Sloop and single person play are over

  • I believe single player sloops are over. My friend and played last night for 3 hours and were only able to turn one chest in. The rest of the time we were sunk over and over by ghost ships ,megs and Krakens. This game is no longer worth my time if I can never turn in any loot. Such a b****r. This game is really starting to get fun for me. It was something that I could do nightly with a friend and have fun.

  • 59
  • I'm seeing a pattern of really simple cases of people seeking attention by being negative.

    Did you know you could also give feedback? It's a form of communicating we use to get across what we want. You could for example state that you're a person who mostly plays sloop and are experiencing a lot of difficulties since the last update. You might not know this but this game isn't designed with solo people in mind. It's actually been stated (even on this verry website) that solo'ing is seen as sort of a hard mode.

    That's not to say that it should be too hard and things can happen in a patch a developer can't or won't have forseen. In thise cases you can give them feedback (trough tickets or the forums) about your experiences. However being really negative on a forum like you're doing now will just make people think you're a troll or a person who's not grown past the toddler stage. ("Mommy I want this waaah" you know?)

    So If you want something changed give feedback if you want to just complain no-one is going to take you seriously .

  • @hynieth Easy does it. Perhaps this is the best way of him expressing the start of an idea. We can fill in the blanks as to what the issue and what he would change by reading it. It sounds like he had a rough time, and its not fun to log onto a regular activity to realize its upside down.

  • @darth-bugs32 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    I believe single player sloops are over. My friend and played last night for 3 hours and were only able to turn one chest in. The rest of the time we were sunk over and over by ghost ships ,megs and Krakens. This game is no longer worth my time if I can never turn in any loot. Such a b****r. This game is really starting to get fun for me. It was something that I could do nightly with a friend and have fun.

    Agreed. I was noticing this also. Instead of hearing our pleas for either more protection or more accomodation for single player players, RARE has actively been finding ways to un-accomadate us and discourage us. I believe it started with Shrouded Spoils with taking on skellie ships (near impossible to do the encounter solo) and continued on to Shrouded Spoils (near impossible to travel sea itself solo).

    It's unfortunate because their player base can only stay so large or grow so big with who is left playing the game, even those that try it out via Game Pass. And with no paid DLC, how do they make money beyond the first game purchase or Game Pass try?

  • @darth-bugs32 I’ve been playing since before launch as a solo slooper only - it def is harder. Can’t argue with that

  • Made like 30 grand in a few hours last night on a sloop... also solo slooping needed some excitement and yes some things are a real challenge solo but it has always been that way. DR got easier, MEG is easier, sloop skelly ships are easier than galleons, and I believe the kracken is toned down pending on the ship type or something. Honestly the hardest part of solo is other ships which certainly are more friendly than they use to be. So that is easier too. Just because you had an unsuccessful night doesn't mean that is every night and really it should happen occasionally to make things a little more exciting. I think RARE is considering solo based on the changes.

  • Well, can't fully agree with that.

    I was playing solo for about two hours and even faced Meg and Kraken in one encounter. For beginners, this can indeed be a hard one for sure.
    But experienced players can deal with situations like this as solo. And the more players are in a crew, the easier it can get.

    It'd be helpfull if Rare decreases the chances for special encounters a bit for new/low level crews to reduce potential frustration.

    But yeah, we all have those moments where we lose or loot. I remember playing Devil's Roar solo on an Athana's journey. THAT can get frustrating when the volcanos don't play nice. D:

  • @darth-bugs32 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    I believe single player sloops are over.

    News flash they were never a viable or recommended way to play. Since launch the solo sloop option in the game menu basically reads, and I paraphrase- YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A BAD TIME
    This game will never be balanced towards solo sloop gameplay. Do yourself a favor and go find yourself a fleet or a LFG post or something. Theres always AC4 Black Flag and Wind Waker as well.

  • @darth-bugs32 I have a pirate that only plays solo (30/40/30). This will definitely require some adaptation. But, last night I sank a skelly Galleon and did some voyages. Saw a Meg, but it let me be. I'm only worried about the Kraken.

  • SoT is evolving with each update.

    Now you have to crew up, or get better.

  • @darth-bugs32 Not over but it is definitely getting harder. Back in the day, if my crew wasn't able to play I would just solo sloop it. Now, if my crew isn't on, I check for recruitment posts on the discord servers and if there are not any recent ones I just don't play :/

  • @darth-bugs32 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    I believe single player sloops are over. My friend and played last night for 3 hours and were only able to turn one chest in.

