Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6

  • @xmaster13ag used 4+ gunpowder on a single statue and hasn't broken lol

  • @murkrage also fun to play with randos who have no mics and sound on and drop anchor and drop loot off ship and light gunpowder to kill own crew makes it real enjoyable for us single peeps to wanna step out into the doors of stupid

  • Something TOTALLY random...

    Joe is looking MUCH better, more refreshed and alive now. It's great to see him like this again :)

    You guys should have more Holidays more often, @khaleesibot R')

  • @soundwavedebomb said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    @murkrage tell that to the devs who want to "make more crews work together" yet its so easy to spawn camp a sloop and camp ladders and enforces this good behaver by offering a dog treat to those that be friendy when they see a dev ship and be nice for someone who as boatswain and pioneer founder and insider tags HMMM

    I'm not too sure what you are trying to say here matey.

    I'm sorry you're being spawn camped on your sloop, unfortunately there are still some scallywags out there. You can counter this by scuttling yer ship. I understand this can be very annoying, you probably have some treasure stashed on yer ship. But if they are camping yer ship, you probably won't be able to save it anyways.

  • LOL WOW wish I would of known they were going to give titles for the legendary commendations, thanks for letting us know after the event, would've actually tried to finish them guess im out a title now :(

  • @murkrage missing the point you legit cant fight against a loading screen spawning you with black then back to death you go this has nothing to do with scallywags lol the devs expect us to work together when they cant even fix small inner things within the game like toxic crews on your own crews and the only way onto another person ship is a ladder or a very lucky cannon shot and better yet you cant take gunpowder into a cannon with you these post to some people might be just me complaining but its the harsh truth on why this game is barely making it and making weekly vids saying they are listening isn't gonna help it in honest statement of what you said if this is more of a multiplayer game remove the sloop from the ship selection

  • @soundwavedebomb said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    @murkrage missing the point you legit cant fight against a loading screen spawning you with black then back to death you go this has nothing to do with scallywags lol the devs expect us to work together when they cant even fix small inner things within the game like toxic crews on your own crews and the only way onto another person ship is a ladder or a very lucky cannon shot and better yet you cant take gunpowder into a cannon with you these post to some people might be just me complaining but its the harsh truth on why this game is barely making it and making weekly vids saying they are listening isn't gonna help it

    This has everything to do with scallywags that are spawn killing you, that was the entire point you made earlier. They have made some incredible improvements regarding spawn times and the way you spawn in. It's getting harder to spawn kill you, but it still happens.

    So what I'm saying is that if it happens, like you said, you should scuttle your ship. It's not ideal, but it's a quick way to stop them from doing it to you personally.

    Yes, the ladder is one of the ways to get on. It takes practice and knowing how to time it before actually being able to do it. Sometimes you'll run into crews that have got their ladders covered and sometimes you'll run into crews that are completely oblivious.

    I, personally, haven't had too many bad experiences with random open crews. That being said, I cannot recommend the Sea of Thieves Verified Discord server enough! Look for a crew to help you out there. There's amazing people on there :D

  • Athena skull's are not showing up on the bounty paper and not spawning on there designated island. This needs to be fixed and fast.

  • @murkrage [Mod edited] you legit not read what I said about random bad crews [Mod edited] on every singleplayer person and saying you never wanted to just play by yourself on a sloop yea its annoying to scuttle a ship but its legit the only option you have to do legit you cant defend your ship when you want to fight and if you say no you never want to single player on sot [Mod edited] maybe you should convince the devs to remove sloop and tell me and every single player person we are wrong or they are afraid to do it cuz they might loose even more of what playerbase they have left

  • @primal-wave Aye that be a known issue.

    Keep your eyes on the following topic:

  • Skeleton captains are not showing up on their bounty paper nor spawning at their islands. This needs to be fixed fast.

  • Hi,

    I've raised a ticket and tweeted SoT Support, but since the Sunken Curse update today, my pirate avatar no longer appears in any menus, and my in-game avatar is completely different, and by that I mean "completely" different i.e. different face, body, clothing etc.

    I'm thinking the avatar is a default one?

