Option to Create our Own Sail and Flag Designs

  • I don't know it this has been brought up before but me and several others who I have spoken to would think that the option to design sails and flags would be a nice little addition to the game. Maybe even Rare could create a little community market for them where players can put up their designs and sell them for gold. There are some incredibly talented people out there and I bet we could see some fantastic and unique designs.

    Or have a mini update/quest "The Lost Sails" where players venture out on various quests to find designs for sails where they then have to take the designs back to the shipwright to get them made.

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  • It would have to be something basic that gives you a couple layers of shapes and a few colors to choose from lest it bog down performance...or people use it to make the S.S. ThirdRiech,that and people would just make phalic designs all day long.

  • @jesser92 said in Option to Create our Own Sail and Flag Designs:

    It would have to be something basic that gives you a couple layers of shapes and a few colors to choose from lest it bog down performance...or people use it to make the S.S. ThirdRiech,that and people would just make phalic designs all day long.

    Would not be a problem if they had a curated system like Pirates of the Burning Sea had.
    In fact it would be a grand opportunity to use to introduce microtransactions to support the game and would eliminate the flood of garbage submissions/uploads. Maybe $5-10 per sail or flag.

  • @x-n7-117-x
    Prior to launch they said we would have custom sails, I took that literally as using our own unique designs not a handful of prefabricated Rare designs that 5 million players had to choose from.
    I designed my own flag and sail in a paint program.

    It would be nothing for them to have proposed designs screened by someone, just like Xbox screens our custom profile pictures.
    Just like a gamer tag change, charge a few bucks to have it assessed and applied to our in-game inventory.

    As @Crazed-Corsair said, it would be the perfect opportunity to help fund the future of the game.

  • @crazed-corsair said in Option to Create our Own Sail and Flag Designs:

    @jesser92 said in Option to Create our Own Sail and Flag Designs:

    It would have to be something basic that gives you a couple layers of shapes and a few colors to choose from lest it bog down performance...or people use it to make the S.S. ThirdRiech,that and people would just make phalic designs all day long.

    Would not be a problem if they had a curated system like Pirates of the Burning Sea had.
    In fact it would be a grand opportunity to use to introduce microtransactions to support the game and would eliminate the flood of garbage submissions/uploads. Maybe $5-10 per sail or flag.

    I didn't want to mention the use of microtransactions because I know that many people dislike them. I was originally going to say that players could buy sails with actual money instead of gold.

  • @jesser92 said in Option to Create our Own Sail and Flag Designs:

    It would have to be something basic that gives you a couple layers of shapes and a few colors to choose from lest it bog down performance...or people use it to make the S.S. ThirdRiech,that and people would just make phalic designs all day long.

    This would be my concern and why I'd be against the idea of giving players complete control over their designs.

    Also, this game has a certain aesthetic which I'm sure Rare would be keen to maintain. It could easily become quite an insult to the eye to see sails that are not in keeping with the style of the game.

    The option to perhaps change the colours of sails background/decals would at least introduce more customisation without ruining the art style.

  • @luciansanchez82 Exactly a couple layers of pre done stencils with a color choice for each and you have a great system and you can keep it aesthetically fitting.

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