New Piratelegend Trading Company and the „Mysterious Orb“!

  • So my Idea is to enrich Pirate Legends! It’s a new Trading Company, called the „Lord Hunters“ (Name in progress)! It’s an TC only for Pirate Legends, with the Goal to defeat peril Skeleton Lords(I loved the Idea of Skeleton Lords since the Art Book)!

    So this TC sells you Voyages with the Goal to kill an Skeleton Lord, my idea is the Skeleton Lords are real Boss Battles, they’re living in huge Dungeon like Caves! You have only access to this Cave with the Voyage(hold it high at the Entrance like in some Gold Hoarder riddles!)

    So in this Dungeon you have to fight dozens of Skeletons and other Mobs! At the End of this Dungeon you’re coming to the Skeleton Lords Throne Room, and the Gate closes behind you and your Crew! Then the Fight begins, my Example is the „Gold Hoarder“ Skeleton Lord!

    In his Throne Room he’s not alone there are 4 Strong Gold Skelly Captains, harder than the Athena OoS Captains, you have no water there it’s hard to kill this Guys! So and every Skelly Lord has an unique Skill Set to make the fights interesting, in this example the Skills are:

    -Gold Dust: Turns you in Gold for 5 sec and you’re unable to Move, when you take dmg you’re free from this effect

    -Shovel Smash: The Gold Hoarder strikes you and knocking you back a few yards( maybe the fight is on an platform and you’re falling in the Spikes at the Ground)

    -Gold Shield: The Gold Hoarder turns himself in Gold and is invulnerable for 10 Sec in this Time he sends random Spikes from the Ground with hard Hits (you’re losing 50% Health)

    So this is an hard fight and something new and different in SoT, but what happens when you’re dying in the middle of this Dungeon? Yeah the Mysterious Orb, but that I will explain later!

    What’s next when you defeated this Skeleton Lord?

    -First he’s dropping his Head, that you’re needing for the „Lord Hunters“ TC for Reputation(lvls 1-10 similar to Athena’s Fortune with Clothing Sets, Items, Ship livery etc)!

    -2nd a Treasure Room/Vault is opening in the Backroom, there are many Trasures(Strong Hold Chests, Skulls, Merchant Stuff etc)

    -3rd and the most interesting thing, is an Chest (The Lords Chest), this thing isn’t giving you reputation or gold, you have the chance to get one piece of an very rare clothing Set, one piece per Chest, so you have an reason to kill this Lord over and over when you want the complete Set, but there’s no guarantee that you’re getting an other piece the next time, sometimes you get the Hat as example 2 or 3 times but then you’re getting Gold as compensation but when your crew mate missed the Hat in previous runs he’s happy :)

    So every Skeleton Lord has unique Skills and abilities and every Lord has an different Clothing Set from the „Lords Chest“! My Idea is Give every Sea an Other Lord, as example Gold Hoarder(Shores of Plenty) Cpt Flameheart (The Wilds) Lord Pinch!?(Devils Roar) etc. And with every new Region/Sea were getting an new Skelly Lord :)

    So what’s when You’re dying in the Middle of the Dungeon? You can’t get in anymore, because the Voyage disappears when you’re opening the Main Entrance, here comes the „Mysterious Orb“(An item not only for PL‘s)

    The Mysterious Orb is an Ball, it’s looking like an CCB(same size) but instead of Green or Purple it’s Red! In the center of the Orb there’s an Number(20) you can purchase this Orb at the Order of Souls lady!

    Ok ok What’s the Orb then, when you’re purchased this thing you can bring back Crew Members(but only 20 times, this number decreases with every use)! Bring them back where you’re Staying! On the ferry there’s then an fixed Orb you can go there instead of the Door, press A Button and at the same time your living crew member presses RT with the Orb and you’re coming back, you don’t have to run over the whole distance from the Ship to your mateys, voila!

    But I would make it expensive 50.000 Gold or so!

    Ok that’s it, I hope you’re like my idea and sry for bad English :)

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  • @king-deka most of this is fine but the lore is the problem. There is only one skeleton lord and he goes by the first gold hoarder. Most of what your saying is interesting but I don’t think I personally will find it fun.

  • Sorry, but no!
    Sounds like WoW Raid Grind Stuff and also exclusive gameplay for PL.
    Therefore i dont agree.

  • @weststormborn sagte in New Piratelegend Trading Company and the „Mysterious Orb“!:

    @king-deka most of this is fine but the lore is the problem. There is only one skeleton lord and he goes by the first gold hoarder. Most of what your saying is interesting but I don’t think I personally will find it fun.

    No Cpt Flameheart is a Skeleton Lord too, and maybe „Lord Pinch“?!

  • @stundorn sagte in New Piratelegend Trading Company and the „Mysterious Orb“!:

    Sorry, but no!
    Sounds like WoW Raid Grind Stuff and also exclusive gameplay for PL.
    Therefore i dont agree.

