'Atlas' Video Leaks from Studio Wildcard - It's a Pirate-y Seafaring First-Person Game - MMORPG.com

  • @gem-pheenix people here calling it early development not realizing this is how wildcard works, they’ll call it early access for about 3 years before people ask when is it gonna actually release and then they just say “uh sure it’s released” with all the janky [Mod Edit - No swearing] mechanics still left in, with incompenetent devs that would rather release new Dinos that no one gives a [Mod Edit - No swearing] about then fix glaring undermapping issues...god I miss ark.

  • @sytoki
    Pretty much what Rare have done with Sea of Thieves then? Release a beta as a full AAA title, leave in a host of bugs & glitches, put off everything was promised as they have to try & actually add some depth to the game.

  • @peachcascade988 why do you think I went from ark to this haha? I have bad taste in games.

  • @sytoki Please don't swear, it's against the forum rules. Your post has been edited accordingly.

  • @eibedionysos29 said in 'Atlas' Video Leaks from Studio Wildcard - It's a Pirate-y Seafaring First-Person Game - MMORPG.com:

    Is nobody concerned that it's just another Pirate-MMO?

    I know, MMOs bring in the most money, but where are the Pirate-games which aren't focused on MP with an optional SP-part? I find it quite sad that we have to look at indie-developers, since bigger studios don't seem to be interested in those anymore.

    Everytime I see a trailer for another Pirate-MP-game, I just yawn and continue to wait for a decent SP-one.
    Since years.
    And don't get me started on AC 4: Black Flag...

    Go ahead and list all of the multiplayer MMO pirate games ... I’ll wait .

    This game (if real and if it does come out) will be my go to pirate game . I liked sea of thieves but it’s Just too carebear - everything in the game caters to folks with too much on their plate , you jump in and have everything , yu don’t need to EARN your captaincy nor your ship or crew ; it’s all just GIVEN to you .

    But in Atlas , you will have to build your ships, be the best captain or be pushed over board , and there will be much more feeling of chaotic pirate life in that game ; as sea of thieves feels very forced and somewhat boring after you have rushed through all the content . The pvp is where it’s at for any game with not much content like SoT , but unfortunately for SoT the pvp was made infantile by the design choice of always having weapons on you and ammo being infinite inside the ship .

    IMO you should always work for your guns , ammo , ships , captaincy and loot , in SoT it feels like you are hardly working for anything - and instead you are just playing a silly game with nice looking water . Atlas seems as if they are filling all the weak spots of SoT : you will need to build or work for a ship , different islands filled with npcs and different options to possibly take over islands for trade , and gritty looking graphics that are so far from SoTs silly Disney graphics that it makes me happy ... if this Atlas game succeeds I hope it’s a TRUE MMO meaning only a couple servers for all of the players to pack into - as that would create a world building experience inside a pirate game unlike any other .

    When SoT first was announced I was wondering about all the amazing possibilities ; starting out as a landlubber trying to work your way to a Captain by doing small quests or tasks for npcs or for already captained players , then building or buying your first ship from the ship vendor . After this my vision was to set sail on a small dinghy or whatever ship you could afford , and when you do so I always pictured other pirates being able to steal your ship (you know , like a REAL pirate) but of course SoT wanted to cater to those with no time to play video games yet still playing them anyway ; Which in my opinion was a bad decision due to the amount of limiting factors that come into play and ultimately cheapen the feel of the sandbox world ;

    1.) pvp is shallow due to close respawns and always having a ship (you should need to purchase ships so people feel more attached to their ship)

    2.) always having a weapon and infinite ammo on ships (you should have to loot for ammo / gunpowder and you should have to find a gun or buy them from a vendor , and they should drop on death)

    3.) no ship stealing mechanic = no fun as an actual pirate , but of course it doesn’t matter in the shallow scheme of SoT because Everyone has a boat , all the time which makes a really stale environment of “we have everything we need , what do we do now?” Instead of having to work for your captaincy and boat (or stealing them to sail or sell) and having amazing adventures in between all that.

    4.) pvp in SoT is cartoonish , and very unrealistic what with all the bunny hopping , if Atlas succeeds I hope to see a better system , with parries and such to make for a more robust combat system so we don’t have to be cheesers jumping all over the place and doing sword slides like some type of fairy tale cartoon .

    Overall I feel SoT was made with no attention to proper pirate feels or grit ; everything is handed to you and the world just isn’t dangerous enough - everything feels shallow and I hope atlas will fix that by not only making the world more dangerous by addressing the issues I listed above but also adding in many towns and cities within the islands to create a sense of duty - some pirates will protect the islands and others will plunder them - hopefully there’s a capture mechanic for “guilds” or whatever to fight over as well .

    IMO Rare played it TOO SAFE with SoT and because of that a lot of people slowly lost interest aside from the casuals and SoT die hards .. I would like to see a more adult , grittier version of SoT with more realism and i hope that will Be Atlas . You should have to work for what you have , because that makes it so much more significant when someone comes to attack , steal or harass your boat and also makes for more stories and adventure working up to that point ; you EARNED that boat and you aren’t just going to respawn with it when you die - so how will you SURVIVE in a world where you don’t spawn in with guns , ammo and ships ? Become a true pirate and embrace the danger and adventure , the stealing and the looting of guns ammo and booty , that’s how .

  • @hawaiin-skunk sagte in 'Atlas' Video Leaks from Studio Wildcard - It's a Pirate-y Seafaring First-Person Game - MMORPG.com:

    Go ahead and list all of the multiplayer MMO pirate games ... I’ll wait .

    If you feel so inclined (the list also includes titles, which might not be a MMO, but are MP-only regardless):
    -Pirates of the Burning Sea
    -Naval Action
    -Pirates of the Carribean Online
    -Uncharted Waters Online
    -Sea of Thieves
    -Atlas (Probably)
    -Skull & Bones
    -Puzzle Pirates
    -A cheap F2P-title and mobile-port (Forgot the name)
    There might be more which I don't know (excluding browser games).

    But it's not about "There are only Pirate-MMO's!", but that the last decent SP-Pirate-game is a good while ago. The only ones released (if they aren't stuck forever in Early Access, of course) currently are from indie-developers, and it shows in their lacking polish and quality. Especially when they get released too early due to financial problems and thus are often bug-riddled - which may be fixed, or not.

    I can go back everytime to Tempest or Pirates of the Carribean with the New Horizons-mod, but there's a time where I just want something new. And I think, a new, good SP-Pirate-game is waaaaay overdue already.

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