[Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0

  • @teh-magnus said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    @murkrage said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    @teh-magnus As long as you don't know what's going on inside the programme, I feel you should refrain from making comments about the pioneers themselves. The one thing you can count on is: Pioneers are always giving feedback. Before, during and after test builds.

    I said that if Rare didn't listen there's an issue, get off your high horse.

    Here's what you wrote matey:

    If your pioneers did not give you feedback on how cr*p this new interface is...

    That's directly about the pioneers themselves. The second part is indeed about Rare. I'm not on a high horse, I'm simply asking you to refrain from making any comment about something you have no knowledge of.

  • @aw-weigh You said: I am 1 level away from Athena 10 and cannot continue to work towards that goal.

    Why can't you continue to work towards that goal?

  • Like the suggestion i have pointed out:
    @dark-henrik-22 said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    I think a way to fix this is to have a "quick select" for the item that players use for the majority or have recently taken out of the barrel. It's basicly the original barrel system used along with the new barrel system.

    So players can either run up to the barrel and pick up items like the 1.0 system or they can go into the barrel 2.0 inventory if they wanna take everything at once or manage their resources. What i am saying is, why use one of either systems when you can try and fit the two together.

    There is an easy way to also fix people's complaint about "too large resource limits". Namely, put a max limit on how many planks you can have in the repair barrel and how many bananas you can have in the food barrel and so on. You can only have at max 100/200 planks/bananas in the repair/food barrel and only 200/300 cannonballs in the cannon barrel. Cursed cannonballs could have a much lower limit, like 10 or 5 cursed cannonballs in said barrel, if not lower.

    everyone say that the items could be placed in different barrels, but that idea is just horrible because each ship have a different number of barrels on it, plus really limiting how much Rare might add in the future. You guys are too focused on wanting to go fast in SoT, that you do not think about the good this system might do for the game.

  • @xxmrvincexx The Legendary chest is broken.

  • @venvip1983 the current bilge rat quest is on pvp, so expect to see alot of it for these two weeks.
    I understand what you mean as I have played peaceful too just to sail around.

    As the barrels are worst on islands(spread out and potentially empty), I expect more players will attack for resources.

    Be wary of any ships on the seas. They aren't so friendly right now.

  • @aw-weigh have you create a ticket about it? I quess they will fix it. I'm just as far as you from lvl 10... But am not really in a hurry to get it. I will get it before the end of this year.

    Just like I have giving away more then 2 Legend chests to a good friend of mine @h4iry-0range

  • @dash-lee-rowan final quest for athenas broke. Do all the work and then you can't get the legendary chest

  • @murkrage said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    @teh-magnus said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    @murkrage said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    @teh-magnus As long as you don't know what's going on inside the programme, I feel you should refrain from making comments about the pioneers themselves. The one thing you can count on is: Pioneers are always giving feedback. Before, during and after test builds.

    I said that if Rare didn't listen there's an issue, get off your high horse.

    Here's what you wrote matey:

    If your pioneers did not give you feedback on how cr*p this new interface is...

    That's directly about the pioneers themselves. The second part is indeed about Rare. I'm not on a high horse, I'm simply asking you to refrain from making any comment about something you have no knowledge of.

    Its seriously time to change the " PIONEER " if they got to test this totally flaw system and didnt said anything about it ... it took me 1 minutes to understand all the implication of such system for the game as a whole from fort to skelly ship to PVP .... How can you even scavenge lets say few planks from a skelly ship bottom deck if you get stuck into a menu screen while trying to do so ? you will get kill before you can even grab 1 or 2

  • @xxmrvincexx I haven’t created a ticket. I am leaving that up to everyone else that he run the Athena for hour+ and only then found out their effort was in vain. Fortunately for me, I have seen the reports from Twitter, Discord, Reddit and stayed away from the game for that very reason. I don’t grind either and don’t do ‘speed runs’ because I enjoyed the game.

  • @genuine-heather said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    Forget the awkward mechanics. I absolutely hate how one barrel can hold multiple types of items. It makes zero sense. It’s a barrel. Why would anyone mix bananas (soft and squishy) with cannonballs (hard and heavy)? If each barrel contained only one item type, the new system would work a little better, and make a whole lot more sense.

