Kill/Sink count

  • Last night we must have been on the easiest server in history. 2 of us, and we went 21 and 0 against mostly galleys. We took 2 forts and did gold digs in between and sunk EVERYONE. We were wishing every sink u get, a mark gets carved into your ship, until your sunk. Be a cool thing to use for bragging or intimidation.

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  • @johnny-vain I actually like that idea of some fairly inconspicuous but still noticeable counter for ships sunk until you get sunk. Like a Dothraki braid 😁.

  • @mysticeagle21 while were at it, lets add explosive rc cars, attack dogs, AC 130 and for really high counts a tactical nuke

  • @stubbierbell598 I feel like you're making a CoD reference.

  • @mysticeagle21 nope. All random ideas at the top of my head

  • I like this Idea, but I am a fan of stats, sinks/kills on your ship. Are you sure you fought off 21 Galleons though? Seems a bit exaggerated.

  • @stubbierbell598
    All he said was putting marks on your ship.

  • @johnny-vain like the cannon holes in your Ship?

  • Would be cool if the more ships you sunk the more ghostly your ship becomes, or some other indicator that the ships crew are not to be reckoned with, then once you achieved the amount of “notoriety” or whatever they would call this feature that you desire, you could use this as an aid to questing uninterrupted lol, but any pirates who want to face a challenge will still head for you.

  • @jonicus-05 yep, but not fought off. Just fought, and we got to where it was almost a joke. I'm pretty sure it was the same ships over and over. Only what...3 galleys per and 5 sloops or whatever it is

  • I don't think anything that encourages killing is a good idea.

    This isn't cod.

  • @johnny-vain
    Ah gotcha.

  • The data is definitely there on the back end - early testing emails from alpha and pioneer showcased some of the session details such as: cannonballs fired, total gold cashed in as well as some of the ‘top player’ stats for pvp kills.

    So it’s not far off to have stats and metrics broken down and made available in a players game progression summary - localized to console and individual.

    In game might be a little trickier, only because it would have to be live and session-based for each active crew on each active server.

    Also considering adding an in game indicator like notches on ship or small visible pennant/crossbone flags... would be a significant change to implement, considering it would be a data driven, real time sprite and texture inclusion. Not impossible, but a considerable undertaking for developers.

    Maybe an expansion of the My Crew menu item would be the easier route - adding a “Crew Stats” area that would track for the active session/ship/players?

    I’ve always been an advocate for this sort of data and metrics - and I think it can be achieved.

  • Yeah, this is mostly a PvP game. Adding KDA for pirates and ships is not unreasonable.

  • I never want k/d stats tracked or displayed in this game, personally. It's one of the things that sets it apart from all the other games out there, and luckily Rare want it this way too - it's not an oversight, it's an intentional omission, to remove the incentive to 'improve' your k/d ratio.

  • The only marks on your ship should be the battle scars and tattered paintwork from past encounters.

  • @moomintroll said in Kill/Sink count:

    I never want k/d stats tracked or displayed in this game, personally. It's one of the things that sets it apart from all the other games out there, and luckily Rare want it this way too - it's not an oversight, it's an intentional omission, to remove the incentive to 'improve' your k/d ratio.

    Totally valid. I feel this would be a ‘nice to have’ and not a ‘need to have’ feature - however a portion of the player base would probably enjoy seeing some expanded and individualized stats, even if it’s viewable only to them in the game progression area.

    K/D ratio has never really mattered to me either, in any game. But I’d love to see how many cannonballs I’ve fired, ship hits registered, bananas eaten, etc - the ‘fun’ stats, yknow?

    Time will tell, and there would be a few ways to implement it - with the lesser involved local stats looking like an easier option than live in-game, session based stats.

  • @scrubber89 said in Kill/Sink count:

    I don't think anything that encourages killing is a good idea.

    This isn't cod.

    As if it isn't a bloodbath on the high seas already, give me a break...

  • You already have people complaining PC has too much of an advantage and you want to showcase numbers? That's a bad idea.

  • @baconwrappedsac Fun stats would be cool, yeah - particular furthest distance fired out of a cannon! That would make a nice little mini-game.

  • Fun stat tracking, as good an idea as it is, might very well lead down a slippery slope to everything being tracked - including the K/D stats that I’m against, for this particular game. If Rare could make it happen without compromising this situation I’d be well up for it.

    Pvp needs looking at, no question. I don’t think stat tracking is the answer though.

    As said before - the sense of freedom that is this ‘no stats’ game far outways the interest for me in tracking and checking stats.

    Plenty of games out there where stat tracking is at their core. Not having tracked stats sets this game apart. In a good and free way.

  • @tyburn-ketch said in Kill/Sink count:

    Fun stat tracking, as good an idea as it is, might very well lead down a slippery slope to everything being tracked - including the K/D stats that I’m against, for this particular game. If Rare could make it happen without compromising this situation I’d be well up for it.

    Pvp needs looking at, no question. I don’t think stat tracking is the answer though.

    As said before - the sense of freedom that is this ‘no stats’ game far outways the interest for me in tracking and checking stats.

    Plenty of games out there where stat tracking is at their core. Not having tracked stats sets this game apart. In a good and free way.

    There's already some 'fun' stat tracking next to your achievements though: Distance sailed, voyages completed, OoS skulls cashed in, MA cargo delivered, GH chests cashed in and islands visited. I agree that they should keep the game itself as stat free as possible and don't really see the need for more stats, apart from maybe a total hours played.

    When you look at the current focus of the stats that Rare present you though, it's clear that the focus is on voyages, sailing and exploration and not on PvP. There's not a single PvP stat being presented and even the achievements only contain 2-3 PvP related achievements. I think this is done very deliberately as PvP, while part of the game, is just a way to handle conflict between pirates but definitely not the main objective of the game.

    I'm definitely against adding K/D stats as that would alter the reasoning for attacking people. It'll change the game to a competetive shooter where the main reason for sinking a ship or killing someone is to increase a number on your stats. Meaningful or deliberate player interactions are always prefered over stat driven killing in my opinion.

  • @fishst1ck

    Silly stats, like how many bananas you’ve eaten, furthest distance fired out of a canon, total grogs drunk, highest cliff dive, furthest depth dived, suicides, number of shark bites received etc would be fun for me. Keep the silliness of some aspects of the game. Firing out of canons? Throwing up from being drunk? I mean ... it’s funny. Keep the humour rolling with some silly stats.

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