What we know, so far, about Shrouded Spoils

  • @x-crowheart-x Everything in life is a money grab. You're not obligated to buy it.

  • @xbox4Jackie yer hear that?

  • I wonder how long the Shrouded Spoils Campaign will last?

  • @sgt-palooggoo I imagine like the others, 3 weeks or so

  • @senor-edwardo said in What we know, so far, about Shrouded Spoils:

    @x-crowheart-x Everything in life is a money grab. You're not obligated to buy it.

    Never thought or felt that way. The best things to grab in life do not cost money. They are also the only things truly worth keeping. Things that endure the test of time and last far beyond anything money can buy.

  • @lizalaroo My bad, had no idea it was unreleased, I heard it from somewhere and assumed it was from a stream or something.

  • @crimsontifical No worries me matey! Just make sure the things you post don’t come from dodgy streams :D

  • @eggamer13

    They talked about this at the Official Sea of Thieves X018 Panel. Check out the youtube channel, twitter and reddit for more information. not everything gets announced on this Website.

  • I wonder if the Kraken will be given a body animation in this update. They confirmed behavioral upgrades, so new attacks and a body? Can't wait for Shrouded Spoils!

  • If Rare does not have an on-going income stream, then you can expect updates to the game to end. There must be a way for them to receive ongoing real world money beyond people just buying the game ( as most people that want it, have it ). That is why they either do things like pets via microtransactions, or eventually just shut down further updates to the game. Rare is not a charity, they are a business. That is why things like the Sea of Thieves Shop, and in game items available in that way, along with things like Pets via microtransactions are inevitable, either that or start charging for game updates.

  • @x-crowheart-x I recall back before the game launched one of the ideas tossed around for the microtransaction shop would be a shop that would use a currency that could either be bought or earned in game and used for cosmetics. Given how doubloons are in game and are earnable in game, perhaps they would become said currency. Now yes, some could argue isn't it unfair that some spend their cash to just buy an events items rather than doing commendations, but it is their money after all. Given how the game's items are just cosmetic at the end of the day, i'd be completely fine with this.

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