    It’s also ridiculous that we can carry around over a hundred cannonballs now. But that’s another story...

    I gave up on looking for consistent logic or themes in this game long ago.

    I've never seen a game push cosmetics so hard but implement it so poorly. There is no pan, tilt, zoom on the items. You can't see items displayed on the character prior to purchase. You have to emote to see it on the character in a 3d model.

    As far as pirate themes go, since when are bananas associated with pirates? Wouldn't limes be more piratey??

    Also, why can't you pull yourself up on a ledge?! Or bend down? Or go prone?

    ...ok let me stop before I go on a rant.

    But yea, putting banans in the same barrel as canonballs seems par for the immersion breaking course thus far.

  • @aw-weigh But if everyone thinks the same like you do... Then the developers will never know. Then they have to read this topic 100% otherwise they will not see it.

    But just wait for a week or 2 before leaving the game. Because things can get better.

  • @xxmrvincexx I hope you are right!!! I really enjoyed this game!

  • @stew360 The thing to put stuff inside a barrel is not really a problem. But the get them out isn't really that easy anymore... i agree!
    I can't wait till I get in the position to need planks while my ship is sinking... Because my temporary cheap ******* controller isn't that great

  • @xxmrvincexx said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    @aw-weigh But if everyone thinks the same like you do... Then the developers will never know. Then they have to read this topic 100% otherwise they will not see it.

    But just wait for a week or 2 before leaving the game. Because things can get better.

    There have been game breaking bugs in the game since mid-july. And only more bugs were introduced in this build. I'm losing faith in this company. When a game gets frustrating there is no point in playing. I will try it occasionally but I have been playing SOT less and less as each bug I encounter eats away the fun.

    Rare has acknowledged the Athena bug. But other than that it seems they are radio silent right now. Has anyone heard anything from the devs, since this nightmare dropped.

  • After playing for a few hours yesterday and sleeping on it, here are my thoughts on the new inventory system:

    1. Nerf the capacity of the barrels. I understand the need for maybe a little more capacity for the cursed cannonballs and the higher spawn rate of resource crates, however I think the huge increase we got with this patch is way too much.

    2. Give us an interaction with the barrel that we are familiar with. Allow us to grab from the “top” of the barrel with the X button (console) as we always have. Allow us to store the item in our hand with the Y button, as we always have. In order to search the “bottom” of the barrel we would need to press a different button, B maybe? You could spawn any item at the top of the barrel for easy access, though I would assume this would most times be the standard resources, and more rare items would more often spawn in the bottom..

    3. For the love of God, show us when a barrel is empty, please.

    4. Give crates the same UI as the barrels. The crate menu requires you to press a different set of buttons to store/take items than the barrel menu. It is difficult to keep your head straight when you are trying to transfer resources from barrels to crates. Also, with the crates having the new UI, it would allow us to store extra cursed cannonballs in the crates to increase the gold value when sold to the merchants. This could also be used to increase the gold value of food crates (not banana crates) when we get magic food items in the future. It would also make players much more cautious about using the cursed cannonballs due to their potential value if sold in a cannonball crate.

    5. When holding on the cannon, give us a radial that allows us to choose different types of cannonballs without having to go into the new resources menu.

  • The media blackout from Rare is pretty incredible. Nothing on any of their social media platforms since the update concerning the Athena chests.

    Not like them at all.

  • @aclassali said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    The media blackout from Rare is pretty incredible. Nothing on any of their social media platforms since the update concerning the Athena chests.

    Not like them at all.

    Is something wrong with the Athena’s chests? I will likely reach pirate legend either today or tomorrow. I don’t want to start any Athena’s voyages if that is the case.

  • Suggestions for short-term solutions:

    • Revert all barrels back to standard functionality, and populate some barrels in the world with Cursed Cannonballs.
    • Add a special Cursed Cannonball barrel to the ship that functions like the current in-game barrels, and give Cursed Cannonballs their own spot in the inventory wheel. This is an important item and it deserves its own spot in the wheel. If necessary, only allow 1 ball type to be held at a time. A wheel filled with every possible Cursed Cannonball seems messy and unnecessary.
  • @aclassali said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    The media blackout from Rare is pretty incredible. Nothing on any of their social media platforms since the update concerning the Athena chests.

