the issues that people will see it as a must buy action each time. I don't believe that is a good thing towards the newer pirates.

    Then we have the issue: who pays for it? A lot of crews will determine that it is a must to buy and that the other should pay. If you split the cost automatically it means someone else can be spending your money. I can already see the bickering within non premade crews.

    Buying supplies just seems like more hassle than alternatives, like rebalancing the amount currently being supplied at the begin of the sessions due to the more demanding world.

  • @weedstar-deluxe

    When you don't have any resource is being able to hold more becomes kind of irrelevant. But it would help gather resources quicker

  • Increase capacity at outposts, done. End of conversation!

    If you are too lazy to stock your vessel, shame on you. Your responsibility, not the devs.

  • If your suggestion has to come with twelve asteriscs, nerfs and limitations, it wasn't a good idea to begin with, move on from this I'm tired of shutting down the discussion on the same suggestion ever since the game released.

  • @nofears-fun

    I've already set limits in my original post.

    As I said it another, to somebody else the Outpost spawns in about fifty to a hundred of each resource. And what I suggested as a limit is they could only by 25 to 50. It actually gives a good enough boost that so you wouldn't have to worry about too many resources I just get along with the game as well it's not enough of a boost for the exploited for things like PVP it's not something that you're going to go completely out of your way to get. Another limit is that each resource would cost 50 gold per. This will cost 7500 total to buy 50 of each. Almost every player hay gathering resources because it's time consuming. and ask for new players not being able to buy them because they don't have goals well that's like saying the new players can't buy the level 50 gold coins everybody's got to start somewhere.

    Not everybody keeps looking at buying resources as an advantage but nobody has yet to explore a disadvantage.

    Philip said to implement the vine resources and putting no limbs to buy completely. Let's say they charged with one resource for just 20g. there are currently a total of 5 barrels you can Supply. 3 Cannonball one plank one banana. Each barrel has 12 slots. Each slot can hold up to 99. At 20 gold Diwali stock cost 118,800. even with this much resources it's still possible for the ship to sink. Another player just lost over a hundred grand combined resources. but you kind of want to make it pointless to exploit banana crates and such. Which is why I suggested 50. 50 fully stocked ship that bought their resources would lose almost three hundred grand. This puts them at a huge disadvantage because they put so much money into the ship.

  • @cmm-solo
    Supply gathering as well as resource management are skills within themselves. One crew spams cannons nonstop, while the other waits for better shots. The one runs out and the other doesn't, who deserves to sink in this situation? Resource management is one part of the equation that makes up a good PvP player.

  • @cotu42

    Guerrilla warfare and battle of attrition is already part of the new tactics of the game as well. And that would be required to go to an outpost to buy supplies.

    So introducing new cosmetic Saturday new player can't buy would be unfair to the new player. What about all the reductions in prices that we've gone through is that fair for the older players you know the ones that lost millions of gold does the new players won't have to spend for cosmetics. Trying to use new players that don't have anything is a terrible excuse to try to argue against this. New players aren't given the blue so all the things you can buy with the doubloons is automatically unfair to new players according to what you just said

    How is he paying for it and it's you the one that buys it pays for it. How is this even a question. Whoever is buying supplies is going to cause conflicts listen to crew when they weren't going to be a very successful crew to begin with.

  • @kin-h4chi sagte in Buying resources:


    Full stocked boat is too much

    I said more than now, half maybe not full.
    But why not full at all?
    What is too much?

    If all start full restock is only needed after a couple of hours playing and everybody is well prepared for whatever he want to do or encounters.

    I am not asking for full, but i dont see a too much. Can you explain why it is too much?

    Restock my vessel is nothing i have much fun playing, it's a necessity because we got so spare resources.
    Would be more fun, if everybody is ready to do whatever he likes to do.
    It would also become an incentive to pvp, to steal or robb ressources for those Pirates who have used their own already and looking for other ships and ressources.

    And there would be still a cause to search barrels for ccb's.

  • @bugaboo-bill

    Because rare wants resource management in the game and no you cannot have a well-stocked ship Ashley cuts a lot of the risk involvement

  • @kin-h4chi said in Buying resources:


    Okay go play for an hour and tell me how well you do in fight with no resources. Not everyone has a lot of time to play everyday. As such sometimes it becomes repetitive trying to restock your ship and the 25 to 50 that you can buy to help that out of it. this will help some players get a piece of mine and some help without lowering the difficulty of all the new added content

    I grab what's convenient, no need to obsess over stock when a fort stop and/or anchor drop as you pass by barrels helps enough. Every sailor knows to stock up on login, who is the one pressed for time?
    What I dislike is wasting gold on anything but clothes that dont fit right, weapons that dont look right, or underwhelming ship liveries.

    Burning gold for resources that are free for the taking feels like leaving money on the table. Especially for beginners who are prone to "experimenting", setting sail, and getting sunk.

    Of course if your a PL and/or flush with gold, then it's something that you can exploit, right?

  • @kin-h4chi sagte in Buying resources:


    Because rare wants resource management in the game and no you cannot have a well-stocked ship Ashley cuts a lot of the risk involvement

    I see the "risk" point and agree.
    There should be some risk, but then we need to have it like it is and make supplies not buyable, because this only favor those who play much and they buy themself out of risk we want for everybody.

  • I see no valid reasons to buy supplies. Look at this way, my crew collectively has $5 million plus in gold. This game is no longer about gold for us. If for some reason we fail to claim a fort the first time, that gold spent is a drop in the bucket for us. On top of our ability to restock while in transit, what new players stand remotely a chance?