    Thankfully my Gold Hoarder levels, Order of Souls etc are still ok, and my in-game items that I've bought from the shops and shipwright are all ok

    It's just the avatar that's messed up

    I've reset both the PC and the game, and it's still the same

    Correct Avatar, and how it was before today's update in-menu and in-game
    Correct Avatar

    Incorrect avatar in-game, and no avatar in menus
    Incorrect avatar

    No avatar in menus

    No menu avatar


  • Watching the official video about the new patch and hearing the pronunciation of 'water' made me want to share this old UK TV commercial...

  • @soundwavedebomb said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    @murkrage [Mod edited] you legit not read what I said about random bad crews [Mod edited] on every singleplayer person and saying you never wanted to just play by yourself on a sloop yea its annoying to scuttle a ship but its legit the only option you have to do legit you cant defend your ship when you want to fight and if you say no you never want to single player on sot [Mod edited] maybe you should convince the devs to remove sloop and tell me and every single player person we are wrong or they are afraid to do it cuz they might loose even more of what playerbase they have left

    I don't appreciate you talking to me like that, so I have reported you accordingly.

    I haven't once said I never want to play as a solo sloop in Sea of Thieves. I've spend a good amount of time alone on a sloop when my regular crew would log off. When I'm on a sloop I always keep a weather eye because I know the dangers around me.

    You have to understand that solo on a sloop is like hardmode in this game. A sloop can be sailed solo, but should be sailed as a duo. Much like a Galleon can be sailed with three people, but should be sailed with four.

  • Gotta work today at my Web Host job but after the kid is in bed its a hunting we will go. Fired it up this morning and played for 20 and found a statue. We went to Mermaids hideaway as it was the obvious place to begin and found a small Emerald (I think) statue and destroyed it with a few sword hits.

    The stability and performance issues on the PC that have been improved have really been noticeable for me, I play on Cursed for all the settings just to get the best performance I can and before I had strange ping rate increases when sailing into an island or getting close to an area where other players were but this is improved, sometimes still get slight lag and I still play with the FPS and Ping on so I can see what the issue is.

    I did speed tests and used tcpoptimizer from and running as administrator I set the optimal settings and this really helped me too. FYI, after any Windows update I recommend running it again as updates can revert settings.

  • Even though it’s not mentioned I’ve noticed an impressive increase in the games draw distance. I saw players running around a galleon from a 100 feet away. Before this patch I’d see players pop in and out from 20 feet away.

    Really grateful. Hopefully this sticks around and doesn’t go back next patch.

    P.S I’d still really appreciate text chat for Xbox.

  • @murkrage I at no point talked to you in a not nice tone I said [Mod edited] I didn't swear at you or call you names and if your going to report someone keep it to yourself this is a decussion forum about the latest update not a report thread to tell everyone if you step out of line im going to report you don't post on this decussion I wont tell you to take the report back its your choice weither to report also about the thing yu said your crew goes offline what if you don't have any friends and again you avoided my question about the bad crewmates and etc that turn singleplayers away from doing multiplay wich everyone can see

  • Just a tip, Powder Kegs are your friends against these statues.
    However, the Ruby ones regen really fast, so gotta be on them link stink on a gold hog

  • @personalc0ffee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    Some players may continue to hear muffled sounds after being fired from a cannon.
    We have reports that being fired out of a cannon again clears the muffled sound.

    I wish I would have been here to reply early.

    You do not have to fire yourself out of the cannon again to fix that.

    You have to grab the cannon, let go of the cannon, (this clears it thinking it is loaded), then you have to get into the cannon, and exit the cannon again.

    That will fix the audio.

    Unfortunately this isn't always the case. I thought this too, because that's how I got it fixed the first time I came across the bug, but then in a later session that solution didn't work for me and the only option was firing myself out of a cannon.

    @soundwavedebomb said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    @murkrage I at no point talked to you in a not nice tone I said [Mod edited] I didn't swear at you or call you names and if your going to report someone keep it to yourself this is a decussion forum about the latest update not a report thread to tell everyone if you step out of line im going to report you don't post on this decussion I wont tell you to take the report back its your choice weither to report also about the thing yu said your crew goes offline what if you don't have any friends and again you avoided my question about the bad crewmates and etc that turn singleplayers away from doing multiplay wich everyone can see

    No mate, I am not avoiding your question regarding bad crew mates. I've given you solid advice on how to find good crew mates. The Sea of Thieves Verified Discord server.