    Not like them at all.

    They are on holiday until forsaken shores releases.

  • @jonaldinho said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    @aclassali said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    The media blackout from Rare is pretty incredible. Nothing on any of their social media platforms since the update concerning the Athena chests.

    Not like them at all.

    Is something wrong with the Athena’s chests? I will likely reach pirate legend either today or tomorrow. I don’t want to start any Athena’s voyages if that is the case.

    Yeah, if you completed a the quest you didnt get one. Not sure if its fixed yet or not.

  • @aclassali said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    The media blackout from Rare is pretty incredible. Nothing on any of their social media platforms since the update concerning the Athena chests.

    Not like them at all.

    They tweeted. for some reason the feed has not been updating. I found this gem of a tweet and lol'd. https://twitter.com/SeaOfThieves/status/1035519984590618624?s=20

    Equiped items slowly to avoid a crash. Lol

  • Having voiced my opinion on how I think the new inventory system takes away too much from what Sea of Thieves was and does not comfortably fit the style and feel of the game, I wanted to give some ideas on how to make things better.

    Improving Barrel System:

    If the new inventory system is truly necessary to deliver us more in the future, it needs to become less intrusive and feel more like the game we have been playing and function in a way more similar to how we have accessed barrels prior to this update.

    Option 1: Keep the barrels having multiple items regardless of how it makes sense or not to store bananas with cannonballs, but replace the new interface of interacting with the barrels. You go up to the same barrel, press the same key as before and a small version of the item radial style menu pops up over the barrel showing all the items in the barrel. The visuals and sounds are not changed. You press the same key as we always have to remove the first item on the radial menu. The items pop into our inventory just like it use to. You rotate through the menu pressing the same key to get additional items as desires. The same key that popped the menu closes it.

    When you go back to your ship you go to the barrels just as we did before. We press the same key. No menu pops up. All the items that belong in that particular barrel get deposited just like before. If the barrel stores multiple types of the same item, pressing the same key on the ship's barrel to retrieve as we did before bringing up the radial menu to gather what is needed.

    The barrels should show an empty state when so as they did before.

    This option keeps the simplistic look and feel of SoT that we have been use to and love.

    Option 2: While undesirable, keep the current menu system, but modify it. First, have a much, much smaller box menu that only pops up for the barrel you are collecting from. It pops up smaller to the side of that barrel you are collecting from. The visuals and sounds are not changed. The same button that retrieved items as before opens and closes the barrel. Another button collects the items.

    When you return to your ship you and go to deposit the items, no menu pops up. The same button used as before stores all of the same item type into that barrel. When you retrieve items from your ship's barrel using the same button as before, the same much smaller box menu pops up to select the items you want. The same button that opened the menu closes the menu.

    Again when barrels are empty they need to display that fact. Now too many empty barrels are being opened to find out there is nothing left in the area to collect. With both options there also seems to be a need to balance the amount of items that can be collected and stored. It appears there are now more empty barrels when adventuring around. Storing more items is also going to impact PvP encounters ways beyond what we have been used to. It definitely changes the flow and pace of a lot of things in the game.

    Cursed Cannonballs:

    Cursed cannonballs are also an issue. From what we heard they were supposed to be rare and that is not the case. Cursed cannonballs should only be discovered out and about on the islands and in the forts. You pick them up like skulls and drop them on your ship just like skulls. You pick them up and use them as needed one at a time. Too many are being collected, stored, and used.

    The same use of the radial menu could also be used to select what cannonballs to load.

    Hopefully these ideas will help calm the waters and bring back the feel most of us want when we sail in the Sea of Thieves.

  • @treefittymonsta said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    @aclassali said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    The media blackout from Rare is pretty incredible. Nothing on any of their social media platforms since the update concerning the Athena chests.

    Not like them at all.

    They are on holiday until forsaken shores releases.

    Wait?! So we are stuck like this for how long??

    Why would they release a giant change like this and not wait around to see how it goes??

    So they basically fa rted in a room and left.

    That's awesome. Also, that means we are stuck with a PvP update that's going to turn the lobby into a warzone until they get back.

    Welp, looks like I'm done with this game for awhile.

