App for Andriod/ Iphone

  • Hello everyone,

    I would like to make a suggestion to improve forum activity and accessibility to not only the forums but also any news/ updates from the developers.

    I have seen this in other games for example Destiny had an app that you could download to access your character build, news or info, and access the forums. Not everyone wants to be on the desktop or phone browser to reach these things.

    Some features that could be included with a phone application:
    -Push notifications for any news, updates, or streams.
    -Easy Access to forums on the go
    -Push notifications for forums replies/ trending posts
    -LFG where you can add what you are doing and what you need
    -Character reputation check outside of game
    -If guild or clan ever become a thing it could be a good way to communicate with everyone in one location
    -Commendation checks on the go

    I think this will have a huge increase in forum activity from players all over. Its and easy way to provide feedback and suggestions while also keeping up to date with all the latest on our favorite game.

    Thank you.

  • 4
  • @prodigy-tdg OMG!! Best idea EVER!! Totally agree that there needs to be a companion type app for SoT and the forums.

  • Why there is no sea of thieves on iOS or android

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