rowboats and kraken question

  • I was wondering if rowboats are supposed to be immovable in the kraken ink spot.
    You can turn the rowboat around, but it won't move foreward. That said, the kraken also doesn't attack it, so you can wait untill the kraken leaves, which releases the boat.

  • 19
  • That would depend on how the kraken is supposed to work. If the 'ink' is actually what slows the ship, then pirates in the water shouldn't be able to move, but it seems to interact separately when it wraps around the ship, turning and shaking it. If it does grab the ship, rowboats should be unaffected or instantly destroyed. From a game design perspective, the rowboat is being slowed like any other ship. You are moving, just at a fraction of the speed you should be moving at. Rowboats are so slow you can't tell.

  • @OttersTeeth

    Rowboats seem to not be able to row in the Kraken ink right now, I wasn't able to enter in it with my rowboat the other day like if there was an invisible wall blocking me.

    Probably a bug that I've already seen happen with a sloop before.

    Try report this bug to help Rare:

  • @skulliah what is boatswain

  • Ahoy @killasaint,

    Boatswains are positive members of the community. You'll find more details in the following thread: Introducing the Boatswains. :)

  • I haven't encountered the Kraken since the update's release, but I have wondered about this.

    If the rowboat is able to row away from a ship that's being attacked by the Kraken, then that is likely going to be where I begin keeping my treasure - to escape the risk of losing it to sea monsters. I know the megalodon doesn't seem to damage the rowboat when it attacks the ship from behind, so it's not too surprising that the Kraken would ignore the rowboat also.

  • @ottersteeth
    I'd put it like this:

    If we, with a high speed and strength ship at full billow get stuck in the Kraken's ink, how could we just travel on it with a boat moved by one and only character roaring paddles?!

    Yeah I know we can swim through that, but let's see, maybe the ink has some mystical properties (like the Devil's shroud) that only affects objects (ships).

  • @nunoazuldimeter Right! I haven't met the kraken often. I thought ships got 'stuck' because they were grabbed by the tentacles (as ships also seem to be tossed around).
    If it is the ink that stops a ship in its tracks, then it makes sense that the rowboat wouldn't move.

  • Just for clarity - can a player get into their rowboat, detach from their main ship, and wait until the Kraken is done? Has anyone successfully done this and rowed away?

  • The Kraken can and will suck you out of the row boat, you then get sent to your boat. good luck finding your row boat. Kraken needs to be nerfed to original strenth it is unbeatable now.

  • @starship42 said in rowboats and kraken question:

    Just for clarity - can a player get into their rowboat, detach from their main ship, and wait until the Kraken is done? Has anyone successfully done this and rowed away?

    We got sunk by the Kraken a stones-throw from Plunder Outpost. We luckily had a rowboat as our saving grace.

    We sat and waited for our loot to surface; brought it on board, and after learning the hard way that rowing in her Ink just doesn’t work she eventually moved on and we cashed in.

    If you sit in the rowboat, she can’t suck you up. If you’re standing - she sure does try!

    Haven’t tried detatching the rowboat during the battle, but there’s no reason it wouldn’t work.

  • @thetwistedtaste okay, so let me get this straight. Were you sitting in your rowboat BEFORE Kraken attacked, or did you get into it and sit, once the black ink water came and you knew she was coming?

    What I want to know is was the rowboat already detached from your ship? I once had my ship sunk a while back, but before it sank completely, I tried to jump in the rowboat and detach, but couldn't because my sloop had sunk too much into the water. Even though the rowboat was still above water, it wouldn't detach. So I lost both.

  • @starship42 said in rowboats and kraken question:

    @thetwistedtaste okay, so let me get this straight. Were you sitting in your rowboat BEFORE Kraken attacked, or did you get into it and sit, once the black ink water came and you knew she was coming?

    What I want to know is was the rowboat already detached from your ship? I once had my ship sunk a while back, but before it sank completely, I tried to jump in the rowboat and detach, but couldn't because my sloop had sunk too much into the water. Even though the rowboat was still above water, it wouldn't detach. So I lost both.

    No, so we sunk with the rowboat docked. Once the ship went under the rowboat detatched itself (didn’t know it could) and quick-thinkingly we sat inside it hoping to save our loot when it floated up. When our loot did come up, we took turns to get it onboard - all of this happened DURING the attack.

    When she despawned was when we were able to get moving and cash in.

  • @thetwistedtaste wow. That's impressive. I'm wondering if the rowboat detaching for you was a fluke, or if that is what usually happens...

    Maybe when I tried to detach my rowboat while sinking, that was a bug. If I'd just left it alone it might have detached in its own maybe. I'll have to watch closely next time. I know I've had my boat sunk and the rowboat went along with it. Strange.

    It would be great if the rowboat detaching while your main boat is sinking, was consistent and meant to happen. I just don't recall it ever happening to me. I need to pay closer attention.

  • @starship42 I was swimming around gathering loot and putting it on the rowboat while the kraken was still there and the kraken didn't do anything (My rowboat also automatically detatched when my ship sank).

    Perhaps it would be safer to sit in the rowboat, though. I suspect volanoes don't target players on a rowboat, but do target anyone not sitting on the rowboat, so the same thing might be true for the kraken. And of course there are the sharks, that you now cannot even see because of the ink. (yes, they will appear in ink spots)

  • @thetwistedtaste said in rowboats and kraken question:

    @starship42 said in rowboats and kraken question:

    Just for clarity - can a player get into their rowboat, detach from their main ship, and wait until the Kraken is done? Has anyone successfully done this and rowed away?

    We got sunk by the Kraken a stones-throw from Plunder Outpost. We luckily had a rowboat as our saving grace.

    We sat and waited for our loot to surface; brought it on board, and after learning the hard way that rowing in her Ink just doesn’t work she eventually moved on and we cashed in.

    If you sit in the rowboat, she can’t suck you up. If you’re standing - she sure does try!

    Haven’t tried detatching the rowboat during the battle, but there’s no reason it wouldn’t work.

    This happened to us last night, ship full of fort loot, up pops Karen and we sink, the rowboat survived and we hopped on board to gather the loot up from the sea. Karen didn't attack us but I couldn't row and I also wondered about this at the time - is it a bug or is it intended? After she sank below the waves and the water cleared we were able to row with no issues and loaded everything up on our new galleon.

    I would say that as the effect stopped when the water cleared, it seems like it's an intended effect, otherwise everyone would hop in their rowboats, load 'em up and escape her clutches?

  • @katttruewalker said in rowboats and kraken question:

    I would say that as the effect stopped when the water cleared, it seems like it's an intended effect, otherwise everyone would hop in their rowboats, load 'em up and escape her clutches?

    I completely agree - rowing slowly in the ink is definitely intended gameplay behaviour. If your ship struggles to move, the rowboat should struggle too.

    My only feedback is the rowing animation should slow down to show that you’re struggling to move? We thought we were at a standstill - I’m sure we were moving ever-so slightly when we tried - there was just no visual indicator to imply any movement at all so we waited it out

  • Hm, this is an interesting question. I've read through the replies, but what confuses me is what happened to me. My ship got attacked by the kraken a few weeks ago, and it sunk. But thankfully I had a few thousands worth of loot in my rowboat, which remained unaffected. Me and my friend got on the rowboat, and we started moving away from the ink at a pretty good pace.

    The only notable thing that happened to us was that I was sucked up into the kraken while rowing, but I was able to swim back to my rowboat. Did an update change the kraken's properties? I came back from a long break from SoT, which is when all the major updates happened.

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