Save Game & Questions

  • Newb here. Just a few questions.

    Just started playing a few days ago. Died many times and spawned back, but seem to have lost my history. My achievements. First time I lost my clothes and had to start from scratch and redress my pirate guy. What do I get to keep and what do I lose when I die? There doesn't seem to be any save game option. Also, starting out I play solo, but each time I die, and respawn, my option to go solo changes back to matching me with a crewmate. Since I'm starting out I'd rather learn the ropes, then once I feel competent at the basics, then I'll start looking for crew. But the game doesn't seem to want me to play solo. Also, I lose my missions and start it seems randomly in other places, completely different to where I started before...

    Can anyone explain what's happening and how this works? I'm kinda confused. Thanks in advance.

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  • @starship42 said in Save Game & Questions:

    Newb here. Just a few questions.

    Just started playing a few days ago. Died many times and spawned back, but seem to have lost my history. My achievements. First time I lost my clothes and had to start from scratch and redress my pirate guy. What do I get to keep and what do I lose when I die? There doesn't seem to be any save game option. Also, starting out I play solo, but each time I die, and respawn, my option to go solo changes back to matching me with a crewmate. Since I'm starting out I'd rather learn the ropes, then once I feel competent at the basics, then I'll start looking for crew. But the game doesn't seem to want me to play solo. Also, I lose my missions and start it seems randomly in other places, completely different to where I started before...

    Can anyone explain what's happening and how this works? I'm kinda confused. Thanks in advance.

    Okay trying to break this down.
    If you die you appear on a ferry of the damned, you can leave after a couple min.
    You loose nothing on your person as far as clothes.
    You will spawn back at your ship.
    If you are going back to ship selection you are somehow logging out and back in.
    Starting off is always random at an outpost if solo and private crew.

  • So you should not be having to make a new character each time, something is wrong there. when you make your character that is your character for the rest of the game. When you leave a game all you lose is the supplies on your ship and any treasure you have not turned in. There is no set spawn area so yea you will probably spawn on a different island a lot. usually it is an outpost but not always. An outpost btw is where you can obtain quests and where you can also turn in your treasure. There arr 3 factions in this game(to keep it simple) there are the Gold Hoarders who deal with treasure chests and metal trinkets, Order of Souls which deal with skeleton skulls, and Merchants which deal with livestock, foods like spices and tea, and some other random supplies stuff. You have individual levels for each of these but they all pay you gold for what you turn in. Turning in items will raise your level for that group as well as pay into your overall money(like a bank). what else would you like to know?

  • oh and I made this to help people back in the beta days, maybe you will enjoy the watch:

  • @dragonsire2016 yeah, not sure what happened there. The first few times I died I was on Damned Ship, then spawned either on my ship, losing everything I had earned before dying, or spawned back at the tavern, with no clothes. Go figure. I have since played and it seems my clothes are remaining, and my accumulated total of gold remains, but my quests/missions seem to disappear and I have to start over. Also, sometimes I spawn on my boat at an Outpost, other times I'm on my boat at a secluded island, so then I have to go back to an Outpost to get my quests/missions back. Strange.

  • @anubis316 I didn't lost my charadcter, I lost my clothes. Had to shop for clothes a few times. They didn't stay for some reason. Okay, so that makes sense that I lost my loot when I died. I notice I don't lose my gold once I have sold it to a merchant. I had my ship sink a number of times too, and because of that lost my quests/missions, so had to go back and retrieve them after respawning. Problem is a few times I respawned at a completely different place, with no quests... so had to travel back to an Outpost. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it, but it is very frustrating to lose everything you worked for. But I understand why that makes sense. Once I spawned back to my boat and was killed instantly by the pirate who killed me the first time. I kept spawning back and he would kill me again. I realized the only way I could break that cycle was to scuttle my boat. But then I started from scratch again and would have to find an Outpost if I don't spawn in the Tavern - but beside a deserted island somewhere... At least I have a new boat - and my clothes and gold are staying with me, if not my quests and loot.
    I'm cool with being killed for my loot, it's just the unpredictability of respawning in a completely different place on the map that confuses me I guess.

