Sea of Creed - SoT inspired comics

  • Hey all,

    I've started making this comics, inspired by Sea of Thieves and Rare.

    These are the first and second part, the rest will be released weekly. Any resemblence to living or dead persons, especially Rare employees and forum users is "purely coincidental and unintentional". :)

    Let me know what you think, I'm not a pro, just an amateurish fan.

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    and now the shameless plug:

    in case something happens to forums, next releases will be also available on my twitter page:

    PirateLotus on Twitter

    edit: twitter updated, since I've lost access to my old account. :(

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  • @sir-lotus I am intrigued to see how this pans out and I don’t want to pre-judge so I’ll be looking out for next weeks.

    Also those graphics are really well drawn? How did you do them on your computer, was it by hand or a program? (I’m pretty dumb when it comes to IT)

    I also wouldn’t say it doesn’t look amateurish at all bud, looks just like a comic to me aha so your doing something right. And did you have to type that whole NDA aha! Oh god I feel sorry for you there xD


  • Good job, I can't wait for more parts!

  • @KnifeLife

    lol. thx for the response. I have a couple of pages scripted, you probably wouldn't expect where it's going next...

    and to the questions:

    it's drawn with a mouse in Photoshop, (my graph. tablet is old and the pen is broken) i'm using some photos just for reference of the background and pencil sketches for characters. And I'll admit that NDA was just a copy/paste, except the last part.

  • Woooow! That's amazing @Sir-Lotus ! I love it and look forward to what's next! :D

    I'm wondering if the community will discover who's eating all these red velvet cookies :P

    Can't wait to see Joe! 👀

  • @sir-lotus Wow! great work!
    I look forward to seeing the next releases :)

  • @sir-lotus Can’t believe you drew that with a mouse! Thats mind blowing, well done I can’t even sketch without messing things up lol!

    And i don’t blame you, ya would need to be a lawyer over wise aha

  • Thanks everyone.

    Maybe I should have been more clear about the whole drawing with a mouse tho. :D

    It's not like you draw those lines by holding a button and moving the mouse, you generate and adjust a path between some points and let photoshop stroke it dynamically.

    Like this:

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    You have to touch up a lot, but the base of inking in my comics is more about technology, than my skills. :)

  • Hey all,

    2nd part added to the first post.

  • @sir-lotus said in Sea of Creed - SoT inspired comics:

    Hey all,

    2nd part added to the first post.

    hahaha that's awesome! I'm so intrigued now...

  • @skulliah thanks, i'll try to release the future ones on fridays.

  • Hey everyone,

    I just wanted to stop by and say I'm sorry for the "small" unplanned delay. I was really sick and now I'm trying to catch up at work and other real life things. Next 3 issues are almost done and will be all up at the same time, next week.

  • Lol good stuff, is the main character me on one of my bad days lol? If so the likeness is uncanny, but tbh i think i would have teddy get me the coffee what with all his pc influence and such, though it might not be a good idea... i kid i kid lol.

    Funny stuff though.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo lol. thanks. And for legal reasons, I cannnot confirm or deny, that it was insipired by you, or anyone else. ;) (but yeah, it was by someone)

    also i forgot to add, that for upcoming pages, i've changed up the style a bit, I hope some of you will like it. A little WIP teaser:


  • @sir-lotus Oh no, hope your feeling better!
    The new art style looks great, look forward to seeing the next issues!

  • Well that took longer than expected. :D

    Sorry everyone, life just got really busy. I'll try to release these more often from now on.

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