Dedicated Servers

  • Okay, I been reading the forums here, and it is clear that we need a series of dedicated servers.

    There are at least three options a player might want to choose from:

    • Xbox only, PC only, or Cross-Play
    • PvE only, PvP only, or Free-for-All
    • Sloops only, Galleons only, or Mixed

    By my reckoning, that would require at least 28 classes of Servers to choose from, as shown here:
    Venn Diagram

    Get your act together, Rare! :-)

  • 7
  • Splitting pc and xbox is not gonna happen. Again 100 posts of this

  • And pve servers is discust like 200 post and is confrimt by rare its not gonne happen.

  • @captin1080ti So what u are saying is there is a chance? :P

  • @surveyorpete



    You forgot the server for easy Rep gains (1 turn in grants 15 Rep automatic)

    Forgot the server for no skeletons

    Server for cannonballs doing no damage

    Server for “No Spoilers Ever!”

    And so on.

    I’m so mad these were overlooked

  • PVE is confirmt that its not happening.

    And splitting the comunity would make 3/4 empty servers for pc, and screw up the looking for group for pc

  • oh boy can't wait for the galleon only, no pc, pve server, hopefully it comes with the update that allows me to have the game play itself while I play dark souls remastered

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