  • @anubis316 said in Save Game & Questions:

    oh and I made this to help people back in the beta days, maybe you will enjoy the watch:



  • @starship42 You aren't leaving the server when you die, are you? You should only lose your voyage if you leave the server. And, if you go in on a Closed Crew, it shouldn't automatically match you with anyone. You can even prevent friends from joining you on a closed Crew by changing the setting under Crew Management.

  • @starship42 yea what Bran said, you should not be losing your voyages, I think you might be doing something wrong. And yea some people spawn kill, nothing to do about that. One of the great things about this game is the online openess of the game, sometimes tho that can really ruin your time, but overall I think it is best. Things will get a lot easier as you get more into the game I promise

  • @starship42 First off, welcome to the game and forums.
    Don't solo mate, that is the hardest mode.

    As others have said, you shouldn't leave the game. Normally when you die you will be sent to the "Ferry of the Damned" where after a minute or so the door will open allowing you to walk through and re-enter your current game. Usually back on your ship.

    Your character and all it's clothing should remain with you forever. As will any cosmetic upgrades you have purchased in the game.

    If your experience is not as described then your installment of the game has a problem and you should get hold of tech support via a report ticket.

    Click here to send a report ticket

    Before doing so I'd like you to join me (or anyone one else from here) in a game just to see what exactly is going on with your game.
    Please feel free to look me up on the Xbox app and send me a message when you are ready to play.
    Gamer tag: Admiral RRRSole

    edit: Having read your follow-up posts I realize it differs from the assumptions made going by your OP.
    Sorry for not reading the whole thread before replying.

  • @bran-the-ent Hi, I am using Xbox One, so I'm not sure if I am leaving a server or not. How do you see if you are leaving a server? Maybe I'm missing something (Not maybe, I know I'm missing alot, heh). Okay, so spawning after dying in-game, and spawning into a game, to play - that is, I ended my game previous cause I'm tired, then restart later - do these cause two different things to happen? All I can tell you is it seems that sometimes I lose my quests (from the table on my boat), and sometimes I don't. I have the feeling that maybe how I exit a game and come back in makes a difference, no?
    Okay, so as for the crew matching... It has stopped recently because I changed something in my settings. But it took a few trys - the setting change didn't stay right away. After a few times of repeating the change in my settings, it finally stayed and I was no longer assigned a crew mate (again, not that I'm being anti-social, I just prefer learning as much as I can first, then maybe I'll try teaming up with others.)

  • @anubis316 Heh, yeah, it was kinda funny when it happened. I am really warming up to this game and am enjoying it as I learn more. A lotta fun. I just wanted a sense that I was making some progress, that's all. Thanks.

  • @starship42 Honestly mate, I understand your way of thinking and can appreciate many of us thought the same, but going it solo is the most difficult game mode to play Sea of Thieves.
    Try to find a friendly person to play with and teach you the ropes.
    We all had to learn at one point so we understand how steep the learning curve is.

    I have currently been teaching my (real life) mate's son, whenever he gets on.
    I find it a pleasant change of pace. :o)

  • @admiral-rrrsole Hi, yes, I do go to the Ferry of the Damned, for sure. It's just where I end up after that that sometimes confuses me. It could be I am mixing up the times I spawn after death, with the times I re-enter after quiting for the day. I'll have to keep better track of exactly what's happening each time. Today, I entered the game and spawned into a Tavern on an Outpost. But I had no quests from my last game, on the table on my sloop. So I had to get them again. I also died because I accidentally sunk my boat when I crashed against some rocks at night. Yet when I met the mermaid (?) and re-spawned, I was in a completely different place (not an Outpost), with a new boat, and only one of the 3 quests available. Other times though I know I've lost my quests entirely. I could be misunderstanding what's happening though because I'm new to the game and all the details are kinda overwhelming right now. The clothing problem only happened the first few times I died. Now I've quit and re-entered a number of times since and my clothing is staying on me. I think the installation is okay, I'm just confused by everything, the mechanics, etc. There's a lot to absorb. I've only been playing for about 3 or 4 days now - maybe 6 to 8 hours total. Thanks for the offer. Next time I'm on I will definitely look you up. Cheers!