    This game is really starting to get fun for me. It was something that I could do nightly with a friend and have fun.

    I don't think you understand the meaning of the word 'solo'. Because you weren't solo? You were on a filled out sloop.

    Do the new threats make it harder? Absolutely. But let's face it, slooping has been quite easy so far.

  • I've only been playing for 3 days, and I solo sloop exclusively. Has it been difficult? Yes indeed, but I've managed to handle it AND have fun.

    No, I'm not particularly good at naval battles, and I haven't even tried to solo a fort, but I do quests, find chests, and get gold.
    The fear of getting ganked is palpable sometimes, and every so often, I'll find a little secluded spot to just rock in the boat, get drunk, and play music to ease the tension.
    Who knows, maybe one of these days I'll meet someone who actually wants to interact in a manner that doesn't involve them trying to sink my ship, but untill then, I'll be solo slooping and getting better as I go.

  • The spawn rate of the kraken, megalodons and skeleton ships have been turned up for the duration or the event. There are many places you can find another set of people willing to join a larger ship, including the xbox club and the forums.

  • @darth-bugs32 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    I believe single player sloops are over. My friend and played last night for 3 hours and were only able to turn one chest in. The rest of the time we were sunk over and over by ghost ships ,megs and Krakens. This game is no longer worth my time if I can never turn in any loot. Such a b****r. This game is really starting to get fun for me. It was something that I could do nightly with a friend and have fun.

    I find this rather interesting as I do not normally play the sloop any more even solo since the Brig came out, but I actually did play the sloop today since I had no buddies on line, and the day off.

    I took out 2 skull forts worth of loot solo, thanks to other players for clearing it for me, where then I robbed them.

    Group play is strong, but you can't underestimate solo play, it can be every bit as good; you just need to play smarter instead of going head on with the enemy crews.

    There are some really good ways to deal with enemy ships, even if it's 1 vs 2, 3 or 4. You can escape, turn in your loot and get loot. There is no reason you can't, its just a little more challenging now because there is a lot of NPC's out in the world that can harm you that can pop up at any moment, but that's a big part of the fun, because none of these things are that difficult to handle even solo because they're made to be dealt with while fighting other ships.

    Also remember when gaming you can have days when you're spot on, and playing super good.. I know I do, and then there are days when you're playing super bad, and getting worked by everyone..

    Try to remember those bad days do exist and when it goes that way, change strategy..

    Also check to see if you're lagging, it really makes a mess out of things, but it's an easy problem to fix; drop the server and join a new one, and if that does not work check to make sure your internet connection is in good order and that some one is not eating all your bandwidth if you're limited.

  • @darth-bugs32 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    I believe single player sloops are over. My friend and played last night for 3 hours and were only able to turn one chest in. The rest of the time we were sunk over and over by ghost ships ,megs and Krakens. This game is no longer worth my time if I can never turn in any loot. Such a b****r. This game is really starting to get fun for me. It was something that I could do nightly with a friend and have fun.

    I agree. I had a lot of fun with sea of thieves before all the added content. I no longer play, but still visit the forums and follow news updates to see what's going on in the game still.

    For me, it's all the little things that caused me to stop playing

    1. Gunpowder Skeletons, do I really have to explain this one?
    2. Barrel looting - no longer a simple button. I personally find it a hassle to click on a barrel, and choose what I want out of it. When I'm in the thick of it, I don't want to be brought to another screen to see what's inside. Also, why can you get cursed cannonballs in any barrel? I think that's silly. Create a special barrel that can be found in caves or lagoons. The barrel would glow or have a feint aura, than you know what's inside and you don't have to go to every single barrel on an island to find 1 curse cannonball.
    3. The kraken isn't so annoying, but the Megladon spawns way too often. It's no longer a thrill to see a Megladon in game, it's just a nuisance.
    4. Devils roar. I could barely get any questing done during this content. The volcanoes targeted me like cannonballs being fired from a pirate fort. Not fun. If it was random, sure. But it wasn't, and it's not.
    5. AI ships. I can't go that way because I'm a single player and it will sink me instantly. No one on the server wants to team up. Troll fest.
    6. Bilge rat rewards. The fact that I'm forced to farm these coins in order to get this exclusive loot before it disappears makes the game not fun for me and makes it feel more like a second job.

