• Levels are 50 50 50 10 athena 14+ million meters sailed serious grinder just finished merchant voyages for 500 voyage completions but never received my xbox gold award . Is this a broken achievement ?

  • 7
  • So because acheviements were down at 1 point at the begining some of the voyages you did then dont count to the achievement. You just have to keep going till you make those up

  • @loyal-l3g3nd

    Ahoy matey!

    Sometimes the achievements are a bit behind from in-game commendations. When I look on your Xbox achievements you're at 99% to unlock it, do one or two voyages and it should unlock it :)


  • @skulliah that comes from it not registering to the achievements back when they were down.

  • @loyal-l3g3nd I would raise a support ticket mate, they can then check your internal stats to see if there are any issues or conflicts.

    They will also get back to you with a response so it’s what I would recommend :)

  • @loyal-l3g3nd said in LOYAL L3G3ND .:

    Levels are 50 50 50 10 athena 14+ million meters sailed serious grinder just finished merchant voyages for 500 voyage completions but never received my xbox gold award . Is this a broken achievement ?

    I'm not sure what is going on here, it might be due to several things so as mentioned above I'd definitely submit a ticket via Support to get this investigated, and if there is a problem then it'll get to the right team for a fix too.

  • @loyal-l3g3nd
    Wow! I thought I sailed a lot but you just sailed 5 million meters more... When did you saw your bed for the last time? ;)

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