  • @starship42 said in Save Game & Questions:

    @admiral-rrrsole Hi, yes, I do go to the Ferry of the Damned, for sure. It's just where I end up after that that sometimes confuses me. It could be I am mixing up the times I spawn after death, with the times I re-enter after quiting for the day. I'll have to keep better track of exactly what's happening each time. Today, I entered the game and spawned into a Tavern on an Outpost. But I had no quests from my last game, on the table on my sloop. So I had to get them again. I also died because I accidentally sunk my boat when I crashed against some rocks at night. Yet when I met the mermaid (?) and re-spawned, I was in a completely different place (not an Outpost), with a new boat, and only one of the 3 quests available. Other times though I know I've lost my quests entirely. I could be misunderstanding what's happening though because I'm new to the game and all the details are kinda overwhelming right now. The clothing problem only happened the first few times I died. Now I've quit and re-entered a number of times since and my clothing is staying on me. I think the installation is okay, I'm just confused by everything, the mechanics, etc. There's a lot to absorb. I've only been playing for about 3 or 4 days now - maybe 6 to 8 hours total. Thanks for the offer. Next time I'm on I will definitely look you up. Cheers!

    The game won't save the way you are describing. You only keep your voyages and items while in your current session. Once you log out you lose voyages and items on your ship. You shouldn't lose any customization purchased and losing clothes after dying has been a bug but I thought it was fixed.

    When you get in, you can customize your ship but it has to be done each time. You can put down voyages, but any you had before you logged out will be lost. Any chests, skulls, or voyages you have on your ship when you log out are lost.

    I do suggest you take @Admiral-RRRSole * up on his offer. He's an old salt, but a kind one. Even just for the basics like I've described, it wouldn't hurt. I would offer my help, but I'm not on as much as he is.

    *I get wanting to do it on your own! I only play with family. I just really think it would be a great experience!

  • Thank you for the kind words @pumpkinkangaroo . Yer check is in a bottle, I swear. :o)

    @starship42 I be as honest as any salty ol' pirate can be and I promise to evenly split everything with ya 20 / 80. hehee

    Nah mate, regardless of how many are in your crew each player still gets the same (full) amount of loot. It does not get divided.

  • @starship42 I play on PC, but I think that the menu is pretty similar. If you end up going back to the Main Menu where you can select an open closed crew or where you see your pirate in a cool pose with a barrel or some such item, then you’ve exited the server and you will have lost any voyage you had on the table and any loot you had on your ship. When you come back in, you will most likely spawn at an Outpost with a default ship and nothing on the table.

    If you die without having your ship sink, you will come back to your ship from the Ferry and everything should be there. If your ship sinks, you will spawn at an island or outpost with your ship there in the livery configuration you had and your voyage should still be on the table, but any items you had aboard will either be in the hands of the person who sank you, or floating where the ship sank, sitting on the sea floor where it sank, or despawned.

  • @bran-the-ent Ahh, ok. I think this was where I got confused. Each scenario you mention has a different outcome. So based on what you've told me, if my boat sinks somewhere, then I respawn with a new boat, I should be able to go back to where my old boat sank and salvage my loot? (Assuming noone else has claimed it?). I noticed last time I played I was travelling somehwre, and enroute I noticed a collection of barrels just floating in the water. I was tempted to stop and pick them up, but the Megalodon was following me around at that moment and I didn't think it was a wise idea to jump in the water. So I left the barrels where they were. I assume this was loot that belonged to another player's boat after it had sunk for whatever reason? Which brings me to another question. The Megalodons... they don't always attack it seems. Sometimes they just shadow you or follow you, then go away. I have found that if I slow down they won't attack. I've been followed maybe a dozen times, but only attacked once, and I think, though I might be wrong, the reason he attacked me was because I was going full sails/speed. He mostly leaves me alone when I'm sailing slowly. Do you find that too? Thanks for the info.

  • @starship42 The barrels in the open sea are basically resource drops for bananas, planks, and cannonballs - you can see the birds over them (a few birds = barrels, lots of birds = shipwreck). If you see chests, skulls, cages, or Gunpowder kegs floating in the open sea then it is something another player has either dropped or left behind when sunk. I know that megalodons come in varying temperaments, but, beyond that, I don’t know what causes them to attack vs not.

    If you go back to find your loot and it was just off shore or in a relatively shallow area, you might have to dive down. Loot starts sinking after a few minutes (Gunpowder kegs take longer to sink.) I went back to where I sank once, and the GP kegs were floating and my other items were on the sea floor.

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