    Maybe I had a better time making my own fun when the game was simple and didn't have a lot of content..

  • @solestone563412 Did you really make it to PL soloing a Sloop? Never had a crew or profit from an alliance? Or was that part of the joke?

  • @lucky-13-x said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    @darth-bugs32 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    I believe single player sloops are over. My friend and played last night for 3 hours and were only able to turn one chest in. The rest of the time we were sunk over and over by ghost ships ,megs and Krakens. This game is no longer worth my time if I can never turn in any loot. Such a b****r. This game is really starting to get fun for me. It was something that I could do nightly with a friend and have fun.

    Agreed. I was noticing this also. Instead of hearing our pleas for either more protection or more accomodation for single player players, RARE has actively been finding ways to un-accomadate us and discourage us. I believe it started with Shrouded Spoils with taking on skellie ships (near impossible to do the encounter solo) and continued on to Shrouded Spoils (near impossible to travel sea itself solo).

    It's unfortunate because their player base can only stay so large or grow so big with who is left playing the game, even those that try it out via Game Pass. And with no paid DLC, how do they make money beyond the first game purchase or Game Pass try?

    Skeleton ships are easy to take on solo.. use your mobility. Go towards an island or rock, it will follow behind. Use your sloop agility to turn last minute or just use the anchor and raise it fast and you can get the ship stuck. Whether you want to destroy it after it gets stuck or run is your choice

  • @sages604 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    1. Gunpowder Skeletons, do I really have to explain this one?

    Yes. I started my solo sloop pirate the day of that update and think, not having had time to soak in Shrouded Spoils, it is the best thing they added to the game.

    As for the rest, many of them have changed with Spoils.

  • @darth-bugs32 I'd say hold out till after Shrouded Spoils. The spawn of these Sea Monsters is likely up do to the event and will likely be toned down considerably when it is over.

    With that said it is possible to survive these encounters. Ghost Ships aren't that hard to avoid, escape, or even defeat from my experience, especially with a second player on the sloop. The biggest thing is having the resources to keep ship afloat and maintaining the attack. For the Meg you just need to island hop to get away from the Megs. It's annoying and a bit of a time, but not at all difficult and I didn't find them at all hard to fight and defeat in a two man sloop. As to the Kraken that one is a bit trickier, but I have only encountered it once and escaped as a Sloop so I can't say my experience is indicative of anything.

  • @solestone563412 oh, I completely agree. Doesn’t really matter how you get there, everyone’s journey is different. It would be quite an achievement, though, considering the challenge.

  • @solestone563412 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    @bran-the-ent That was an over exaggeration. I started playing with two friends but they quit after a few days. I also played open crew a few times to finish some of the time-limited events. But I'd say more than 90% was Solo-Sloop. That's chasing a lot of Golden Chickens around islands only to find some punks in a Galleon sunk your ship for giggles when you get back.

    Solo Sloop is hard and I'm proud of it. But that "fake" PL stuff was just joking around. PL is PL no matter how you get there.

    Awwww. Don't walk your statement back! LOL.

    I am a predominantly solo-slooper. The megaladon is nothing more than a nuisance, and easily managed by a solo player on a sloop. I haven't honestly faced the Kraken in the sloop, yet. But after killing it once or twice by myself, on a Galleon, I don't imagine it's going to be that difficult. The addition of Fog is the only thing that really adds to the level of difficulty for less experienced solo sloopers.

  • if you have enough wood you can eventually sail past the kraken. I think if you can force some tentacles to drop it might move quicker, as well.

    I did it last night and it only took a few minutes to get through. a lot of wood was used, though.

  • @darth-bugs32 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    I believe single player sloops are over. My friend and played last night for 3 hours and were only able to turn one chest in. The rest of the time we were sunk over and over by ghost ships ,megs and Krakens. This game is no longer worth my time if I can never turn in any loot. Such a b****r. This game is really starting to get fun for me. It was something that I could do nightly with a friend and have fun.

    u might need some more experience. It's a lil harder well takes more time, thats all. I can still solo sloop. Can still sell my loot.

  • @darth-bugs32 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    I believe single player sloops are over. My friend and played last night for 3 hours and were only able to turn one chest in. The rest of the time we were sunk over and over by ghost ships ,megs and Krakens. This game is no longer worth my time if I can never turn in any loot. Such a b****r. This game is really starting to get fun for me. It was something that I could do nightly with a friend and have fun.

