Yes we took your stuff... Please stop attacking us.

  • So Iwas out with my neighbour doing some Merchant Voyages and Mermaid hunting when we came across this Galleon which was... Not doing well.
    They were constantly sailing in circles, smashing into stuff and did not angle their sails or anything.

    So, my neighbour and I decided this would be an easy kill.

    We roll up, put a couple of holes into them and down they go.
    These people were clearly new to the game but my neighbour kills 1 of them on their ship.
    But they used zerg tactics, all of them came at us together, boarded us, and so we died.
    We spawn back in, I glitch and fall through the sloop into the water and my partner kills 2 of them on our sloop.
    I finally get back on(because our sloop is just sailing in circles) and kill the last guy.
    We go and get their 2 disgraced skulls and kill the Captain of the mission they were on on the island we killed them at.

    We go back to our Merchant Voyage, get a few chickens and here they come at us, they want their stuff back.
    A couple of holes and a few sharks later and they are dead again.
    We get the last few chickens and here they are again(For some reason they keep spawning 1 island over).
    However, this time Meg decides to pay us a visit too.
    She goes straight for the galleon, takes a bite, and I put another couple of holes into it and down it goes again.

    Then we kill meg and have 13 cannonballs to spare. And guess who is back... I fire 4 cannonballs into them, just 4, and down they go.
    I ask them in the chat to "Just give it up" and they reply "pff like you'd get let us".
    We get our last stuff, kill the mermaid statues and go turn it in.
    We see them in the distance, coming this way again, but we decide enough is enough, so we just leave the area.

    Then a sloop decides to attack us... Down he goes after just 5 cannonballs.

    So here we are, low on cannonballs, an easy target in a fight with a ton of new loot on board, but at this point, everyone just leaves us alone.

    We kill some more mermaids, I get my Legendary Commendation, and we log off with a total of 43k earned.
    Not bad at all =)
    Though I do feel a little guilty about killing that Galleon 4 times, even though they came at us the last 3.

  • 4
  • Wow you are amazingly good at this game.

  • @kingyellow I'm really not.

  • @hoppentosse said in Yes we took your stuff... Please stop attacking us.:

    @danish-crusader if they where beginners, this was no kind action of yours and yer crew, good sir, no it wasn't. Nothing to brag about, more to be ashamed of. Shame!

    They could not have known, prior to engagement, the galleon's skill level. They saw a ship that might have loot, did an assessment as to whether or not they could prevail over it, decided they could, and then did.

    That is nothing to be ashamed about. That is good tactical analysis and strategy. The galleon continuing to engage after being defeated is not the sloop's fault. And it was bad analysis and decision making on the galleon's part.

    All in all, I say kudos and lift my grog stein to you!🍺

    Happy sailing!

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