The battle of the hungering one

  • Aye our tale be one for the ages. We first went and found all of Merricks old doscarded journals and discovered the beasts location and how to end him for good. We however the first time were excited and rushed and went to fight him with 20 planks and about 40 cannon balls and 3 people 2 died and were not on our ships roster. The beast got the better of us this time and I vowed to not make the same mistake again. I gathered as many supplies as our galleon could carry and headed to Merrick to find like minded pirates to help us slay the beast. We waited about an hour, Solo sloops came and went sadly none had a drum to entice the beast until one other galleon came by with a friendly drummer aboard and a solo that left earlier returned to get his drum. So here we are our 3 man crew marking the other 2 ships maps where to meet and instructions on carrying the tune and off we went.
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    as we got the beast we offered our knowledge on how to slay him and we summoned the foul creature to end him for good. The fight was long and full of terror, Our sloop on the right getting attacked endlessly by the beast, The Galleon on our left running out of supplies all the time communicating with each other with our speaking trumpets and assisting everyone. Finally we did it, He died and the sloop sank with him however our friend like Merrick lived to tell the tale. The crew of the sinking galleon gave thier ship a send off and off we went 7 pirates on one galleon. We returned to Merrick with news of it's demise and to claim our reward. This was some of the most fun I have had in SoT so far and was surprised and excited to actually WORK with another crew. Rare you did this right you made a way for people to work together and made it so EVERYONE gets the same reward and doesn't have to fight for a solo loot boss drop. We played music, We danced, and we dueled giving our rag tag crew a good sendoff.
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