    As with every event before, the content that is measured in the commendations is increased a lot so everyone will be able to experience it. Just wait and see how often you'll spot the skellyships, kraken and megs after the Shrouded Spoils event.

    I played for about 2-3hours yesterday with a friend and we managed to kill the kraken, get the loot and complete a skull fort. We sailed back without any issues and made a nice 40k after handing it in. During the sail back and forth we did noticed a skelly ship in the distance and saw three different types of megs, which we all ignored and they luckily did the same. Both the skeleton ships as well as the megs aren't always agressive, so I guess we got lucky there.

    I can understand that it will be more challenging for a sloop, especially solo, however I doubt it'll be impossible. As long as you don't get all of em at once it should be very much doable for a skilled captain.

  • @fishst1ck that skeleton galleon was a weird one based on what I saw the previous evening - it just meandered over to us, stopped at the fort on the opposite side to us and then decided to be on it's way!

    Though the previous evening with @LucianSanchez82 and @Octopus-Lime we also saw one vanish!

  • @wkd1337 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    @darth-bugs32 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    I believe single player sloops are over.

    News flash they were never a viable or recommended way to play. Since launch the solo sloop option in the game menu basically reads, and I paraphrase- YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A BAD TIME
    This game will never be balanced towards solo sloop gameplay. Do yourself a favor and go find yourself a fleet or a LFG post or something. Theres always AC4 Black Flag and Wind Waker as well.

    I don't think Wind Waker is on par with SOT.

  • @xcalypt0x said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    @darth-bugs32 Not over but it is definitely getting harder. Back in the day, if my crew wasn't able to play I would just solo sloop it. Now, if my crew isn't on, I check for recruitment posts on the discord servers and if there are not any recent ones I just don't play :/

    But see attitudes like "I just don't play" is not good for the future of this game. This is the message we are trying to get across with threads like this! Game needs more consistent players NOT less.

  • @darth-bugs32

    Single slooping ain't over. I've done this since beta and it's indeed very much possible. Even with the Shrouded Spoils update. It's a tad harder, but if you know how the game works - you can pretty much solo sloop for hours on hours without getting sunk by anything.

    Some tips:

      With Shrouded Spoils active, you will find yourself in combat much more than beforehand and this has made resources much more valuable - because of the frequent spawns of Megalodon and Skeleton Ships attacking you. Remember to stock up on every resource when you run past any barrel. Atleast have 100 cannonballs, 25-50 bananas, 50-100 planks at any given time - Megalodon and Skeleton ships encounters doesn't take this much resources to complete, but better be on the save side, because the Kraken will require alot more resources.

    2. Megalodon
      These encounters are by far the easiest. I've soloed all but the Shrouded Ghost. Simply shoot it with Cannon Balls when in line of fire, and otherwise use Eye of Reach. When it attacks, run opposite of the incoming bite from the beast and get ready to repair 1-4 holes. Rinse and repeat to defeat any Megaldon with ease.

    3. Skeleton Ships
      When you hear the music change, and a "wave spawn" sound - get ready for a Skeleton Ship to either spawn on your left or right side of the ship. Instantly load your cannons and get ready to shoot the skeletons on their cannons facing you. Proceed to shoot below the waterline with 10 cannonballs. Never shoot the same spot in order to make the most holes in their hull. Restock 10 cannonballs and rinse and repeat. The skeleton ship will in most cases sink before they even get to shoot or spam cursed cannon balls on you.

    4. Kraken
      The kraken is by far the most fun and challenging when soloing. Sometimes the Kraken will wrap your ship on the stairs, so you can't go below deck for ammo and repairs - have cutlass and blunderbuss equipped before this happens, so when it does - simply shoot it point-blank 5 times and cut it a few times to get the tentacle to release the grap. Some tentacles will try to use the "suck" ability on you. Simply go downstairs when you see a tentacle perform this attack and equip Eye of Reach - shoot it a few times with the Eye of Reach and kill the tentacle. Otherwise repair your ship accordingly and remember to always be atg 100% health. Shoot the tentacles with cannonballs when possible for maximum damage.

  • @darth-bugs32 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    The rest of the time we were sunk over and over by ghost ships ,megs and Krakens.