  • Hi there pirates, we have updated the Patch Notes. The following sections have been updated in order to reflect our current Known Issues. We're investigating the bug around Athena's Fortune Bounty Quests as a matter of urgency and will be working through the night to find a solution. We'll have an update for you tomorrow.

    @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    Patch Notes - 1.1.6

    Fixed Issues

    • Bilge Rat Doubloons which were earned but not rewarded correctly as part of the Skeleton Thrones Bilge Rats Adventure will be awarded.
      We are rolling out a fix over the next few days for players to receive Bilge Rat Doubloons which were not awarded correctly for the Skeleton Thrones event.
    • Upon impact, cannonball knockback no longer causes unintended damage to fellow crew members.
    • Bear & Bird Figurehead Loading Screen is now localised in all available languages.
    • Mysterious Stranger conversation text is now correctly localised in German, French, Italian and Spanish.
    • Ghost Trousers no longer appear broken on certain body types.
    • Bilge Rat Trousers no longer appear inconsistent when equipped with a peg leg and mid-length boots.
    • The Bilge Rat progression UI now correctly counts Gunpowder Skeletons event Titles towards the overall Title count.
    • The option to enable and disable the Player Talking Indicator has been added back into Settings.
    • Players should now see all their items once they have joined a new server.
    • Loading Screen tips should no longer be clipping on 4:3 display screens.

    Known Issues

    • The 'Gunpowder Plot' Commendation and its Legendary Commendation counterpart may not unlock.
      We are investigating a fix for this issue. The time-limited Gunpowder Skeletons event cosmetics will be available again in the future for any players wishing to complete the set.
    • The Hungering Deep rewards were not received by a number of players who earned them.
      We are investigating a resolution for this and will share information when available.
    • Athena's Fortune Bounty Quests are incorrectly blank.
      We are currently investigating a fix for this issue as high priority.
    • Players may experience details of their pirate (such as hair colour / scars) looking different from their initial selection.
      We are working on a way for our Customer Support team to reset your pirate to your original selection. If you have experienced this bug, please ensure you have logged a Support Ticket for this issue.
    • Some players travel in an unintended direction when fired from a cannon.
    • Some players may continue to hear muffled sound after being fired from a cannon.
      We have reports that being fired out of a cannon again clears the muffled sound.
    • The UI and pirates in the 'Select Your Pirate' carousel may not be visible for some players.
      We have reports that the UI and pirates become visible after a few minutes.
  • @micro666 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:


    I've raised a ticket and tweeted SoT Support, but since the Sunken Curse update today, my pirate avatar no longer appears in any menus, and my in-game avatar is completely different, and by that I mean "completely" different i.e. different face, body, clothing etc.

    I'm thinking the avatar is a default one?

    Thankfully my Gold Hoarder levels, Order of Souls etc are still ok, and my in-game items that I've bought from the shops and shipwright are all ok

    It's just the avatar that's messed up

    I've reset both the PC and the game, and it's still the same

    Correct Avatar, and how it was before today's update in-menu and in-game
    Correct Avatar

    Incorrect avatar in-game, and no avatar in menus
    Incorrect avatar

    No avatar in menus

    No menu avatar


    Ahoy there, this is something which Rare are monitoring, so thanks for submitting a Support ticket - this also is what we would advise to any other pirates encountering any appearance issues with their characters.


  • Very boring Bilge Rat Adventure!
    Just need to find and destroy statues without challenge. No different curses, all statues with the same Damage Over Time effect.
    Iexpected to see something like mermaids mini-bosses like sketeton captains. But Rare gave us adventure "Spam one button and do it few seconds!"
    Skeleton Thrones was fun. Gunpowder Skeleton was amazing and very fun. But this one... very very boring and not interresting!

  • I don't really like how some statues can only be destroyed with the help of other crewmates (unless there is a way and I simply don't know it yet, in that case please let me know). I'm of the opinion that anything should be possible for solo players as well.

    And I have to be honest, while I appreciate that underwater exploration is getting a bit more attention -- especially with the possibility of finding some treasures here and there -- I don't really find it entertaining to spam left click over a statue and be done with it. I would've expected something different, unless there is more to this update and I don't know.

    I'm still looking forward to the future updates though.

