Sea of Thieves is 6 months old TODAY! - Thanks from the team at Rare!

  • ' We couldn't ask for a better, more piratical community. '

  • 31
  • Three Cheers to everyone involved in and out of Sea of Thieves!

  • @katttruewalker Danggg! Time goes fast, feels like only yesterday we got the release day announcement and we were all counting down the days untill launch!

    I wonder what the next 6 months will bring!

  • @katttruewalker was just about to publish the same eheheh

    Congrats everyone!!!

    Now the thing we want to know:
    What's our gift? Eheheh 😁

  • Hip hip, hooray!

    A massive well did to the team - and thanks to everyone here for making the community experience what it is today!

  • A big Thanks to RARE if it wasn't for sea of thieves i wouldnt of met so many great friends!!!

  • I still proudly use the Launch Crew Eye of Reach to this day.

  • Thank you team RARE!

    It's been a 'helluva' ride, time goes by so quickly when you're enjoying yourself!

    Here's to the future 🍺... cheers!

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in Sea of Thieves is 6 months old TODAY! - Thanks from the team at Rare!:

    I still proudly use the Launch Crew Eye of Reach to this day.

    Still own but have never used the day one patch lol

  • @tre-oni
    It has sentimental value to me but I also like the Design.

  • Hard to believe that one of the most memorable gaming experiences I've had in the last 34 years has only turned 6 months old today. Fantastic job, Rare. You forum folks are alright, too :P

  • Those 6 months have flown, congratulations Rare, a fantastic job. If there have been a few hurdles along the way remember: To Err is Human, to Arr is Pirate

  • raises tankard of grog


  • Bravo!

  • @drunkpunk138 sagte in Sea of Thieves is 6 months old TODAY! - Thanks from the team at Rare!:

    Hard to believe that one of the most memorable gaming experiences I've had in the last 34 years has only turned 6 months old today. Fantastic job, Rare. You forum folks are alright, too :P

    True Words you speaking from my heart, playing since Commodore C64 in the 90s but this Game is Amazing and I’m addicted :)

  • Argh mateys! What a great ride it's been...and can't wait for far, far more! Bring me that horizon! :-D

  • @katttruewalker Thank you for posting this. Congratulations to the wonderful team and players of this community!

  • Goodness how time flies - 6 months already. Cheers and Congratulations, I can't wait to see what the next 6 months brings us!

  • Lads and Lasses, a toast! Raise your grog to the six month anniversary!

  • Woo! It’s all gone so fast! I love this game so much, can’t wait for what the future brings!

  • I feel a more deserved Thank you should be siad back to the developer team and the whole proccess of making the Sea of thieves as you've made one of the best ways to talk to people in one of the best looking games this year

  • @sgt-palooggoo Admit it.. you love the wine bottle design ;) as do i.

  • ...still the best game i played for decades!

    thank you RARE

  • @stundorn said

    ...still the best game i played for decades!

    'Tis not a game but a way of life. Arrr

  • She's a sturdy vessel Rare have made! She'll see many more years yet I wager!

    Yohoho and a bottle of grog!

  • From when I discovered this amazing game and community 18 months ago, this game stole my heart and my Xbox! Thank you so much to the teams for all your hard work and dedication! From the devs to the community teams and deckhands, I am proud to call myself a piratical addict! 😊

  • Happy 6 months =)

    Looking forward to the next 6 and the big 1Yo

    #RareFest2019 #SeaOfTease

    Capt Jangles

  • Thank you Rare and other people of the community that are involved in testing and improving the game, you've all done an amazing job in creating something unique in the massive gaming world. I'm looking forward to spending more time in the Sea of Thieves en enjoy eveything it has to offer! :)

  • Thankyou very much Rare for such a fantastic Pirate game you have all done a amazing job at creating such a masterpiece.
    Thankyou for all the weekly updates and news about Sea of Thieves I love this game I play it whenever and every time is a great experience I’ve made some really good friends on this game and had lots of stories too share about my adventures on the high seas , for that Thankyou Team Rare your all Pirate Legends.
    See you all and all other fellow Pirates on the high seas of Sea of Thieves ☠️⚓️

  • Although there’s a few things lately that I’m not fond of, it’s still my favourite game and I’m forever grateful for Rare. ❤️

    Can’t wait to see what the next six months brings.

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