    For the last time!
    They're not Ghost Ships!
    They're Skeleton Ships.
    If ya want a ghost ship go to the ferry of the Darned!
    That's a Ghost ship.

  • @wkd1337 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    @darth-bugs32 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    I believe single player sloops are over.

    News flash they were never a viable or recommended way to play. Since launch the solo sloop option in the game menu basically reads, and I paraphrase- YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A BAD TIME
    This game will never be balanced towards solo sloop gameplay. Do yourself a favor and go find yourself a fleet or a LFG post or something. Theres always AC4 Black Flag and Wind Waker as well.

    Why does RARE even bother suggesting that this is a game that they want to appeal to EVERYONE then?

    There is a HUGE segment of the gaming population with ZERO interest in PvP and as a direct result, zero interest in SoT. The fact that this game is awash in griefers as a result of its PvP Only model certainly isn't going to stem the spread of this game's reputation as a less than welcoming IP for most players. At least as far as the larger gaming community's majority opinion is concerned.

    Every new player that buys this game is hit in the face by the reality that SoT is one of the most high maintenance games you can buy right now. I don't think I have ever been forced to do things over and over again to progress so many times in a row, as a direct result of toxic player harassment.

    Don't have a friends list interested in PvP Only Games to join you?

    (Don't bother buying SoT)

    Want to attempt to play the game on your own despite all your friends laughing at you for wasting your money on a gank fest IP?

    (Then don't buy SoT -- They will never stop saying "We Told You So!")

    Supporters of this game need to get out more. This game doesn't have a very good reputation outside of the "Bubble" you find here on this forum.

    But I was really intrigued by the sailing and ocean mechanics of the game, and chose to overlook the obvious red flags about everything I had read about the Toxic Community, the lack of content, and the lack of support for the PvE or single player focused gamer.

    I should have listened to my friends! The game does have an impressive open world. The sailing mechanics are first rate. As is the realistic ocean. But everything else is rubbish in my opinion. Primarily down to the unbridled level of ganking that goes on in the name of "This is what Pirate Games are" BS. Sorry my delusional friends... Good pirate games are not this one dimensional!

    I can't progress in the game because the game design won't let me. Either I get my unoccupied ship sunk every 20 minutes by some rando, or now the game does it for them in the form of these Skeleton Ships that pop up out of no where and take you out in the middle of a storm at night.

    You call this fun?

    I'm afraid to ask what you do for entertainment when you are not playing "Sea of Griefs". Experiment on yourself with dental tools?


  • @goldengoose7 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    @wkd1337 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    @darth-bugs32 said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    I believe single player sloops are over.

    News flash they were never a viable or recommended way to play. Since launch the solo sloop option in the game menu basically reads, and I paraphrase- YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A BAD TIME
    This game will never be balanced towards solo sloop gameplay. Do yourself a favor and go find yourself a fleet or a LFG post or something. Theres always AC4 Black Flag and Wind Waker as well.

    Why does RARE even bother suggesting that this is a game that they want to appeal to EVERYONE?

    What Rare wants and what the reality is aren't always the same thing.

    There is a HUGE segment of the gaming population with ZERO interest in PvP. The fact that this game is awash in greifers certainly isn't going to put that MEME to bed anytime soon.

    You mean in a game called Sea of Thieves there are people that kill you and take your stuff? Those people must be so toxic, how dare they.

    Every new player that buys this game is hit in the face by the reality that SoT is one of the most high maintenance games you can buy right now.

    Yeah the time investment required in this game is obnoxious, I will give you that.

    Don't have a friends list interested in PvP Only Games?

    (Don't bother buying SoT)

    Want to attempt to play the game on your own despite all your friends laughing at you for wasting your money on a gank fest IP?

    (Then don't buy SoT)

    Supporters of this game need to get out more. This game doesn't have a very good reputation outside of the "Bubble" you find here.

    A lot of my IRL friends dropped off, but I still have a few that play. I went out and found some internet friends via finding a fleet on these forums, and my experience with this game was postiviely influenced a thousand fold. Granted I eventually stopped being the hunted and became the hunter... once that happened I achieved this feeling of invincibility. But yeah, when I first started I learned some harsh lessons... you either grow and learn from it or move on to a different game.

    I was really intrigued by the sailing and ocean mechanics of the game, and chose to overlook the obvious red flags about everything I had read about the Toxic Community, the lack of content, and the lack of support for the single player gamer.

