Skull Fort Solo

  • So, I just completed a skull fort on my solo sloop. I was even able to hand in all the loot before anybody sunk me.

    I fought off probably 6 galleons and 5 sloops and was sunk twice in the process so I did have to return. The waves of enemies were sometimes easy sometimes a challenge depending on enemy type and whether they had guns or not. Overall it was a rewarding experience.

    There is one thing I want to emphasise though. It was utterly EXHAUSTING. It took about 2 hours including all the PvP and though it's not really the most efficient thing to do, there is a strong sense of achievement. That's rewarding. But god was it exhausting. I don't think I'll ever be doing that again!

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  • @evasive-envy, awesome job!

    I have been wanting to give this a try, but I am just not ready yet. lol

    Though, I have done it with a friend and myself. I am still pretty proud of that.

  • Haha, yes! It can be very exhausting.

    Like many things in this game, I've learned to adopt a self-imposed time limit. If you're having fun, great keep at it. If not, check that time if its over then bail out regardless and do something else.

    Often these activities are not the most efficient or rewarding actions based on time spent. But they are so rewarding in other ways. It's why I love sneaking on ships and pinching things.

  • @evasive-envy I done one myself when the game first launched, i was lucky enough where i didnt get attacked by other players and the fort was exhausting enough like you said! I dread to think what it would of been with other coming for it also!

    Well played!

  • @dislex-fx Hey there. Yeah I feel proud but as I said, I am so drained. Its pretty full on fighting waves and constantly being on edge.

    When I received the key my heart rate went up to a thousand as I was paranoid of being spotted and losing all that precious loot.

    I can say though, that you can definitely do it. It's not so much hard as it is a test of patience and perseverance.

    I hope you complete it solo at some stage. Other than the rewards there's some bragging rights too. Not much but some!

  • @macdoland You're too right. It's easy to lose track of just how long you have spent on one activity.

  • @knifelife That's awesome! You definitely know how I feel! Good on you for soloing it. Its a nice goal and personal challenge. That's why it appealed so much to me.

  • I did it 2 times already solo, 1 time i was completely alone and took about 1 hour. the other one i had to fight of 1 galleon and 1 sloop, and luckily they didn't come back after i sunk them. That took almost 2 hours.
    It really is exhausting and rewarding at the same time. I like it :)

    But if you're not getting the loot in the end its also very disapointing :D That happened to me too already...

    By now i usually look for a good galleon crew, for everything i do. It just makes things so much easier to have 4 ppl working on it, and i found the xbox app is working pretty good to find people. But it's hardly frequented by pc players, because apart from the fact that its just the way to find the most people, this app is NO GOOD.
    But i don't want to start picking on MS again, it got me some decent crews already ;)

  • @twitchtv-mohky Wow! Good on you for having the patience to do it twice! I agree that from now on I'll be only doing things like that in a full crew galleon. Doing it once or twice for the experience is enough. Happy sailing and I hope they do work on the matchmaking and LFG tools as they definitely do need improving.

  • Pics or it didn't happen!

    Lol, just kidding. Way to go! I'm sure it was very exhausting! I've wanted to try to solo a fort, but I've yet to do it. I tip my hat to you!

  • @rob-deaderick hehe, actually, I did take a screen shot of the key and recorded two videos of the galleons I sunk but, looking through the footage, there's no real way to tell I'm alone at the fort. What a shame!

  • @evasive-envy All good! Still a big accomplishment!!

  • Managed one solo last night so can tick it off the list.
    Not only was fighting all the waves of skeletons a pain.

    But so was loading the treasure! Such a long slog

    I was starting to get paranoid as I moved on to the low value items and thinking I should just set sail and go already despite nothing being around me!

  • @Evasive-Envy hi there !

    I know how frustrating it is for a solo player to end a Skeleton Fort. I analyzed these raids for a long time and I create this Thread about Skeleton Forts to make them more dynamic, and to not force players to kill the Captain to open the Treasure Room. I'll let you give your ideas as a solo player, just in case I could have forget something important ! Maybe this will be seen and updated one day in this way !

  • @evasive-envy good job did some alone and what a challenge been lucky only a sloop and a galleon challenged me and they were not good sloop got sunk easily with cannon on fort and galleon got owned by tower crashed on fort lol so was calm only skeleton wave gimne sime trouble gold one with pistol and no more gun powder take me maybe 45 min average still a challenge and good work again !

  • @evasive-envy nice man good job!

  • I've done it twice now. Luckily for me I was on late at night( don't know if that made a difference) and nobody contested the fort. I was able to sail to the fort defeat all the skeletons, take the loot and turn it in all with out seeing one ship on the horizon. Course my heart was pounding as I'm emptying the vault, just waiting for someone to pop out from behind a rock and sink me, but nope I did the deed and gave myself an attaboy.

  • yesterday a raid was for 2-3 hrs active on the server i played.crossed the fort many times n there was no one.just thought about to do a fort alone,how u handle it with the cannonballs,i mean when i die the skellies will respawn on the cannons.can i park my sloop near the fort on a spot where i cant get hit?

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