    Whomever we fight against is already at a disadvantage, they can only utilize what resources they brought or what they can pull from the Fort. Generally Forts don't have cannonballs readily available. @Kin-H4chi you don't give the vibe of a PvP player. Sure a ship can sink before it runs out of supplies, but when you get to more competent crews this becomes less and less. If a team can't get a boarder on, a ship will rarely sink through cannon fire alone. Now it becomes who can sustain longer.

    Their is plenty of ways for teams to restock in transit. Hell, you don't even need to go out of your way or even stop somewhere. Every Island you pass is a resource, shoot someone who has empty supplies. Once they are full have them mermaid back. Pass by floating barrels? Jump off and mermaid back. Stop at an island to complete a voyage? Go empty come back full. Voyaging isn't a resource drain, if you are loosing supplies, you aren't doing something right. Burn the islands resources before you use your own.

    Its easier to learn tricks on restocking then it is to demand Rare make an already easy process easier.

  • @barnabas-seadog

    People who work 12 to 14 hours a day may not have two hours to play. And especially if you're doing it solo fires even more time.

    and if a player wants to use their money to buy resources that should be available to him. The vendor only spawning with 25-50 a resource that 50 g price makes it a risk-reward situation. You're not given enough for an overwhelming gameplay but you're not given so little that you can't do anything. Your saving time so you can play more, even when you currently don't have the time to sit for a longer session. I'm in if I only have an hour to play a game which game of making a play am I going to play sea of thieves or am I going to go play call of duty. just don't want a solo don't trying to play see if he's currently requires that a good portion of my time would be together resources so my boat don't sink and I can have a pass at the end of the session.

  • @bugaboo-bill

    How are they buying them out of risk spending 50 gold per resource and I'm only able to get a total of 150 resources if that many spawn. and you can't be completely out of risk unless you're both completely invincible and that's never the case in this game. just giving them the supplies isn't an option because then there's not much risk involved. but if you give the option to buy supplies then they're taking the risk of spending goals for the ship to sink and they just lose out on all of that gold. And even then each Outpost would only spawn so much

  • @nabberwar

    I don't seem like a PVP? Is more confident PVP players it's less and less about the resources it's not going to be a battle of attrition. to actually be playing player they couldn't care as much about Cannonball that they do gunpowder they wouldn't care as much about bananas as a would cursed cannon balls. a confident crew wouldn't waste their supplies on a single fight for a battle of attrition. A competent crew with play a PVP before their supplies run out. you're saying that I don't seem like a PVP player and then you're talking about confident PVP players going into a battle of attrition which they never do. because at the end of the day at Battle of attrition is whoever has more resources where the competent PVP. Player doesn't rely on the amount of resources they have to win a fight they rely on their skill. nine times out of the turn a competent PVP player we've already hit you with one to two gunpowder's and on your ship preventing you from fixing any holes

    And this is already happened before the actual fight start

  • @kin-h4chi said in Buying resources:


    Guerrilla warfare and battle of attrition is already part of the new tactics of the game as well. And that would be required to go to an outpost to buy supplies.

    Maybe you spawn at an outpost, like I said it is in my opinion a concern. Maybe not a major one, but something to consider.

    So introducing new cosmetic Saturday new player can't buy would be unfair to the new player. What about all the reductions in prices that we've gone through is that fair for the older players you know the ones that lost millions of gold does the new players won't have to spend for cosmetics. Trying to use new players that don't have anything is a terrible excuse to try to argue against this. New players aren't given the blue so all the things you can buy with the doubloons is automatically unfair to new players according to what you just said

    They are cosmetic and have no game play advantages. Which is a key difference. Whether or not they have a fancy jacket will not affect their ability to go out on the open sea.

    Comparing game mechanic items to visual ones makes no sense.

    Buying supplies just seems like something people will consider mandatory and would provide richer more experienced pirates with an advantage.

    How is he paying for it and it's you the one that buys it pays for it. How is this even a question. Whoever is buying supplies is going to cause conflicts listen to crew when they weren't going to be a very successful crew to begin with.

    You are assuming premade groups, what about randoms where one is fine doing it manually and the other insists on buying and sharing the costs.

    It just adds something for crews to bicker over and as someone that dabbles in the open crew option, just seems like a negative thing. People will claim because they bought supplies they now the captain or what not. It just causes unneeded friction between crew members.

  • @kin-h4chi said in Buying resources:


    How are they buying them out of risk spending 50 gold per resource and I'm only able to get a total of 150 resources if that many spawn. and you can't be completely out of risk unless you're both completely invincible and that's never the case in this game. just giving them the supplies isn't an option because then there's not much risk involved. but if you give the option to buy supplies then they're taking the risk of spending goals for the ship to sink and they just lose out on all of that gold. And even then each Outpost would only spawn so much

    Risk? Maybe if you are casual or new. For pirate legends spending a 100k isn't a big deal.

    The risk is there only for the new and casual. Which is a major concern as they will experience it more often as a major loss and a demotivating reason to keep playing. We want to retain people so they can get to the same level as the older guard.

  • @cotu42

    And what if you don't. You're more likely not spawn at an outpost on you are to spawn at 1. I meant by buying supplies and going back you're not only just being persistent and returning your gold on the line and your returning. Getting so big n means that you're losing gold. Which again makes it a risk-reward situation.

    Doubloons art cosmetics and they buy more the just cosmetics they buy gold and levels. This is something that they've already added.

    just cuz I consider a mandatory doesn't mean you have to do it if they really want those supplies and then going by themselves.

    I am not assuming pre-made groups. if you're arguing over who's going to collect resources before you even start sailing let me go to be arguing about who is going to be doing what which means nobody will be fixing the ship. like I said if you're going to be bickering about collecting resources then the crews already lost.

    Bickering about who's going to call the shots? That's already one of the complaints people have about open groups. Doesn't stop them from going to open groups

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