    The fault of the "toxic community" is entirely at the feet of Rare. They cant figure out what they want to do with this game... I guess it doesnt help that you have two very vocal sides that have a difference in an opinion as to how the game should be played (PvP vs PvE).

    I should have listed! The game does have an impressive open world. The sailing mechanics are first rate. As is the realistic ocean. But everything else is rubbish in my opinion.

    Playing this game solo is probably the worst possible way to experience this world... especially as a newb.

    I can't progress in the game because the game design won't let me. Either I get my ship sunk every 20 minutes by some rando, or now the game itself does it in the form of these Skeleton Ships that pop up out of no where and take you out in the middle of a storm at night.

    You call this fun?


    I'm afraid to ask what you do for entertainment when you are not playing "Sea of Griefs". Play with dentist drills?

    Also, yes.

  • @wkd1337

    This "Rock, Paper, Shotgun" article pretty much sums it up.

    It was written back in March, so obviously nothing has changed for the better since then. Gotten worse would be more accurate.

    The "Pirate Code of Conduct" is something mentioned in this aricle that I never see any of the PvP apologists addressing.

    Why is that?

    They claim that this idiotic gameplay we are currently subjected to is RARE's intention, yet RARE's own Pirate Code states just the opposite. It is posted in plain site all over the game world.

    I don't think Rare's intention was to host a world wide Death Match 24/7. But based on my observations and those of the author of the above article, that is precisely all this one dimensional game manages to succeed at.

    If you hadn't already figured it out by my previous comments...

    After my last session was nearly a carbon copy of my previous frustrating SoT experiences, I uninstalled the game from both my Xbox One X and my PC after owning it for less than a week.

    So what happens with this game over the coming months and years will be but a minor curiosity. (Unless RARE comes to their senses and stops catering exclusively to the obnoxious minority of socially challenged losers, who flock to this game like flies to dog p**p)

    I would be surprised if the game survives for more than another year or two anyway. Provided that Rare continues to ignore all those potential buyers with zero interest in PvP Death Matches, yet are still on the fence about the ultimate future of SoT, waiting for Rare to give them a reason to purchase the game.

    Buying Sea of Thieves at the close of 2018, even on sale was complete waste of $30.00. And would likely prove the same for most gamers out there.

    At least now when someone asks me if I know anything about Sea of Thieves, I can actually give them a Two Thumbs Down / DON'T BUY recommendation based on first hand experience.

    Sometimes, the internet is right on the money! I should have listened.

  • @goldengoose7

    An excerpt from that article:

    It was intense. The sea and sky blended together, cloaking us in darkness as we were tossed around in every direction. The compass went wild, Andy lost control of the wheel and the ship lurched and creaked. Can ships scream? I’m pretty sure I heard it scream. More holes started to appear, and then lightning struck the cabin, ripping another chunk out of our ship. We’d entirely given up on trying to guide our struggling vessel. We had no idea where we were going. Into the rocks? There was a good chance. Then, all of a sudden, the sheet of rain became a drizzle and the ship started to settle. We’d survived.
    Those are the kinds of stories I want to be able to tell, when I make it back to dry land. “I survived Poseidon’s wrath” is infinitely more exciting than “WeedKing420 shot me when I was eating a banana”.

    That made me LOL.

    But then there is also this:

    I confess that I’ve been beaten. When I play again this evening, I will set aside my desire to make new pals and become yet another marauding pirate. Frankly, I need to blow off some steam.

    Like I said in my previous post... you take some licks and you get back out there... I fell in love with this game when I started winning huge victories and multi ship battles over the Strongholds that used to be the center of the PvP... but I had to lose some battles and learn some lessons before I got to that point. This game demands a lot of time and effort... and sometimes lulls you into a false sense of security if you're not careful... the game is not for everyone, and I'm not here trying to be a PvP apologist... I'm not sorry for any of it.

    Kill em all and let the Ferryman sort em out.

  • @lucky-13-x said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    @xcalypt0x said in Sloop and single person play are over:

    @darth-bugs32 Not over but it is definitely getting harder. Back in the day, if my crew wasn't able to play I would just solo sloop it. Now, if my crew isn't on, I check for recruitment posts on the discord servers and if there are not any recent ones I just don't play :/

    But see attitudes like "I just don't play" is not good for the future of this game. This is the message we are trying to get across with threads like this! Game needs more consistent players NOT less.

    I agree :(

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