  • @theothervillain said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    @treefittymonsta said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    @aclassali said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    The media blackout from Rare is pretty incredible. Nothing on any of their social media platforms since the update concerning the Athena chests.

    Not like them at all.

    They are on holiday until forsaken shores releases.

    Wait?! So we are stuck like this for how long??

    Why would they release a giant change like this and not wait around to see how it goes??

    So they basically fa rted in a room and left.

    That's awesome. Also, that means we are stuck with a PvP update that's going to turn the lobby into a warzone until they get back.

    Welp, looks like I'm done with this game for awhile.

    Pretty sure that was a joke.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    Having voiced my opinion on how I think the new inventory system takes away too much from what Sea of Thieves was and does not comfortably fit the style and feel of the game, I wanted to give some ideas on how to make things better.

    Improving Barrel System:

    If the new inventory system is truly necessary to deliver us more in the future, it needs to become less intrusive and feel more like the game we have been playing and function in a way more similar to how we have accessed barrels prior to this update.

    Option 1: Keep the barrels having multiple items regardless of how it makes sense or not to store bananas with cannonballs, but replace the new interface of interacting with the barrels. You go up to the same barrel, press the same key as before and a small version of the item radial style menu pops up over the barrel showing all the items in the barrel. The visuals and sounds are not changed. You press the same key as we always have to remove the first item on the radial menu. The items pop into our inventory just like it use to. You rotate through the menu pressing the same key to get additional items as desires. The same key that popped the menu closes it.

    When you go back to your ship you go to the barrels just as we did before. We press the same key. No menu pops up. All the items that belong in that particular barrel get deposited just like before. If the barrel stores multiple types of the same item, pressing the same key on the ship's barrel to retrieve as we did before bringing up the radial menu to gather what is needed.

    The barrels should show an empty state when so as they did before.

    This option keeps the simplistic look and feel of SoT that we have been use to and love.

    Option 2: While undesirable, keep the current menu system, but modify it. First, have a much, much smaller box menu that only pops up for the barrel you are collecting from. It pops up smaller to the side of that barrel you are collecting from. The visuals and sounds are not changed. The same button that retrieved items as before opens and closes the barrel. Another button collects the items.

    When you return to your ship you and go to deposit the items, no menu pops up. The same button used as before stores all of the same item type into that barrel. When you retrieve items from your ship's barrel using the same button as before, the same much smaller box menu pops up to select the items you want. The same button that opened the menu closes the menu.

    Again when barrels are empty they need so display that fact. Now too many empty barrels are being opened to find out there is nothing left in the area to collect. With both options there also seems to be a need to balance the amount of items that can be collected and stored. It appears there are now more empty barrels when adventuring around. Storing more items is also going to impact PvP encounters ways beyond what we have been used to. It definitely changes the flow and pace of a lot of things in the game.

    Cursed Cannonballs:

    Cursed cannonballs are also an issue. From what we heard they were supposed to be rare and that is not the case. Cursed cannonballs should only be discovered out and about on the islands and in the forts. You pick them up like skulls and drop them on your ship just like skulls. You pick them up and use them as needed one at a time. Too many are being collected, stored, and used.

    Hopefully these ideas will help calm the waters and bring back the feel most of us want when we sail in the Sea of Thieves.

    Easiest way to fix it is remove cursed cannon balls. They add nothing to the game.

  • @aclassali I hope so. It is a holiday weekend (in the US) so a lot of companies are going on break right now so it does makes sense.

  • I thought I would have gotten used to the new storage system by now but it still seems quite jarring. Yes you can get the muscle memory to clear out barrels quickly, but it's still not possible to 'drive-by' lots of island barrels quickly. Adding extra time when you're fighting skeles or pvp is one problem, but actually just stocking up your ship at outputs etc seems to take longer now. Also is it an oversight that when you are full on a resource, still pressing the take button plays the take noise indefinitely despite you not being able to take them (did it used to do this before the update?)

    Extra storage space is an unexpected bonus but I don't remember lots asking for this, 300 canon balls, 100 wood and bananas seemed like a reasonable amount for a decent voyage and with stop-offs it had about the right amount of jeopardy for more taxing missions like skelly ships etc.