    The Mysterious Orb is for Everyone :) it’s an quality of life improvement!

  • @king-deka sagte in New Piratelegend Trading Company and the „Mysterious Orb“!:

    @stundorn sagte in New Piratelegend Trading Company and the „Mysterious Orb“!:

    Sorry, but no!
    Sounds like WoW Raid Grind Stuff and also exclusive gameplay for PL.
    Therefore i dont agree.

    The Mysterious Orb is for Everyone :) it’s an quality of life improvement!

    Sorry I just don't like raiding to get a set of cloth.
    And I don't like beeing new gamemechanics like this journey you suggested is PL exclusive.
    I don't mind cosmetics are exclusive or the Hideout is exclusive , because this is nothing gamechanging, but only about cosmetics , but if you put content behind a wall of grind it's bad design imho.
    I do not play games anymore that work like this, because i think it detracts from playing and leads to working off content instead and addictive gaming.

  • So with Pirate Legend Commendations we need Pirate Legend Trading Companies, easy and necessary! And we need Skeleton Lords, many different with different abilities!

  • Im waiting for my peril Skeleton Lords, i hope not so long! Rare introduce them it doesn’t matter how!

  • I find that this would be a very fun addition. But i wouldnt recommend the orb. In exchange, when you are in a SL dungeon and you die, you respawn at the dungeon entrance. Yes, you will have to run back to your crew but it wont be too much of an inconveinance.

  • @stundorn Only Pirate legends can purchase the quest, but can take players who are not PL in with them i would assume.

  • @wickedlystrange sagte in New Piratelegend Trading Company and the „Mysterious Orb“!:

    @stundorn Only Pirate legends can purchase the quest, but can take players who are not PL in with them i would assume.

    And if you are no PL and want to play solo this content is locked behind a wall of grind. NO!

    I think there need to be a valid reason other than to cater to addicted gamers, achiever players only or to give the grind a meaning.
    It's said this game has no vertical progression for a reason, therefore there is no meaning to levels but cosmetics and nothing else.
    No item +1, no special content, nothing level restrictive, but cosmetics.
    Very simple, very clear, very cool imho.
    I will ever completely disagree for any sort of vertical progression.
    It as i said above distracts from playing and leads to working off content and addictive behaviour.
    Stop grinding, start playing.
    There need no rewards like this of the game is fun to play and for the matter itself.

  • The only problem I see with this is division. There's a reason that non Pirate Legends can work on Athenas with Pirate Legends and earn the current rewards for it (even though all of it is intended for Legends). It is to prevent having a player base where all non-legends are out trying to become legends, while the Legends are all out doing their own separate thing.

    As a legend, I would have liked to see the Ghost cosmetics as a Pirate Legend exclusive, or at least something else that only a legend can work for and earn. But I do understand the need to be cautious of not creating division when trying to create something for Pirate Legends.

    It's a tough balance - not enough exclusivity can make being a Legend feel dull and fruitless, too much exclusivity will create a divide.

    I like your idea, but it sounds like too much stuff locked for the endgame. Even as a Pirate Legend myself, I would feel bad for people who may never be able to participate because they don't have the time to become a Pirate Legend.

  • @chronodusk sagte in New Piratelegend Trading Company and the „Mysterious Orb“!:

    The only problem I see with this is division. There's a reason that non Pirate Legends can work on Athenas with Pirate Legends and earn the current rewards for it (even though all of it is intended for Legends). It is to prevent having a player base where all non-legends are out trying to become legends, while the Legends are all out doing their own separate thing.

    As a legend, I would have liked to see the Ghost cosmetics as a Pirate Legend exclusive, or at least something else that only a legend can work for and earn. But I do understand the need to be cautious of not creating division when trying to create something for Pirate Legends.

    It's a tough balance - not enough exclusivity can make being a Legend feel dull and fruitless, too much exclusivity will create a divide.

    I like your idea, but it sounds like too much stuff locked for the endgame. Even as a Pirate Legend myself, I would feel bad for people who may never be able to participate because they don't have the time to become a Pirate Legend.

    Yeah you’re right, I don’t want to lure Legends away from the Athena Grind, so in this Case there must be more rewards to do Athena’s! But with this Trading Company(Hunters of Ancient Lords) it’s like in WoW, when you was Lvl 25 in Burning Crusade you couldn’t fight Illidiam as Example or other Lvl 70 Bosses and Dungeons, and the low lvl players had an Goal to reach, they wanted to fight against this peril Creatures! I don’t want to compare SoT with WoW because you can’t, but I think PL needing something for themselves an Exclusive Club/Trading Company/Mechanics/ Ship Captaincy!? something only PL have access for like The Pirate Legend Hideout! And I’m thinking Rare is aware of this issue, the PL Commendations in SS are the 1st Step in the right direction! And they have ideas for years someone said, I think mike Chapman and that make hopes for the Skeleton Lords, maybe bring them for everyone I don’t care I’m only wanting to fight against Flameheart :)

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