The Hungering Deep - Metal Version

  • For any fans of metal. I am also working on a "Becalmed" version. If this goes well enough I may do more.

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  • @the-only-driver That is epic!!!! I can’t wait to see more!

    Have you considered covering the games shanty’s with the same style? Would love to see them. Thanks for sharing bud!

  • @knifelife Yes this is the hungering deep shanty. I plan on doing all of them. I have Becalmed almost finished and hopefully will do Forsaken Shores if there is a new shanty.

  • Hello Mr The Only Driver, have you done all the instruments by yourself and mixed it together or do you have a band ? Whatever the answer is, alone or in group , you 've done a great job, my old head started to bang again...Hope you "metallize" a few more songs...

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