    I get that the cursed cannon balls need to go somewhere, but if this is the main reason for the new interface, could we just have them in a seperate barrel (only these with their own more in-depth interface)? And found in separate barrels? I guess from a developers point of view, all barrel interfaces have to be the same, but it irks me that I need to go through it when storing wood and bananas when they're the only resource that can be stored there. I miss the simplicity of two buttons, one for store one for take so the flow of the game wasn't as interrupted.

    I feel for the devs, they are committed to regular new content and it's a fine line between adding in new fresh stuff to keep players interested, but also changing it so much that it could negative consequences. Most games don't have this many big changes so regularly. But we must also not forget the point of view of new players, I think it's now not the simple game that it was on day one with this update and I wonder how they are finding this.

  • This new barrel system is overly clunky,slow to maneuver, and unnecessarily complicated. No quick take or fill options, no way to see what's inside without going into the menu, and if you need supplies quickly in combat, forget about it. I much prefer the old system. Roll it back please.

  • @theothervillain said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    @aclassali I hope so. It is a holiday weekend (in the US) so a lot of companies are going on break right now so it does makes sense.

    Rare are based in the UK.

  • In general, this feels like a new system that will get more smoothing out, but for me the biggest issue is one of immersion. Now, instead of gamboling around islands and outposts, grabbing what resource I can rapidly and naturally, I have to fully stop and open a menu at every single barrel.

    Trying to frantically grab items on the ship in a crisis is much more complicated, especially while fighting scurvy dogs. (PVP nana-grabs are a thing of the past) Trying to use this screen to grab things out of sinking or bobbing barrels is almost impossible. It slows the game way down, and forces you to look at a menu for far more time than every before.

    I guess, my big question is, What is the benefit of this change? Okay, it allows barrels to hold multiple objects, but I have to ask....is this important? Other than Curse management, what benefit does shattering immersion in this way give us?

    Would it be difficult to limit this system to a single "Cursed Barrel" on the ship, and simply leave all barrels as they were, with a small chance of "Cursed cannonballs" spawning in barrels normally?

  • @khaleesibot
    Hi guys. Just let me start by saying great game. I’m a day one player and have been super loyal through the crashes update bugs and fixes. I’ve lost a lot of loot and it still doesn’t bother me because I love the game. The new barrels are pretty annoying though. If you are PvP on a opponents ship and you run out of business or wish to drain the crew of bananas the new barrels system makes that impossible without being killed. It’s pretty defeating. Also holding the cursed cannon balls in the start/ inventory menu is so frustrating. If you try to use them on opponents on war time it’s also virtually impossible to move quickly. Is it no an option to put the cursed cannonballs on a 3rd radial menu. It would be sooooo much easier. Also the barrel system I have a possible fix for. Maybe if you have to keep the barrels the same offer a “Grab All” single push button to take available supplies. Please help with this. I as well as my day one legend crew also have multiple frustrations with the new commendations I will try to put this in a different post. We’ve all put so many hours into this game and since the update we’ve finished almost every commendation. It feels like the game is ending. Hope you have some fixes for this. Thanks for the great game. Keep up the awesome work!!!


  • @aclassali said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    Easiest way to fix it is remove cursed cannon balls. They add nothing to the game.

    It may have been better to not include them. However, there is an event going on. It does offer chances to earn a few rewards and gives something to the PvP crowd.

    They are just too easy find and collect. Players can store too many. This makes it change the entire way the game has played and felt up to this point. Not sure they would or should be removed completely. For a limited time would be better.

    Either way if they are in the game for limited time or stay, cursed cannonballs need to be better balanced. They need to be rare finds and shot at other players few and far between in player ship battles. You do not even need the number that is being collected for the commendations.

  • @aclassali Fair enough. I did think he was serious about them going on break though.

  • After a couple of hours into the new game update I have to say....I hate it as a pirate legend, as a game lover and I truly believe it needs a fix. I think it would be much better having only a new barrel to save the new cannon balls instead of one of the decoration into the ship, keeping the game exactly how it was in the beginning. Adding this special barrel and a new wheel of differents cannon balls to select it may the game alive again.

  • @aclassali I've removed your post as it comes across as being antagonistic and off topic. Might stir the other pirates up a bit too :D

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