  • @murkrage and iv talked about this whole time how this event legit forces people to group up when they don't want to even if you can complete this yourself why have the sloop in game yea youv givin advice about how to find a good crew but that's not the point im making plus you threatened me with a report for posting my discussion in some way iv offened you posting my opinion as a pioneer this just shows me even pioneer can be abit toxic if they don't see something they like and keeps me away from the game more

  • @gotgabriele @murkrage I agree with you Gotgabirele iv legit used 4+ gunpowder on a statue at same time and hasn't broken

  • @knightx13 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    @treefittymonsta said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    Wow still no cannon fix.......

    I honestly sort of hope they don't fix it....functionally it acts as a "misfire" for stuffing your pirate into a cannon.

    Great notes and can't wait to explore the depths shallows.

    I was thinking this too. I sometimes wish that 1 in 20 flintlock shots misfired for historical accuracy but I have a feeling I would regret that suggestion immediately in the middle of a heated battle!

  • Most importantly, you can find snake baskets in the world now! Found one on the beach near some barrels.

    Spoilers ahead!

    About this event though I have to say, I had more fun with the previous events (yes even thrones).
    Unless I'm missing something, you just go from island to island and hit a statue that is either on the beach or in the water. The statues only do a ticking damage and...that's it.
    I thought there is some kind of a curse going on? I died to one but nothing happend.

    I really hope this is sort of a "pre event" that will lead to some real mermaid lore and content. Unlike the megalodon and the gunpowder skeletons, these add nothing to the world after you finish the commendations, which is a shame.

    This is probably my own fault though, for thinking this will be a bigger update ^ ^

  • @soundwavedebomb said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    @murkrage and iv talked about this whole time how this event legit forces people to group up when they don't want to even if you can complete this yourself why have the sloop in game yea youv givin advice about how to find a good crew but that's not the point im making plus you threatened me with a report for posting my discussion in some way iv offened you posting my opinion as a pioneer this just shows me even pioneer can be abit toxic if they don't see something they like and keeps me away from the game more

    Given that this is a multiplayer game, I don't see anything wrong with having parts of the game requiring multiple players to achieve. If you don't want to play with other people, then that is fine. You can take on the things that don't require other players. No one is forcing you to do the things you don't want to do.

    The point you were making, at least from what I've read, is that you are turned away from playing with random crew mates because they annoy you or grief your session. That is a very valid point, there are absolutely annoying and griefing people out there that just set out to ruin people's day in an open crew. So my advice to counter that, is to find yerself a proper crew of like-minded pirates that can help you on your adventures.

    No I didn't threaten to report you, I actually reported you. You don't have a proper discussion and then turn around and call someone dense. That's now how a healthy discussion works mate. On top of that, I don't appreciate being called dense. This has nothing to do with me being, apparently, toxic or my Pioneer status.

  • @murkrage if I didn't have a proper discussion then what was I talking about for half the time you even just said from what I can see I have a valid point

  • is it possbile destroyin some statues on a solo sloop?can i enocunter them on a solo sloop?

  • @weedstar-deluxe said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    is it possbile destroyin some statues on a solo sloop?can i enocunter them on a solo sloop?

    I believe as I was told Sapphire is one person, emerald is two people, diamond is three and Ruby is four

  • @ve111a thank you

  • @soundwavedebomb said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    @murkrage if I didn't have a proper discussion then what was I talking about for half the time you even just said from what I can see I have a valid point

    A valid point does not make a discussion healthy. To be fair @Murkrage has given some pointers in order to help you out. A discussion is people sharing their opinions experiences to address a matter. Sometimes there can be no winner in a discussion. In someone expressing their opinion towards yours and calling the person dense it (and i agree with murk here) is not a way to follow up on a discussion.

    So guys both agree to disagree ;) And fight it out on the sea's :) SLOOP BATTLE xD

    Other then that have a good day all!
    Mucho love

  • @mr-shatango yes but im not even asking to find a good crew im addressing the fact that even singleplayer people cant even finish a bilge rat adventures where the devs even said they are making this game to make your own adventure and freedom and I cant even have the freedom to finish there content alone wich is still forcing me have to play with others when I don't want to when I want to just enjoy a well done game alone on my own adventure but cant

  • @khaleesibot THANK U GUYS FOR THIS GAME

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